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The intro

‘’Fuckin Michael’’ she yelled on the pouring rain, ‘’stood me up again’’ She cried as she ran trough
the streets, it was almost midnight, she was waiting for him almost 3 hours in the restaurant, she
could feel the looks on her, the smiles of the other successful classy women from her job, the
waiters pity in his eyes...She was broken, her marriage was not working well for a while now...Even if
it all seemed fine, to the others of course, her eyes had less and less glow in them, she got used to it,
being in a luxury house full of house service, but she felt so empty inside, she had what she wanted
her whole life, money, friends, big house, successful husband, but somehow, felt empty again,
missed any kind of adrenalin, any kind of uncertainty... She wore his favourite dress that night,
hoping to surprise him and give him the best sex of his life, but he stood her up again, for another
woman, or just forgot about her she wondered, none of the options gave her any peace... As she
was running away from heavy pouring rain, she stepped wrong on her foot and broke he heel,
*fuuuuck* she yelled, and started crying standing against the wall, as she was soaked in rain more
and more...

Chapter one

The Savoir

‘’Miss... Missss, why are you standing there in the rain.’’ He yelled...
‘’Ha-ha, crazy rich people’’

She moved her hands from her face, rain washing away her tears,
looking at a young man, in his 20’ smiling as he was standing in front
of the door of the building, holding and umbrella over his head,
asking her is she alright...All taking her by surprise, she answered
‘’Y..Yes...I am fine...I mean...No...Yes I am fine’’ She answered as her
face turned red from slight embarrassment... looking away for a

‘’Ha-ha, that’s not exactly an answer Miss, I can see you are a bit
shaken up, listen, I live here, I know you don’t know me, but what
kind of a man would I be if I would not offer help to a lady in need,
come up with me, dry up, and we’ll call you a Taxi’’

He looked at the gorgeous woman, probably in her 30’ in her tight
dress, showing off her cleavage, and her ass almost peeking out, as
the rain is falling on her, just adding more to her beauty. He was
turned on, not even realising it; he was just aiming to help her, since
she was in trouble...

‘’No, I...I am good, I am j...just resting a bit, I live nearby... Thanks’’

She answered, a little scared from unknown man in front of her,

realizing where she is and in what situation...

‘’Alright, your choice, just wanted to help’’ He said with a charming

smile, blinking at her ‘’ If u change your mind, just push the button
23, I’ll open the door for you ‘’ He told her as he opened the door to
come in...

As soon as he was to close them, she said ‘’W...Wait, I changed my

mind, I will come in just so i can call a taxi, but no funny business
ok??’’ Even if she just meet him, she already developed a sense of
trust for him... and now, she needed someone to trust, really
bad..She needed someone to protect her...

‘’Ha-ha, good choice Miss, come on up, my name is Andrej though,

nice to meet you’’ He said smiling...

‘’A...Amanda, likewise...’’ She answered with a slight smile also,

walking up the stairs...

As they entered the apartment, she could feel the warm feeling as
she was out of the rain, she was shaking to that point, all soaked up,
dressed in nothing but a short skirt... She could now feel a bit better,
looking at him as he turned on the light, a tall handsome man stood
in front of her, she could now see him clearly, it was clear that he
works out, or is training something...

He was partially wet as well, smiling at her...She had a feeling that
she has never seen a sexier smile that that ...Yet she stood there at
the door, shy...

He looked at her ‘’ Come on, I don’t bite Miss, Amanda was it, sit on
the couch Amanda, I’ll go change and get u some of my clothes, we
can’t let you catch a cold, then we will call you a taxi, it’s a crazy
storm out there, why would u even go out at a time like this ? ‘’ He

She was embarrassed to tell him the truth, so she lied... ‘’
mom lives near, I...I had to come visit her... She is sick’’

She wasn’t even thinking about all the makeup and the dress, just
said first thing that came to mind...

Seeing that she lied, and the answer was obvious he just smiled and
said ‘’Right, ok.. I’ll go change and bring u some clothes’’

As he was walking away he took off his hoodie, with having nothing
underneath, she could see how ripped he is, maybe the most
handsome man she has seen in a while, her husband doesn’t come
even close to him, even though she truly loves him... She bit her lip
watching him walk away, crossing her legs as she could feel the
tingling sensation between them...

She looked around, it was a cheap apartment, not many stuff in

there, bed, a drawer, an old table, in the same room was kitchen,
small one, with all the, things in it, he had one more room, a
bedroom for sleeping where he left to change, and a door to the
bathroom, that door looked busted a little, she could see the view of
the shower cabin...

She thought, ‘’Jesus, how can anyone live here, it’s so small and
dirty, how can a man like that live here’’
Even though, she pitied the apartment, she still felt good and safe in
it... She was not in a hurry to leave...

He came back, changed, he was wearing shorts and a tight t-shirt,

she could see his muscles trough it, and a slight bulge on the shorts,
but she wasn’t even thinking that that could be his package...

‘’Here, take these clothes, I am sorry I can give you only mine, my ex
moved out a month ago’’ He said smiling, giving her hiss hoodie,
obviously big for her, but she didn’t mind at that moment, she was
just nodding her head looking at his body...

‘’Umm...whoa...Yes... Thanks ok ‘’ She was smiling....

She was waiting for him to go away so she could change..

‘’Um...excuse me...c...can you??’’She started saying..

‘’Oh shiiit...Yea, yea sorry... Here you can go to the bedroom, there
are fresh towels over there, u can dry yourself up Amanda... ‘’

She entered the room, as it was slightly different, with a big bed, a
little dirty, fitting for a man that lives alone... But it had some weird
smell, a stink, if she would even call it like that, it was pleasant, and
not at the same time... It was a smell of a man, hard working real
man, she didn’t feel that for a long time, it was turning her on, she
didn’t even realise that she was standing there for awhile just
inhaling the scent of it, as her legs started crossing again...

She undressed herself, and came out of the tight dress, realising
even her panties were soaked... She undressed completely, in a black
man’s apartment, with a man she does not know, she’s had such a
boring little life up to that point that she enjoyed this, a lot whole
situation was giving her adrenalin she never felt before...

As she was putting on the hoodie, she bends over to put the pans
also, looking all baggy in them, with a wet hair, cute at the same

As she was bent over something was peeking under the bed, she
bent over a little more to take it, and pulled it out, and her heart
started beating a little faster as she was holding a collar and a chain
in her hands... Looking under she saw something resembling a small
dildo, it was sliver, and much wider (Butt plug, but she didn’t know
what it was) And a pair of women’s panties, looking dirty, soaked,
maybe 5-6 of them... Her heart speeded up; she was scared and
turned on at the same time... ‘’Amanda, u ok there ‘’ He said all of
the sudden...

Scaring her almost, she dropped everything that she was holding,
pushing it under the bed right away telling ‘’Y...Yes all f...fine, I am
coming’’ She said as she walked out of the bedroom, looking all shy
and sexy with that wet hair and hiss baggy clothes...

Andrej: ‘’Wow...Sorry... ‘’

Amanda: ‘’For what ‘’

Andrej: ’’Wow not complimenting you earlier, you are beautiful

Amanda; those clothes look good on you’’

Amanda’s heart, rose fast, she was so excited at that moment, if she
could she would run to him and kiss him at that moment, he was
oozing confidence, but the thought of everything else, and the
consequences made her to control herself, and answer as classy as
possible, the way she was learned her whole life...

Amanda: ‘’T…Thanks...they are nice...Um...can u tell me where the

phone is, I need to call my husband!!

Andrej: ‘’Husband? Oh too bad, and here i was hoping u are single,
the phone is on the table, u can call him...Though Miss Amanda’’ He
said seriously ‘’If i was your husband i wouldn’t let you be alone on
that rain, whatever the reason is, u look like u deserve much more
than that ‘’

She looked at him, a little shocked by his words, and how straight
forward he is, biting her lip again, looking more beautiful than ever,
without even realising it, wanting to confirm everything that he just
said, wanting to find something who understands her, appreciates
her for more than her status and money...Who looks at her like a
true woman..Before she could even think about it, the words just
flew out...

Amanda: ‘’Yes, he is an asshole, I shouldn’t have waited for him at

that restaurant, he made me so mad...’’ Realizing what she said, and
that that her lie about the mother was uncovered, her face turned
red she said ‘’I ...I am sorry, u don’t even know me and I am
bothering you with my problems, let me just call him so he can pick
me up’’

Andrej: ‘’Don’t worry about it Amanda, I am just glad I was able to

help, in any way possible, how could i miss getting to know you ‘’

He said smiling at her, as he put his hand on her waist... He was

sending chills trough her body, looking at her from above, as he was
a bit taller... The looks lasted for a moment as she then turned away
to call her husband...

Amanda: ‘’Um...A...Andrej’’ First time she ever felt sure enough to

call him by the name, I think your phone is not working...

Andrej: ’’For real, let me see, it happens sometimes during the

storms, the phone line out here is bad... It happens sometimes...

fuck, it looks like it’s not working...

Amanda: ‘’Oh fuck, it’s 1:30, what the fuck am I going to do now...It’s
a storm outside ‘’ She said looking worried...

Andrej: ‘’Listen, you can always stay here, I think u can trust me now,
I am a fine gentleman’’. He said jokingly... ‘’I will sleep on the couch,
and you will sleep in the bedroom, it’s not a problem, just leave the
door open, so u can stay warm, I don’t have the heat in my bedroom,
cause my main room, warms the bedroom and the bathroom’’

Amanda: ‘’Um...Really, u are sure I won’t be bothering you by

staying?? ‘’

Andrej: ‘’Yea for sure, i am glad to have you here...One more thing,
the door of the bathroom can’t be closed, they are busted for a long
time and a landlord won’t come to fix them, so if u feel the need to
shower, just close them as much as u can, I promise I wont look ‘’ He
said smiling...

Amanda: ‘’Hah, thanks, but I won’t do it, I am too tired for that, I’ll
just go to sleep....’’

Andrej: ‘’Alright, if u need anything i am right here, feel free to wake

me up...Imma go shower now, then will go to bed...Goodnight then...

Amanda: ’’Thanks, will do, goodnight’’

She walked to the bedroom, left the door open as he said, and
undressed slowly, as she undressed she was completely naked , as
her other clothes was soaked in water..., she moved the covers, and
got into bed, covering herself.. As she did, she felt that smell from
earlier, that strong smell of a man, and that made her more horny
than ever, her heart was beating faster once again, she is in other

mans bad, in the middle of nowhere, completely naked... And
vulnerable, and she was feeling happier than ever...

Chapter 2:


She put her head on the pillow, grabbing the covers, and pushing
them between her legs, pressing them between her tights, as she
was inhaling the smell that made her horny...Pushing her head into
the pillow so she can feel it more...She slid one hand between her
legs, only to feel how wet she is, juices already started dripping down
her tights, to the bed... She, pressed on her clit a little hoping it will
satisfied her needs but it only made it worse, she wanted to jump
out of that bed, and rip Andrej’s pants, and fuck him like she never
fucked anyone before... She could not believe the thoughts she was
having or how horny and wet she got just from the smell of his
bed...Her husband didn’t make her wet in a few weeks, didn’t make
her cum in a few years, she didn’t feel the love their whole marriage,
now all that, in one night, with a man she don’t know ...She was
scared, she was horny, and happy in the same time..She continued to
press on her clit and bit the covers so he can’t hear her letting out a
small moan... As she did that, she didn’t realise the time that has
passed, and she suddenly heard water running, she opened her eyes,
moving her hand away from her pussy, scared that he might see her,
as the door are opened... Then her heart started jumping faster than
ever, she was breathing heavy...

There he was, she could see him in the mirror, as the door from the
bathroom were broken, at the entrance was a mirror, over the whole
wall, and the sink in front of him, it threw a perfect look on the
shower cabin, from the bedroom...

He was wearing a towel, but she could see his ripped upper body,
muscles she never seen or felt before, her hand instantly went back
to her clit, juices started running once more, she was rubbing herself
without even realising it...As he finished setting up the heat of the
water, and threw the towel to the ground, his perfect, manly,
masculine body was standing there for her to see, she could not see
the front, but the sight, of his wide back, and huge arms, was enough
for her to slide one finger inside her already dripping pussy, as the
other hand went to the nipples, that were already hard as a rock, as
she inhaled his scent imagining that it is him that she is smelling...

He stepped into the shower and started showering, as water was

running down his body, it only turned her on more...But she could
not see him clearly anymore, and she wanted it, she wanted it so
fucking bad...

Without thinking she got out of the bed, walking slowly to the door
of the bedroom so she can get a better look, she stood there, spread
her legs a little, with back against the wall, watching him shower, as
she was pleasuring himself, she was so scared, but felt better than

Than it happened

As he turned around she made a loud moan, he looked at the door,

but she was able to move her head in the right moment, so he could
not see her...She was amazed, she could not believe what she saw,

She was not sure, so she had to take another look, she was sure that
she was imagining it, thinking to herself ‘’No way, that can’t be his
cock, i have never seen such a thing’’

She took another look, and could not look away; he was standing
there, with his, not even erect cock...

She was trembling, as she slid 3 fingers inside, biting her lip, so she
could tone down the moans she was letting out...

For her, that was the biggest, and most beautiful cock, on an equally
amazing body...It was at least twice the size of her husband... And it
was not even hard... She was almost ready to cum, only from seeing
his cock, she was so excited, twisting her fingers inside her wet
sensitive pussy, shaking against the wall, forgetting about all of it, the
houses, the money, the husband...That cock was all that was on her

She moved the look away forgetting about keeping quiet, and picked
up the pace of fingering, she closed her eyes, and kept on doing it
faster and faster...

As soon as she was about to cum, she opened her eyes, and she
froze completely, legs shaking, as she was about to squirt all over the
floor, juices dripping, her hair still wet, she was looking like a
complete slut in the moment she was at...

Andrej was standing in front of her, completely naked, his cock an

inch away from her...

She opened her mouth to say something, but was unable to say
anything that made sense; she was completely busted, completely
open and venerable in front of him...

Amanda ‘’ Andrej...I...I’’

Then she felt his hand at once, going up to her throat, pinning her
against the wall, she felt a slight squeeze, but nothing that would
hurt her, at that moment, her legs gave out of fear, and she came.

She came instantly but tried to hold it in, she could not, juices were
running down her legs, her smeared make up and her wet hair were
just adding to her looking like a complete dirty slut...

She thought to herself in that brief moment ‘’ How could this

happen, how to me, I am a classy woman, I don’t cheat, I don’t do
bad things, what did I do to get to this point, and oh my God, how do
I get out of it, if I event want to’’

Chapter 3:

The Initiation

Andrej: ‘’So, Amanda, besides being beautiful, I didn’t know u was a

dirty slut also...’’

He said as he was looking at her straight in the eyes, as she was still
shocked by what happened...

Amanda: ‘’No... What...What are you doing, this is not...this...I am


Andrej: ‘’I think that it would be best if u shut up, and relax, I’ll show
you your true self little slut’’

As he said that, he pulled her towards him and turned her around,
still holding one hand on her throat, as the other grabbed her by the
hips and pulled her towards him so she can feel his half erect
massive cock between her cheeks...

She was thinking *No....No way, if he does it he is split me in two,

that thing is too big...*

As she came to her senses a little...she said...

Amanda: ‘’Ahhh...Andr...Andrej please, it’s not what it looks
like...Ahhh... I have a husband... I ...Ahhh...I love him...I was just, it
was just a mom...mmm...moment....Please stop this...’’

She was saying between the moans as she struggled to get away
from him, but without much conviction and strength...

She felt his hand go from her waist to between her legs very fast,
pressing on her clit really hard, as she was very sensitive at that
moment, she let out a little scream...She was weak, she was
uncovered...Caught at the wrong moment, she was in another man’s
apartment, and there was not a thing she could do about it...She lost
the control she had all her life...For the first time, she was scared like
hell, but she was excited equally...

Andrej: ‘’Husband, love him, stop??? Listen bitch, u can’t come into
my apartment in the middle of the night act like a little slut, teasing
me like that, and then expect me to forget it all and do nothing about
it....After all, Imma show you how big of a slut you are, you just don’t
realise it yet... ‘’As he was saying, he slid 2 fingers into her dripping
little pink hole, making her loose all strength, as she was standing
only because of his arms’’ You fucking white bitches, rich and
thinking u own the world, thinking u control everything, that u can
do everything whenever u want, so u think you can finger yourself
and not expect me to fuck u like a little slut...

Listen slut, you are about to lose control, you are about to see your
own life in the hands of other, u are about to be treated like and
object...* He gives her pussy a little slap as he said that * You are
about to be liberated of your own boring life, and you will fucking
like it, you will beg me for more and thank me for it...You made a
mistake, revealing yourself, now you are about to become my
personal fucktoy...’’

As he said that, he slid the third finger in, splitting the soaked wet
pussy with the other two, and twisting the middle one, hitting her g-
spot, making her extra sensitive, as she is trying to talk between the
moans....He is walking with her, holding her from behind, as they
enter the bedroom....He is throwing her to the bed...

Amanda: ‘’ Ahhh....please let...Ahhh ... let me go....mmmmpphh

fuck...I am not that kind of...mmm...woman...’’

As she feel on the bed, on her back, she could take a good look at

There he was, standing in front of her, a real man, his cock 4 times
bigger the her husbands, taking her without her consent, not caring
about what she is saying, cause he sees right through her, sees the
cock hungry adrenalin seeking whore, sees that all the makeup, all
the houses and everything else is a charade made and given to her
by society, he is freeing her of herself...And she never felt
better...She was resisting less and less, she was so close to
completely giving up...

But all the years, all the time invested in becoming what she thought
she is, didn’t let her do it.. She was able to resist a little more, just a
while more, hoping he will stop...And she will be able to lve in her
own world of boring life, because she knows it best, she was scared,
of the unknown, scared of what she might realise, of what she might

He grabbed her by her legs, and dragged to the edge of the bed, then
bent over her, taking both of her hands and putting them beside her
head... Once he did it, he could easily sustain both of her hands with
one of his, so he could have the other free...

He bent over her, holding both her hands, his cock was rubbing of
her pussy, that was already ready to cum again, just from the
sensation of fear, the tip resting on her belly...

She could feel him, she moved up and down, as if she wants to get
out, as the moving was only weaker and weaker, struggles becoming
moans, as she rubbed herself of his massive rod between her legs...

One of his hands suddenly slapped her across the face, leaving her
face with a red mark... She was totally surprised by it, but she didn’t
want to scream, she didn’t want to complain, she liked it, she almost
came from it...

As he slapped her, he told her....

Andrej: ‘’Listen, little whore, if you relax, and are your true self, I
won’t have to go as rough on you, but I will defiantly go rough...Your
choice little slut’’

She was just silent and looking at him, amazed by how much she
liked that, how much adrenalin that gave her, as if she could almost
feel the other person rising inside her, someone much more wild,
dirty, crazy, all that she suppressed during the years was ready to
come out, banging...

She put her legs on his back, because there wasn’t much more she
can do from that position, she pushed herself more into him, so she
could feel more of his full erect cock on her dripping pussy...

He then told her...

Andrej: ’’Listen, stop pretending and be a little slut you are, now here
is how it’s going to go whore’’ He said as he grabbed her by the
chin...’’When i say something, you do it, or this happens’ He then
slapped her again, as she was moaning hard and just looking at him

with lust in her eyes, biting her lip, there was almost no resisting
anymore...’’ U address me only as Sir, or Master, or again, this
happens’’ He did the same on the other cheek, this time she let out a
little scream and answered’’

Amanda: ‘’Ahhh...Y...Yes Sir...J...Just please, be gentle on me,

t...t...that thing is huge’’

It was clearly that even if she said those words, she didn’t mean

Andrej: ‘’Gentle??? I am not your fucking hubby bitch’’ He then

forced a kiss on her, sloppy one, biting her lover lip, as he was
rubbing his cock on her pussy, feeling it spasm, and twitching under
it, ready to cum again...’’After all, how can u look me in the eyes and
lie, when your dripping little cunt is telling me the truth, you’re about
to cum again bitch, do you, so don’t you fucking lie to me’’

He then, moved the hand from her chin to her dripping little pink
hole and immediately slid 3 fingers in there, while he was holding her
hands with the other, he was fingering her as fast as he could, and
oh, it was fast, for a man that is that strong, he was an incredible
athlete, he would go for hours if he had to...She was, twisting,
twitching, moaning and screaming, feeling that she is close to
braking, close to cumming all over his hands, all over the bed,
everywhere just like dirty little slut...

Andrej: ‘’What the fuck is this, it thought u didn’t like it bitch, and
scream as loud as u want, nobody cares about a white bitch in this
neighbourhood, besides, they got used to it...This isn’t your little
fancy hood, there is no escape from here little slut, so u might as well
except yourself and the situation that u are in, i wasn’t planning on
it, but u brought this on yourself’’ He was telling her as her picked up

the speed of fingering, juices flying everywhere, she was screaming,
moaning, going crazy on that bed. ‘’Now tell me whore, and be
honest, do u like it, u like being a dirty little fucktoy for a man that u
just meet? ‘’He asked her as he was fingering and slapping that
pussy, her sensitive little pussy, was surrendering more and more to
his doings ...

Amanda: ‘’AAHHHHHHH...Fuuuuck...N...No...AAHhhhhhhh’’

Hearing that Andrej was pissed, but he clearly saw that she was close
to braking, it was written all over her face, all over her body, she was
close to admitting what she really is to herself...He then slid one
more finger in, and speeded up as fast as he could, he could feel her
wet little cunt spasms ready to squirt all over....

Andrej: ‘’I ask you again little white bitch...We going to go all night,
how much do u think u can last, how much u can lie to yourself, how
much more u can take before admitting that u like it, that your
pathetic little hubby can’t fuck you like a dirty little whore you are,
like a fucktoy u deserve to be, he just didn’t see it, but I do, I know a
dirty whore when I see her...’’ Then as he pushed fingers as deep as
he could, making her cum instantly her body giving up on her, she
squirted everywhere, shaking he yelled ‘’So WHAT’S IT GONNA BE

That was the moment, that was the point when her mind broke,
where her body gave up, as the sensation of the strongest orgasm in
her life was a coming, she calmed her mind completely before
cumming and screaming out loud...


AAAAHHHHHHHHH....’’As if then she transformed into a completely

different person, as if she woke up from a deep sleep, she started
yelling ‘’I fucking love it...AAHhhhhhhh....Use me, fuck me u fucking
Nigger, u dirty cheap bastard, if u really want to fuck me give me that
dick, use my fucking body as your cocksleeve....Show me what u
got...’’As she freed her hands in that moment, and started slapping
him across the chest and face, as he was just smiling at her, knowing
he succeeded at what he was aiming, to do, he broke her, he made
her reveal who she really is, and he was to enjoy it fully now...

The slaps and scratches turned less and less hostile, as her makeup
was smeared, and her hair all messed up, shaking from coming, she
was a complete dirty slut, but she didn’t care, for the first time in her
pathetic boring life, she felt alive, she just wanted it to continue...

She then grabbed his back, scratching him with her nails as she
moved in for sloppy, wet kiss, twisting that tongue like never before,
biting his lip as he bites hers as she screams and moans under him...

As the moment of initiation was over he broke a kiss, grabbed her by

the neck and pinned to the bed...

Chapter 4:

The living, The Destroying

He then slapped her hard across the face once again, smiling at her,
then telling..

Andrej: ‘’ That’s for calling me Nigger u fucking whore, but I am

proud of you, your facade didn’t last as long as it ought it will...Now I
am going to show you the limits of a slut that u are, the thing is,
there are none, stick your fucking tongue out’’ He said as he slapped
her, she was only smiling at him, makeup all over her face, she
looked like crazy, looked like mad woman, when in fact, for the first
time in her life, she was free, she was alive...She obeyed him, she
stick her tongue out, twisting under his hands, wanting to get close
to that cock of his... As she did it, he spit on her tongue, then
whipped it all over her mouth, she was surprised, but didn’t
complain at all, all things that he did made her only that much
hornier...As he then said..’’Now there’s a few rules a new sluts
should remember, as I already told you, and I am not going to repeat
myself more than this, u address me as sir or master, second rule of a
dirty whore: u get as messy and as sloppy as u can, third rule, when u
talk to me, u talk as dirty as u can, be a true dirty cunt, real fucktoy,
cum dump for using...And u fucking obey ever little thing I say whore,

Without thinking, without hesitating, she answered clearly and fast...

Amanda: ‘’Yes Sir’’ She was smiling at him like crazy all messed
up...’’Just please give it to me, fuck me please, I beg you, use this
dirty little whore as hard as u can, please I need it I will go crazy if I
don’t get it...’’

Andrej: ‘’Now there is the whore I was looking for, and I say when I
will fuck u little cunt, your mine to use, I decide what to do with your
dirty little body and mind’’

As he said that, he moved her hands of his back, and spread her legs,
as wide as he could, ant that was a lot, little whore was practising
yoga with a private teacher...As he did that, he spat on her pussy,
salvia was dripping down to her little asshole... She was just looking
at him amazed, still not believing how she manages to find herself in
the situation she is, but she loved every second of it...

He then slapped her dripping pussy with his cock a few times, she
was moaning, biting her lip, and begging him all the time...

Amanda:’’ Please sir, please put it in, I can’t stand it anymore’’

He smiled at her as she said that, as his cock was slapping her pussy,
strings of juices and salvia connecting his cock and her pussy...

Andrej: ‘’Alright, be careful what u wish for slut, u never had a real
man fuck you before, u might not know what u got yourself into’’

As he said that he took his dick in his hand, and rubbed the head of
his cock, along her dripping pussy, that was basically opening,
welcoming that cock inside, twitching, sensitive as ever...

He then pushed the head in, looking at her face and reaction... She
was so tight, he could feel her twisting, and he could feel her
clenching to that cock with her pussy walls... She was feeling the best
she ever felt in her life... He then, bent over , and placed one hand on
her neck, squeezing it a little so she could feel more tight, as he then
pushed more than half in at once, going deeper than ever man has
gone inside her, stretching that tight little cunt to the limit...

Andrej: ‘’How does that feel little whore ‘’

She was unable to speak, she was feeling things she never imagined
are possible, she felt slight pain, as he was going deeper then she has
ever felt it, but also a great deal of pleasure, she almost came again,
but she was able to hold it in, screaming and moaning from the top
of her lungs..

Amanda: ’’AAHHHHHHHH...Oh my fucking good, oh my fucking

lord....AAHHHHHHHHHHHH....Fuck me...fuck me... fuck me
pleaseeee’’ She was screaming and rambling, as he then pulled it out
and pushed in again, doing it again and again, the walls of her tight
little pink hole stretching, white juices soaking his cock, as he picked
up the speed little by little, she begun to lose her mind, her eyes
started rolling backwards, but she was still there, still aware of what
was happening to her and her body...She was whispering with the

strength she was having...’’Please, just fuck me, please, I am yours,
just use me more, harder, faster, i beg you, master’’

As she said that, it was as she turned him on to the maximum, he

pushed it in all at once, his balls slapping her pussy, her eyes rolled
completely backwards, as she was just shaking and cumming on his
cock, twisting under him on the bed, she got her tongue out as he
was holding her neck, she was cumming the third time, third time
she proved to herself that she was a dirty slut all along, proved that
she wasted all those years on that pathetic man, when she could
have been living, when she could have been fucked like this every
day, for the rest of her life....She was not there anymore, at least for
the moment, she was cumming uncontrollably, she was in the land of
trans, land of infinite pleasure, only his cock on her mind, she was
looking blank, lost, as she never felt what she felt just then...

He was a beast, looking at her what she saw in a countless white

bitches, the look of realisation, the look at accepting of self, and it
was just making him more horny, in a way, he helped this woman
realise who she really was, and that make him harder than ever...

He then started going mad on her pussy, going in and out all the way,
non stopping like a machine, stretching that pussy to the limits, he
was grabbing her sensitive tits, pinching and slapping rock hard
nipples, slapping them simultaneously, making her mumble and
moan, let out a little screams, not letting her come back to her old
self, he made his new fucktoy perfectly shaped for him, and he was
enjoying it, with no signs of stopping he was destroying that pussy
inch by inch as his cock was rising only more inside her...Her pussy
spasming on his cock, countless times, he was owning, his new,
white slut...

The fierce fucking continued for 10 more minutes, with him rock
hard, not intending to cum soon...She was slowly realising where she
is, and gotten used to his cock using her, destroying her mind, and
her tight little pink hole...She was looking at him with obedience and
love in her eyes, she loved a man who just forced his way on her, a
man she just meet a few hours ago...As soon, as she was about to
cum again, he pulled it out, she was angry, she was not realising why
he did it, and what was happening...But she was not going to disobey
him, that part of her was completely gone now, she was his in every
sense of the word, she waited for his order!!!

Chapter 5:


Andrej: ‘’On your knees whore...time to learn every part of being a

slut, u will need it’’

She was not realising what he was telling, she was just looking at his
cock fingering herself, as she was close to cumming.. As then she felt
his hand on her hair, and she was dragged to the edge of the bed,
falling on the floor, she then started to listen...

Andrej: ’’What did I fucking tell you slut, u obey everything I say, or u
get punished, I thought we have been over this already, now u and
your little mouth are going to show me how you suck a dick. If u ever
let your hubby do it that is’’

Amanda: ‘’Sorry sir, please punish this dirty slut for disobeying,
please punish me with that massive cock in any way u want, my body
belongs to you...’’

Andrej: ‘’Good whore...Now here is how it’s going to go, u keep your
hands at your knees at all times slut, u use only your mouth, u move

them, u get slapped, u disobey me, I pull your nipples. So be a good
whore and learn how to suck a big black dick’’

Amanda: ‘’Yes sir, but sir please, let me rub my pussy, I am so horny
master please’’

As soon as she answered she opened her mouth as wide as she

could, she was torturing herself, she was so close to cumming, but
now she has to keep her hands on her knees, and let her juices
dripped down her legs on the floor...

Andrej: ‘’As I told you, you move’em, you get hurt u dirty little cunt’’

Amanda: ‘’Yes sir’’ She answered, with a slightly sad look on her face,
but she was still looking forward to sucking that massive cock, just
the smell of it was making her drip even more, the smell of the real
man, and his nastily dirty cock, mixed with her pussy juices was
turning her on to the point of madness, she could not wait to taste
that cock...

She then opened wide and put the head in her she then
pushed herself on that cock, she barely fitted one fourth in her
mouth, before starting to gag... He was smiling on her, as she then
felt his hand grabbing hear hair, making it into a ponytail, and pulling
his cock out...

Andrej: ‘’So u really don’t know anything about sucking a real man’s
cock, typical white rich bitch, u never go for the cock first slut, u lick
the balls first, then u work your sloppy way up before your trough
gets stretched as wide as your dirty little cunt’’

As he said that he picked up his cock with one hand, and pushed her
face in her balls with the other, holding her hair from behind...

The order was clear for her, and she didn’t want to waste time, as
she was aching to do it...She opened her mouth, and started twisting
the tongue around his balls, making them nice and wet, listening to
his moans... she then sucked in one of them while twisting her
tongue around, then doing the same for the other, making slurpy
sucking sounds as she did it, as he jerked the tip of his cock

Andrej: ‘’So u do know something slut...AAHhhhhhhh...just like that


She opened as wide as she could taking both of his massive balls into
her mouth, slurping and licking them, she was dripping from it, she
was about to cum without touching her pussy, she was a complete
an utter whore...

Andrej:’’ Now move up slut, I don’t have all day’’

She obeyed him right away, spitting on that cock, as salvia connected
her chin and his cock she licked the whole length of his shaft, he was
twitching a little, she was making his cock sensitive, she then got to
the head where she twisted her tongue around a few times..She then
took it in her mouth again, going a bit deeper this time, licking him at
the same time as she was trying to open and relax her throat, so she
can take him deeper in, so she can worship this cock like true slut is
supposed to... Before she could manage, she felt his other hand
grabbing her head too, and pushing her on his cock deeper, her
throat opened instantly as she felt his cock making his way deeper, it
was almost whole of it inside....She was drooling all over her tits,
making them glittering and shiny which made him more horny and
more wild then before...Forgetting what he said, she moved her
hands and tried to push him away by instinct... Realizing the mistake,
she looked at him with fear... as he pulled it out...

She then felt his hand and warm slap before it started to sting a
bit...She still did like it, she almost came from it...

Andrej: ’’That’s what happens to sluts who don’t listen, now open
wide, and keep those hands on your knees whore’’ He said as he
then pulled her nipples upwards, mixing pleasure with pain’’ Is that
clear ???’

Amanda: ‘’ Yesss siiirr aaahhhhhhhhhhh...’’

He then pushed his cock all the way in, she opened her eyes wide,
starting to tear up a bit, she gagged and coughed on his cock, salvia
dripping everywhere making it as sloppy as she could...

He didn’t intend to stop, he was pulling it out, and pushing it in,

again and again, fucking her tight little throat, stretching it making a
new fuck hole out of it for himself, and she loved it, the sole feeling
of being objectified and used like that, made her drip again, her
pussy was twitching without even being touched, she was close, but
this time, so was he, she could feel his cock in her mouth pulsing,
twitching, ready to unload, she was proud in a way, after hours of
fucking, she was going to make him cum...He speeded up the thrusts,
he was face fucking her throat, moving her head like a ragdoll,
making the whole place messy and sloppy, closing in to the moment
of unloading...

Andrej: ‘’I am close slut, make sure to fucking swallow it all, or you
are going to regret doing it’’

She was feeling that it’s close for her too, she clenched her muscles
trying to cum, as she wasn’t allowed to touch her pussy, at that
moment he pushed it all in and started unloading first huge loads
inside her mouth, as she was squirting hard in that moment, she
came as hard as 3 times before, without even touching her pussy,

she managed to squirts like a good fucktoy...She could feel the warm
cum in her mouth, going down her throat, tasting and smelling so
nasty that it makes her cum even harder...She was drinking every
drop of it... He unloaded so much that it started pouring out of her
mouth as she coughed a little, he pulled out his cock making a loud
‘’pop’’ sound, and unloading the last 2 loads over her messy fucked
up face...’’ and he let, her go...She fell on the ground twitching from
cumming rolling her eyes back, and cum pouring out of her mouth
and down her face...

Chapter 6

The conclusion

After a few minutes, she came to her senses again, she looked at
him, with love and obedience in her eyes, she was so proud, she
made a real man cum, she pleased an amazing being like him...She
thought it was over... Though she could go more..But as she looked
up, she could not believe, his cock, was as hard as few minutes
before unloading those massive loads inside her mouth...He was
ready to go again in a matter of minutes...

Then she heard his voice...

Andrej: ’’Slut, go to the living room, and bend yourself on the table,
face to it, and don’t you dare look back slut, do as i say and do it
Amanda: ‘’Umm...I can’t I mean yes sir, I will...’’ She said
as she tried to get up but fell as she was still wear from everything,
she stumbled somehow, and grabbed the table, and bent over it...
She was happy, she was waiting for the next thing, cause with him
there was always a next thing, something that she hasn’t
experienced or didn’t know exists...She was on a new territory, his,
and she was loving it...

She heard him picking up something, but she didn’t want to turn
around, it filed her with tension, her heart beating fast again, she
was smiling like crazy without noticing it...

She then felt something around her neck, it was a collar, and
something similar to a dog leash, from what the chain led to his
hands.... as he set that up, she felt something cold, sending chills
trough her body, it was a butt-plug, and he was teasing her with it.

He then spat on it and came close to her asshole with it...

She was scared now, she never had anything inside that hole, she
never did let her hubby go even close there...But she was keeping
quiet, even if she wanted to talk, the collar didn’t let her...

Andrej: ’’A slut like you probably never had anything in that tight
little asshole, don’t worry slut, I am not going to stretch it now, well,
not much at least, and we’ll leave that for another time... He then
spat on the top of it, and started pushing it in her asshole slowly, the
butt-plug was not small at all, it was stretching her ass really good,
she felt pain, but she also felt a strange sensation, unlike any other
up until now... She was moaning, screaming and dripping from her

Inch by inch he pushed it the whole thing in, it was hurting and
pleasuring her at the same time...She was enjoying the combination
a lot...

Andrej: ‘’Now slut’’ He pulled the chain and her towards him ‘’ You
are going to have both of your holes filled, you are going to be on the
leash, and u are going to have the best experience in your pathetic
boring life...’’He then pushed his cock all the way in, making her cum
again, this time she could stay aware of her mind...She was on her
toes, and her legs shaking, dripping down.... He then grabbed the
chain closely so he could have access to her bouncing tits while he is
pounding her... He then started going in and out, faster and faster,
once again he was stretching her wide, only this time she was getting
it in both of her holes, she felt his cock rubbing of the butt-plug as he
was destroying her once more, he was going harder and harder on
her, annihilation her senses of self once more, making her cum again
and again...she lost herself completely now, she didn’t care about
anything, she just wanted to be fucked forever...She let go of herself
and she was just a fuck doll in his hands, he maxed up the speed, and
kept doing it, slapping her tits, pinching her nipples, making them
bright red, he pinned her to the table slapped her ass, and pulled her
back towards him countless times, switching positions again and
again, he kept doing it for as long as he was able to do it, another
hour of fierce fucking passed, as the dawn was peeking through the
windows, her mind was scrambled, her pussy was on fire, she
cummed to many times to be counted, and he was close again, the
machine that showed her the real freedom and meaning of life was
ready to unload again... She didn’t have a strength for a lot more
then to lean on against him, grab him and give him the most sloppy
and passionate kiss ever before collapsing on him as he pushed his
cock all the way up...and unloaded the biggest load ever in her tight
little cunt, as she was just blank out lost, shaking and not doing much
more moving other than that...he picked her off the ground filling
her pussy with warm thick cum, she was hanging on his cock... Cum
was pouring by the sides of his cock, and running down the legs, she
was done... not a thing of her old self was in there anymore, she was
a new woman, a new converted happy and free slut... He then threw
her on the table as his cock slipped out of her pussy, cum dripped
out even more, and left her to twitch and shake on it...Waiting for
her to get out of the trans...

Chapter 7

The New Life

20 minutes passed before she realised where she is and what

happened, he was sitting on the couch, cock half erect, smiling at her
and drinking whiskey...She let out a tear of happiness and smiled at
him also, little by little she got off the table, and fell on the floor as
she was still weak, she crawled to him, while her mouth and were
dripping with cum, she was messed up, looking like a street whore
after the biggest gangbang ever...She put her head on his lap and
hugged him...

Amanda: ‘’T...Thank you... please, except me, please let me stay with
you, I love you, you are all that matters to me now, please if i am not
your slut i might as well not exist... ‘’

She looked at him with begging look in her eyes; she really meant
every word that she said....

He didn’t answer right away; he was looking at her, finished his

whiskey and picked up her chin...

Andrej: ‘’ You can stay little slut, all I wanted is to show you who you
really are, to free you from the pain of your ordinary life, to show
how it is to truly live, u might be my best work so far, I’ll keep you for
my personal use, i might let the hood niggas use u, I get the feeling u
gonna like it... You are a perfect example of a white slut, and you are
my property....Now, clean that cock of your dirty little holes and rest,
in 20 minutes we go again, cunt!!!

All was said by him, she didn’t want to answer and obeyed what he
said, kissed the tip of his cock, smiled, and done what he asked for!!

Hours passed, he was destroying her until the morning, she was
living in heaven, and he had big plans for her...

Eventually they both feel asleep, the storm continued to rage

outside, as the moans, and all faded away in quiet sleep...


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