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Music BY LYRICS BY Mary RODGERS MARSHALL BARER BOOK BY Jay THOMPSON, MARSHALL BARER AND DEAN FULLER Ri ssh conne OL West 26th Street + Suite 312» New York, NY 10001 Tel 800/400.8160 or 212/564.4000 + Fax 212/268.1245 ~ Masie Copia Book Copyright © 1 COPYRIGHT WARNING ssionals and amateurs are hereby advised that this material is fully ted by copyright in the United States of America, the British nonwealth (including Canada) and other countries throughout the: 1. All rights, including performance of any kind or nature by ssionals or amateurs, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio or sion broadcast, cable television, videotape, audio recording, motion’ ‘es and rights of translation into foreign Ianguages are strictly ved. Any performance, copying (including photocopying), arranging, ing, inserting or storing in a retrieval system, transmitting in any’ by any means whatsoever, including mechanical or electronic, of any} mn of this material without the prior written consent of the copyright ts is an infringement of copyright thereby e1 the copyright '5 to injunctive and other relief to the full extent of the law, __CAST OF CHARACTERS MINSTREL 1st KRM PANTOMIME CHARACTERS 2ND KNIGHT (CESS NO.12 ORO KNIGHT, WIZARD 1ST LADYIN-WAMTING — ROWENA LADY LARKEN 2ND LADYINAWAITING — MERRILL QUEEN AGGRAVAIN PRINCE 0. SIR HARRY Kp KITCHEN WENCH JESTER PRINCESS WINNIFRED ‘sig sTUDLEY eMLy SIR LUCE LADY MABELLE Ladies-in-Waiting, Knights, Soldiers, Servants, Musicians, ete MUSICAL NUMBERS 15. 16, W. 18. 19. ACT ONE Overture Prologue — Many Moons Ago (vamusrxét). Opening For A Princess (DAUNTLESS, LARKEN, LADIES ttle While — Reprise (#aRky, LARKEN) Shy (WINNIFRED, KNIGHTS, DAUNTLESS, QUEEN, LADIES) Fanfare |, The Jester And I (MINSTREL, ESTER, KING) (Queen, wizs The Swamps Of Home (IWINNIFRED, LADIES, DAUNTLESS) Fight — Fight (HARRY. LARKEN) i Spanish Panic .. Tents... Normandy (MINSTREL, LARKEN, JES Spanish Panic No. 2... Song Of Love (DAUNTLESS, WiNtIERED) 40 + 40 ne 16 49

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