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Amani Shami

September 25th, 2018

Art Appreciation 111-201

Van Gogh and Lewitt Line Comparison Essay

Van Gogh and Lewitt’s artworks are similar because they both are very strong in their

Autographic signature. Autographic is what makes an artist stand out using line work. It is they’re style

of line. Van Gogh’s autographic signature is dense brush strokes, using a technique called Impasto,

which is caking on the layers of paint to create actual texture. Lewitt’s autographic signature is very

precise and neat. They differ because Van Gogh’s style is expressionism, and Lewit’s style is minimalism.

Looking at the two different pieces of artwork, you can clearly see the difference on how these two

artists incorporate these styles of art into their work. In Van Gogh’s line work in The Starry Night, you

can see the passion and emotion he has put into this piece. In Lewitt’s piece it looks as if he did not put

as much passion and emotion, and was going for simplicity. These are feelings of the overall line work

content that it gives you as the viewer. I feel that Van Gogh is more successful to me personally because

of the intrinsic value I have for him. I value the emotion and hard work that Van Gogh put towards this

painting. I am also a bit educated on the History of Van Gogh, and that gives Van Gogh’s work more

value to me.

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