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Rote Song Lesson Plan Name: Meghan Marshall Date: 3/12/18 Grade/Class: 3° Grade Lesson # 1. Lesson Objectives: (measurable/observable, based on standards and frameworks) Stugénts will: pg-form the song Kookaburra, lyrics and pitches, tenpo, pacing, and solfége. th correct and accurate © National Standards and Frameworks: (list specifics) Create: MU:Cr1.1.3b: Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms and ~*~ melodies) within a given tonality and/or meter. Perform: MU:Pr6.1.3a Perform music with expression and technical ~ accuracy. Respond: MU:Re7.2.3a Demonstrate and describe how a response to ~~ music can be informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as personal and social Assessment: (based on objectives) Teacher observation of class performance. “ Required prior knowledge/skills: 2 -Knowledge of major key solfege syllables from Do to Do -Knowledge of what a 16" note is (half of an 8" note), but they will bé~ retaught the 16" note pattern. Review andior support for new skills needed: Review of major key sallage lables from De fp Do, -Review of 16” note pattérn, specifically four 16" notes, followed by an 8" and two 16ths. Accommodations: (special needs and/ELL) -Pay careful attention to any ELL students, and make sure they have a good grasp of the solfege so they can sing just solfege if they struggle with the English lyrics. -Have plenty of both auditory and visual examples” ae 6 tak wlan? Materials, Repertoire, Equipment needed: L -a space to present the new rhythm stated above So students can visually see it -a piano to check pitches as we sing S -a copy of Kookaburra (for me) so | can maki Cure I'm performing it correctly for the students, -bucket drums 7 -sheet with vatious rhythmic pattems based around 16" notes -sticks for bucket drums 7. Lesson Sequence: We ‘A. Opening (introduction, “do now’, warm up ete.) -singing Bow Wow Wow with lyrics and then with solfege (3 minutes) 8. Learning Activities and Pacing (number and list as many as needed, ‘specific learning experiences and instruction, specific instructions for students and teacher reminders, including review, pacing is allotted ime) x review major Key solfege from Do to Do with hand gestures (2 |, minutes) eZ -introduce 16" note rhythm stated above (four 16ths, an 8", two 16th) (3 minutes) 7 .Can students keep a steady beat? Have them clap the beat to Kookaburra. (2 minutes) | -Teach Kookaburra lyrics by rote, phrase by phrase with repetition. \ Perform Kookaburra with lyrics. (5 minutes) e -Give students starting solfege syllable, have them slowly work out what the remaining syllables are, out of time. (3 minutes), Start to put the solfege syllables in time, phrase by phrase. ( minutes) v Sing all of Kookaburra, with solfege syllables. (2 minutes) C. Assessment Activity (description of evidence of learning from #2, formal or informal, with pacing, either embedded in learning activities or separate) y -Have students perform Kookaburra twice, once with the correct solfege syllables and once with the correct lyric and pitches. (2 minutes) D. Summative Activity/Closing/Wrap-up a -Choose four students to compose various 16" note based rhythms. with sheets of paper with different, one beat rhythms on them (one with an 8" and two 16ths, one with four 16ths, one with two 16ths and an 8", etc.) (3 minutes) -Have the remaining students perform these rhythms on bucket ~~ drums, with accuracy, and work out any difficult spots. (2 minutes) -Choose four new students to compose the rhythms, and continue ~~ until everyone or almost everyone has had a chance to bucket drum AND compose (this will reinforce 16” note based rhythms). (8 minutes -Clean up with the solfege to Bow Wow Wow. (2 minutes) ” E. Secondary/alternative plans: (what could go wrong and how to fix it) -If students can’t handle the bucket drums, have them tap the rhythms Cn their legs without any sticks. -Ifthe bucket drums are unavailable for any reason, do the same as // above -ifthe students are struggling to grap the lyrics or solfoge of Kookaburra, just work on one or the other so there is time to bucket rum (so they can move around a bit 8. Agenda: (to be posted in the classroom) -Bow Wow Wow y -Our friend the Kookaburra! Bucket Drumming Clean up 9. Assignment and Due Date: (if applicable) NIA 10, Teacher Reflection/Evaluation: (following lesson, reflect on process and student response, revisions needed for future use of lesson or subsequent lessons) ‘Students worked very well with the rhythm and melody in the new piece, and even grasped the lyrics and solfege very quickly. Once the bucket drums were ut, though, they struggled to stay focused and on task and we ran out of time to ‘do much with them. | should have them tap the rhythm with their hands on the floor or on their legs next time, and make it clear that this is what they will continue to do throughout the year if they can't stay focused with the bucket drums.

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