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April 23, 2019

Business Ethics
(Pg. 4)
Book Review - The
Tao of Pooh (Pg. 5)
Retro Game
Reviews - Mario
Party 4 (Pg. 6)
Mini Retro Game
Reviews (Pg. 7)
Theatre - Sense
and Sensibility
(Pg. 10)
Film Reviews
(Pg. 10-11)
Table of Contents
Pg. 3 - Gold Car Ad
Pg. 4 - Business Ethics
Pg. 5 - Book Review - The Tao of Pooh
Pg. 6 - Retro Game Reviews - Mario
Party 4
Pg. 7 - Mini Retro Game Reviews
Pg. 8-9 - Tennis Shoes Ad
Pg 10 - Theatre - Sense and Sensibility
Pg. 10-11 - Film Reviews

Business Ethics
William is a part of the Mafia
There was this time a man named William was friends with a man named Robert, these
2 friends had the same job, at some point William became Robert’s Boss, later William
was talking to Robert about him to giving money to one of his clients to become one of
his partners, but then Robert thought “But this wrong, but not only is Robert my boss,
he’s also an old friend of mine, what I do?” Meanwhile Robert agreed as he brought this
up quite suddenly, and if he hadn’t agreed he would’ve been shot, William did hold him
at gunpoint what other choice did he have? So, now Robert is thinking “Should I report
about this to the police?” or “Should I give the money to the client.”
Questions to Ask
• Is this legal?
• Is William actually friends with Robert?
• Should Robert report William’s threat to the Police?
• What would you do in this situation?
• Should Robert get a new job, if things go badly?
Tony is a dangerous man to Society
You work at fancy restaurant, you’ve been working there for 3 years, there’s this guy (he’s
named Tony) who’s been working there for 5 years, this guy finds out Duck Duck Goose is
showing up to the restaurant later and he wants to murder him with poison, causes they’re
super evil or something, I don’t know who that is never heard of them, name sounds made
up. You don’t have much time, so what you do?
Questions to Ask
• Do you ask him why he’s doing this?
• Do you try to stop him?
• Do you tell others?
• Do you tell your boss?
• Do you convince him to not do that?
• Do you do nothing?
Guy cheats on his spouse
Okay, so your work for the news which is unfortunate or fortunate depending on who you
are, but anyway your like a boss there or something, you overhear a conversion about how
one of your workers cheated on their spouse, and their spouse doesn’t know that, one of
the people in the conversion notice that your listening to the conversion and tries to bribe
you, so you won’t say anything. What do you do?
Questions to Ask
• Do you accept the bribe?
• Is this any of your business?
• Do you annoymously tell someone who doesn’t know?
• Do you question why you work here?
• Do you confront the man and fire him, if he doesn’t do anything?
• Do you forget this happened?

Book Review - The Tao of Pooh
The Tao of Pooh is basically just a
book about Taoism. It talks about
the Uncarved Block, the Cottleston
Pie Principle, the Pooh Way, and
That Sort of Bear. It comes from
the Tao-te Ching, the main text of
Taoism, the pu is translated to the
‘uncarved block.’ Again, trying to
simply it as much as possible, the
concept of the pu forms the basis
for the Taoist belief that all of nature
was at its most powerful when it
was in its original, most unchanged,
and natural form. It doesn’t only
talk about Taoism, but it also ex-
plains how the story of Winnie-
the-Pooh is tied into Taoism. The
Cottleston Pie Principle is based
upon the song Cottleston Pie, which
Pooh sang in Winnie-the-Pooh. For
a basic example of the Pooh Way,
let’s recall something that happened
in The House at Pooh Corner when
Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, and Roo were
playing Poohsticks. So, what happened was Eeyore had fell into the river and need-
ed to someone to help him get out of it. They way they got him out was with a stone
Pooh had dropped into the river in an attempt to get Eeyore out, which is what the
result was, so it was a success. This is what happens, when you work with Wu Wei
(which means the mind that sees what’s in front of it, and then follows the nature
of things). That sort of Bear, starting off with Bearthoven, we’ll talk about that for a
minute and a few other things that have to do to with “That sort of Bear.” “Ode to
joy” was sang to both pooh bear and piglet for being fearless and brave. Wisdom,
Happiness and courage never end. they are a continuous cycle in one’s life. Then,
there’s The Stonecutter. The Chinese story of the stone cutter ties into the idea that
piglet is not useless. The man who thought he was useless ended up being the most
important. And then there’s Tiddley Pom Principle. The “snowball effect” (which
means it is a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds
upon itself, and it gets larger, and also perhaps potentially dangerous or disastrous.
It can promote goodness, a bad effect, or respect to build respect. And finally,
there’s Tz’u (Caring, compassion or courage). “Those with no compassion have no
wisdom.” 5
Retro Game Reviews - Mario Party 4
The Last Mario Party Game (until the release of
Super Mario Party) to be considered good by
really anyone. While the boards aren’t the best
(they’re okay), the mini-games are pretty great,
because about half of the time, that’s what you’ll
be doing playing the mini-games. There is a
story mode, there isn’t much to it, you thourgh
the five boards you already have, and then you
go through Bowser’s board and that’s how you
unlock that board, the story mode also helps
collect mini-games quicker. This the last tradi-
tional Mario Party game, as after this game, you
get stars from doing things like buying a hotels,
windmills, meeting a Goomba Pirate at the end
of the board and many more like this, it was
getting ridiculous until the release of Super
Mario Party. I could talk the whole Mario Party
Series for hours, but I want to keep this review
short and sweet. So, if you had to play Mario
Party Game on the Gamecube, I’d either play
this game or Mario Party 7 and its better to play it with friends, that it is to play with just a
few AIs.

A Coat not just

meant for
wearing, but for
fashion as well.

Mini Retro Game Reviews - Poker Night 2
Poker Night 2, a game in which you play Texas hold ‘em
against Characters like Sam from the Sam & Max franchise,
Brock Samson from The Venture Bros., Ash Williams from The
Evil Dead franchise, and Claptrap from the Borderlands series.
I’m not sure I’d recommend this game to anyone, except maybe
if you wanted to learn to play Texas hold’em that’s it. It can be
fun to play some of time, and as long as you know what your doing.
Mini Retro Game Reviews - Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy is a video game, in
which the core gameplay requires
lots of time and practice, and it
was compared to, regarding both
gameplay and level of difficulty,
traditional platform games such as
Super Mario Bros. and Ghosts ‘n
Goblins. I can’t speak on behalf of
Ghosts ‘n Goblins, but as far Super Mario Bros. goes, yeah that game can be difficult sometimes
(Usually more latter into the game). But, anyways this game story is weird, this villain, he has a
strange name, his name is Dr. Fetus and apparently he’s an evil scientist, no liked him, so he de-
cided to steal Meat Boy’s Girlfriend Bandage Girl. This game can be frustrating at times, but very
rewarding in the end, if your into difficult games like this you should totally get this.

Mini Retro Game Reviews - Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Bros. 3, a video game for the NES released in the USA
in 1990, what a great game it is, here’s the story a reptile named
Bowser kidnapped someone named Peach and now Mario has to
rescue her, that’s it, that’s the story, pretty simple and back then that
was pretty the norm, with the only exceptions being RPGs, which
back then those were relatively simple. This game has aged well (at
least when compared to other NES games) and I’d recommend it,
though if you were to get it don’t get the original version for the NES, it’s crazy expensive, The
Mario All-Stars pack for the Wii is a good and cheap option, as there’s a very high chance you or
someone you know has one.

Mini Retro Game Reviews - Luigi’s Mansion

Luigi’s Mansion, a game originally released for the
Gamecube and later released for the 3DS. The Story is
Luigi won a contest, he doesn’t remember entering, he
tells Mario that, Mario gets to mansion before Luigi does,
King Boo turns Mario into a painting, Luigi shows up, he
doesn’t know Mario is, he runs into Professor E. Gadd.
The professor says he saw someone else enter the man-
sion earlier and told Luigi, he was dressed similarly, but he was wearing red with blue, instead of
green with blue. Luigi realizes Mario has disappeared in the mansion and now he has to look for
him. The game can pretty fun to play and you can get through the game rather quickly if you know
what your doing. This game aged incredibly well, I’d totally recommend to just about anybody, a
short, but fun game that’s I personally think is a classic and that
everyone should check it out sooner or later. 7
The Next Stride.
$14.99 9
Theatre - Sense and Sensibility
I went and watched Sense and Sensibility at Hale
Center Theater. (Orem - Picture here on the right),
which was really different from the
sort of acting that you see in
movies, as this is all done live on stage,
albeit a small one, but a stage none-
theless. Some of the people who came to watch the play
dressed up like some of the characters in the play. (Here’s one pictured left)
The story begins with a family mourning their husband and father. The sto-
ry really is about romance and the single young women finding a wealthy
man to marry. The actors are very funny and it’s pretty interesting to see how
they use props because of the very small size of the theater. One of the young
ladies named Marianne loves a man name Willoughby. He is in love with her
and she learns that he took a lock of her hair and kissed it.
Elinor finds herself in love with Mr. Edward Ferrars. Willoughby tells Mari-
anne that he is in love with someone else. She learns that a Miss Grey became
pregnant by him. Marianne has a breakdown and everyone is upset. Mari-
anne becomes very sick but she recovers. At the end of the play Elinor and
Mr. Ferrars get married.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Film Review
This film was great for several reasons. First, its animation is great, as it
sometimes mixes different types of animation together, but
it doesn’t really look too out of place, that its distracting.
Next, its story, it never feels too slow or too fast, it’s pace is
always juuust right and I love it.
The Character interactions all felt real,
it was written quite well, they do make
a few changes some of the characters, if your familiar
with them, like they make Spider-Ham is more animated,
there’s a little bit of slapstick humor with him.
Spider-Man Noir looks less scary, he’s wearing a fedora and cape into the
Spider-verse, when normally, he’s looks like this (Image above).
Overall, I’d recommend you to watch the film, if you haven’t already,
its what you’d expect from a Spider-Man film and I mean that in the best way
possible. P. S. If your into meme culture, stay until the post credits scene is
10 over. I’m sure you’’ enjoy that, or you might just be confused after.
Inception - Film Review
Inception was a film released
on July 13, 2010 and this
movie still holds up well
today, if it ages well, it’s more
likely to become a classic, which what this film is. Leonardo DiCaprio (the same man
who did Jack Dawson in Titanic) is star of this film and the character he play is Dominick
Cobb, he is usually referred to by his nickname “Dom” which is short for Dominick if that
wasn’t clear. Christopher Nolan was the director of this film, he’s the man who directed
the batman films from 2005 to 2012 (the movies being Batman Begins, The Dark Knight,
and The Dark Knight Rises), this man knew what he was doing while directing this film,
the story was made well and the cast and crew helped it make it better with great acting,
editing and many more things to just make the film overall just that much better. There
isn’t really anything wrong with the film, the soundtrack goes well with its scenes, the ac-
tion scenes tend to build things up. For what they had at the time, the technical elements
(cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, etc.) were done well, nothing ever felt out of
place. I know all I’m doing is praising the film, but that’s because it’s a great film and even
thinking about now, I’m having a hard time thinking of something bad to say about it and
I can’t think of anything. No scenes feel to short or too long, it always feels juuuuuuuuuust
right and I mean that. Here’s a brief summary of what the main character’s role is in the
film: Dominick “Dom” Cobb is an “extractor”, who performs corporate espionage using an
experimental military technology to infiltrate the subconscious of their targets and extract
valuable information through a shared dream world. Just from that alone, doesn’t that
seem like that would be interesting film to watch. It’s a great film and all should watch it
and put on the bucket list of films to watch.

Lilo and Stitch - Film Review

There is never a dull moment, when I watched today, it FELT like
time wasn’t passing the movie did what it was supposed to, Mostly
funny, but at time it could be serious and have that be taken serious-
ly. This is a family film, so it can be enjoyed by both kids and adults, that’s what’s
great about it. The movie flows a lot like real life it’s as realistic as it can get, which
is a great way to get your attention and you really do care about the characters in
this film and just wonder what’s going to happen next. It did have a direct-to-video
sequel, a tv show with a film that came before the series and a film after the series,
as a series wrap-up. That did show it had enough popularity to have all those things
I just mentioned, though this film (in my experience), isn’t really talked about now,
most people either talk about the Disney Movies from the Disney Renaissance, the
Golden age, a few from the Silver age, a few recent films like Tangled and Frozen,
and everything else in between. You should watch it sometime if you haven’t al-
October 5th, 2033
Next time, we’ll be
talking about the end
of the world, thanks
to a monster that has
no eyes in sight.
And there’ll be a Film
Review for the 12th
Avengers Movie and
half of the people will
die again.

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