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What are the effects bullying has on a victim?

Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that

involves a real or perceived power imbalance1. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to

be repeated over time. Though that is the most common definition, bullying can occur to anyone

(not just school aged children), and it can occur whenever. The reason it is important to spread

awareness and try to prevent it is because it has major effects on the victim. Many are left

traumatized and suffer many long term effects. In some more serious cases, bullying can lead to

suicide or self harm. Bullying affects the mental, emotional, and physical state of a victim.

The first aspect of one’s life that bullying affects is their mental and emotional state.

Bullying someone can lead that person to have social problems, low self esteem, anxiety,

problems adjusting to school, and behavioral problems. Bullying also increases poor

performance in school. A research study done by NICHD showed that anyone involved in

bullying (both the victim and the bully) had an increased risk for depression 2. Those involved

with bullying online had an even higher risk of depression.

Along with the mental health problems bullying causes, it also causes headaches,

increased risk of substance abuse, and increased violence later in life. As previously mentioned,

bullying can lead to depression, and depression often leads to suicide; in fact 60% of those who

commit suicide had major depression 3. In a study done by Dr. Andre Sourander, a professor of

child psychiatry at the University of Turku in Finland, it was found that 20% of those who were

bullied later developed a mental health issue.


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