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Module 5 Wellness Challenge

Now that you have read a little about sleep, recovery, and stress management, it's time
to take on a challenge to help you apply the principles you learned. Remember that you
can either complete the suggested challenge or create your own. Either way, you still
must document the challenge and reflect on the previous module's challenge in this
You will complete several of these challenges throughout the semester, one for every
module. This is also not technically a quiz, but rather a place for you to write down your
challenge. After you submit, I will then go through and enter a grade for the completion
of this assignment.
Note: If you decide to create a challenge, remember that you can use the activities you
do in this class, as long as they still relate to the module topic.

You can choose any of the challenges below or create your own.

Sleep Challenge- Track your sleep times and routines for three days and write what
changes you can make to improve your sleep quality and quantity. (For example, you
may want to not be on a computer or smartphone in the half-hour before you go to bed.)

Recovery Challenge - Use a foam roller (these are available in the LAC gym) or a
tennis ball to do myofascial compression for at least two days.

Stress Management Challenge - Choose one of the 4A’s (avoid, alter, adapt, or
accept) and apply it to a stressful situation you’re currently experiencing. Using one of
these four principles, write the small change you plan to make to change the way you
think about or respond to the situation and then implement it on one day during the
week. (See the Healthy Ways to Manage Your Stress page if you forgot what the 4A's

Challenge Submission
Indicate whether you will be completing one of the suggested challenges that are stated
above in the instructions, or if you will be creating your own challenge. In the space
below, write which challenge you intend to complete.

- This week I will try to accomplish the Sleep Challenge. Between work and
school, my life is very busy and I seem to make sleep one of the least important
things in my life. Since I do work at an Urgent Care, I mostly get home around
midnight to one in the morning and I have to wake up early. However, during the
nights I do not have work, I spend most of my nights on my phone scrolling
through Instagram and end up sleeping at about two in the morning. This week I
will be tracking my sleep cycles and changing my nightly routine. Some things I
will do this week (during the days I don't work) I will make some small changes
and make notes along the week of how I've slept. For example, one thing that I
will do is change the location of where I charge my phone. Normally, I charge my
phone right next to my bed on my night stand; this week, I will move it across my
room onto my desk so I do not have easy access. Another thing I will try to do
differently, is read a book on paper. Normally, I would read something which is
on my phone which may cause some strain to my eyes. This time, I will look for a
good book at my local library and read a book on paper. Another thing I will
change, is not to have my laptop on my bed. Normally, what I would do is, do my
homework in bed because I find it to be more "comfy". However, once I finish my
homework I end up browsing the web for hours. If I abstain from having my
laptop in my bed it will be easier for me to identify my bed as a specific place
used only to sleep. Lastly, something else I would like to do differently is, get in
bed by nine-thirty. I think nine thirty is a really good time to go to sleep especially
when you are going to wake up early for school. With these changes, I hope to
improve my sleeping and feel more energized and ready for the day when my
alarm goes off.

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