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RIZAL Philippine Nationalist and Martyr The Author In 1950, being at the time Assistant Colonial Secretary in Hongkong, ‘Austin Coates made a study of Rizal's 1891-92 stay in the colony, interviewing people who had known Rizal or had memories of him. The author was a guest of the Philippine Government at the International Congress on Rizal, held at Manila in 1961. This biog- raphy was written during 1964-67. Born in London in 1922, son of the composer Eric Coates, he combined the early part of his writing career with work as an administrator, diplomat, and advisor on Chinese affairs, leaving government service in 1962. He is a Knight Grand Officer of the Order of Rizal, Philippines, and a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, London. José Rizal Madsid 0, RIZAL Philippine Nationalist and Martyr BY AUSTIN COATES SOLIDARIDAD PUBLISHING HOUSE 531 Padre Faura Ermita, Manila p-65460 Reprinted and Exclusively Distributed by Solidaridad Publishing House 531 Padre Faura Ermita, Manila Philippine Copyright, 1992 Solidaridad Publishing House Copyright © 1992 by Solidaridad Publishing House ‘This reprint has been authorized by Oxford University Press for sale in the Philippines only and not for export therefrom © Oxford University Press 1968 ISBN 971-536-1323, Contents List of Illustrations Page Inteoduction i I YOUTH IN MEDIEVAL TWILIGHT 1861-1882 Childhood in Calamba ‘The Frailocracy Student of the Jesuits University of Santo Tomés Departure on a Mission Wr JOURNEY INTO LIGHT 1882-1887 ‘The Impact of the West . First Year in Madrid . ‘The Toasting Speech Final Year in Madrid Ophthalmic Studies in Paris and Heidelberg. Fulfilment in Berlin Noli Me Tangere and Departure from Europe mr THE STORM BREAKS 1887-1888 Return to the Twilight "The German Doctor’ Furore 30 40 3 65 n or 99 106 119 130 138

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