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Shane and Jocelyn Sams were two elementary school teachers working in

southern Kentucky until 2012 they started a small online business that would
make them millionaires. They were working their 9 to 5 jobs, bringing home
about $5,000/month together after taxes, and had a terrible boss. They hated
their lifestyle and wanted to do more. Sam had read about how to make
money with affiliate blogs and started building a few websites where he would
post a variety of different content. In the early stages of their business, they
were not making much, just a few bucks here and there.
Jocelyn saw what Shane was doing and they started brainstorming ideas on
how to take their business a little further to make more money. They decided
to do what they know best, use their teaching skills. So they started offering
lesson plans, e-books, and other resources to teachers. Their site Elementary
Librarian started growing and they quickly began making a lot of money, so
much they were both able to quit their jobs and focus their time online
business. They are one of our favorite successful online business stories
because they demonstrate how using something you know, that you are
passionate about, can lead to a better lifestyle and income.

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