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Amanda Reise

Reaction to SMART Notebook

This week I learned about SMART Notebook and how to use a few of the many features

this tool has. I learned how to make tables with cell shades, window shades, how to use the

creative pen, infinite cloner, how to make an object appear or disappear, and how to insert

images and YouTube videos. In my opinion, SMART Notebook is amazing and has so many

unique characteristics. To implement what I learned in my classroom I will make all of my

powerpoints on SMART Notebook, there are so many features that will help students remember

and learn a lot more than they would from a piece of paper or a textbook. I will also use SMART

Notebook to make worksheets for my students when they are learning to count, the infinite

cloner makes it a lot easier to put down multiples of the same image. Making a counting

worksheet will take around 5 minutes with this cool feature. There are so many things that I

enjoyed while using SMART Notebook, I loved how I was easily able to get an image and how

there were so many images to choose from. I also loved the selective transparency so I was able

to get rid of the white or black background on photos. Another thing I loved was the gradient fill

for backgrounds, I helped make all my slides appear more colorful and not so plain. Surprisingly,

I didn’t have any difficulties with SMART Notebook, I thought that I would because I usually

have trouble with technology. Overall, SMART Notebook is 100% something that I will use

when I have a class of my own because it is easy and fun to use and it will make my students

more enhanced in learning.

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