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Directions: Watch the video. Then, get into groups and answer the questions.

The video is a scene from the TV show called The Office. It’s a popular show in the US.

1. What is the main point in the video? What is the main character trying to do?

2. Why do you think he wants to live in the forest?

3. What does the main character use his suit for?

4. Did the main character find any food in the forest? What about the man that was
following him?

5. Do you think the main character was successful living in the forest? Why or why not?

6. Is camping or “trying to survive in the wilderness” common in your country? What do you
Directions: Read the prompt and write about it.
PROMPT: Would you live in the forest? How would you survive? How do you find food
and water? Where do you find shelter?


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