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Keep your life regular

We are generally creatures of habit and it is better to have a habitual lifestyle

than to live a chaotic one. A study carried out on 7,000 people from the 1960s
to the 1990s at the University of California School of Public Health backs up
this up.5
It found that many unhealthy lifestyle practices affected a person’s wellbeing.
Some of these practices, such as tobacco and alcohol intake, were obvious, as
were others such as physical inactivity. The biggest surprise, however, was the
effect of an irregular lifestyle. Someone who was teetotal and didn’t smoke was
still more likely to die prematurely or to suffer from disabling illnesses if
they had irregular habits such as eating between meals, having irregular sleep
or skipping breakfast. The researchers came to the conclusion that a regular
lifestyle is one of the main ways we can maintain our health.
Besides not smoking or drinking alcohol, some of the regular good habits that
were found to affect a person’s wellbeing were:
-Eating regular meals.
- Having a good breakfast.
- Getting regular moderate exercise.
- Getting enough sleep.
- Eating so as to maintain a moderate weight.
Chinese medicine stresses the importance of balance in everything we do.
While not wanting to become rigid, keeping our lives regular could make a
lasting difference.

A practical step to help you to lead a regular life is to make modifications that
are so simple
that they easily become habitual. If you find you are getting benefit from them
you will
naturally integrate them into your life and do them regularly. For example, go to
bed at a
regular time or set a time to have your lunch or evening meal. Stick to this time,
but without
becoming rigid as there will be some exceptions in certain circumstances.

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