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Alex Mikel

English 1201
Vicki Stalbird
Visual Analysis Essay
The image I have chosen is split diagonally by a white line. In the center of that line is the

abbreviation “Vs” which separates two images. The image in the upper left portion of this photo

is colorful. There are two men with blonde hair facing each other. The man on the left appears to

be somewhere between the age of forty to fifty. He is wearing a navy blue sport coat with a lime

green zipper and lettering. This man is pointing to a sheet of paper bound by a folder. The man

on the right appears to be between age twenty-five and thirty-five. This man is wearing a black

crew cut t-shirt. He is also wearing a black wrist watch on his arm that is covered in tattoos. He

is looking down at the paper, where the other man is pointing to. Both men are smiling. In the

background there is a redbrick building with a wooden two-door entrance. There is a tree

centered between the two men in the back drop. This side of the photo has very bright lighting.

The lower right portion of this image is a lot different than the first depicted half. The

image itself has no color. It is completely black and white. There are jail cell bars across the

entire lower right section. There are two hands that can be seen through the bars. The right hand

is clenched on to one of the cell’s bars. The left hand is reaching outward through the bars, hand

spread open. You cannot see the face of whoever is behind bars.

This image is divided into two pictures one side being bright and happy and the latter

being dark and dismal. On one side you have a treatment session occurring, in the second

someone locked behind bars for crimes related to addiction. The image is showing the difference

between two outcomes. It shows freedom versus being locked away. The overall visual metaphor
the photo encompasses is the difference between light and dark. That the choice of treatment

over incarceration will bring a more positive outcome. The half depicting treatment takes over

the upper portion of the photograph. Where, the photo of incarceration resides in the lower

portion. This indicates that the option of treatment is more desirable. Can also relate the

composition to heaven and hell. Heaven is considered to be light where as hell is dark.

When I look at this photo I see my journey through life over the last decade. I have been

faced with both outcomes. I have been sentenced to jail time and I have also been given the

opportunity of treatment. This image to me depicts how both options enveloped my life. While

sentenced to jail, life was dark and dismal. I was locked away wishing to reach out to the outside

world. What I drew from the hand reaching out in the black and white photo. It’s as if all life had

life me behind. On the other hand the upper portion of the photo envelopes hope. It reminds me

of all the treatment I have received. The help of people who supported my decision to seek

recovery. That recovery is something that can’t be done alone. The bright accents a symbol of

how much better life can be with the aid of treatment. The audience will likely feel pressured by

society. As those who have not experienced the hardship of addiction will never truly understand

the disparity of the disease. It is likely they will feel biased, based on the influence of ones close

to them in life.

The creator of this photograph was trying to make his audience see that treatment is a

better option than incarceration. They do so by depicting treatment as bright, happy, and colorful.

They then depict incarceration in a very dark and dispiriting manor. The image represent that our

culture is split vastly we have those who see the good nature in reaching out and helping others.

That we are one nation and need to stand together. To the very individualistic nature of our
culture which focuses on helping only ourselves. It is the very self-centered behavior that makes

the world a colder place to live.

Works Cited

Two Men Conversing Vs Hands Behind Bars. Digital Image. Narcanon. August 28th, 2016. Web.

February 7th, 2019. <>

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