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School Practices Report (FCT)

General information

My name is jose luis leon ochoa.During the practices attended the NEUTRO automotive
workshop, the owner of the workshop was named Mrt Juan Bermeo.The workshop is located:
in the avenue del tejar and the swan (sector san martin) the starting date was from Monday,
February 25, 2019 to Monday, April 5, 2019. The schedule for joining the collaborating
company was 8:00 a.m. to 12: 345 p.m. and an afternoon entry time of 2:00 p.m. at 4:30 p.m.
every day from Monday to Friday.

When doing the practices the first days of the week were explanatory with the instruments
and the machinery of the premises at the end of the week the control of the brake fluid and
the water of the radiator was made. The following week he helped with the change and the
control of the brakes of the tires in addition to the change of engine oil. After a car with a leak
of hydraulic fluid in the direction which proceeded to disassembly to clean and then fix the

The following week a car arrived with failure in the embrage, to solve that we had to lower the
gearbox to change the plate with the disk that took all day. In the fourth week came a car with
a problem in the distribution band the one that had to be replaced with a new one. Another
car arrived with problem of the lights were checked with the multimeter and avia a short
circuit in the wiring we replaced it with an equal cable so that it works normally. The other
activities that were the change of oil in the gearbox, change tires, changing pipes, changango
spark plugs, and more activities. All those weeks we learned a lot because we not only saw it,
but we also did the activities that helped us a lot in our learning and what we studied.

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