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Make time for rest and relaxation

Relaxation is as important to our health as sleep. The pace of life in

the 21st
century is increasing all the time, making it difficult sometimes to
make time
for rest.
If you are always on the go, you might try to follow the example of
one of my
patients who makes sure she gets time to rest. ‘In order to rest I now
timetable in
my relaxing time and time off.’ In this way she can take time out and
not worry
about the fact that she’s not doing things. She also looks at the
balance of her
working days compared to rest days and factors in time for herself –
as she does lots of weekend work.

There are many healthy ways of relaxing. These are some

• Listen to a relaxation tape.
• Go out for a gentle walk in the country.
• Meditate.
• Have a massage.
• Take a relaxing bath.
• Use the flotation tank at the local spa.
• Practise qigong or other relaxing exercises.

It is all too easy to get caught up with caring for others and never
spend time
nourishing ourselves. This is especially true of mothers with young
and other carers. Booking in some space for pleasurable activity, even
if it is
only for a short time every week, can be rejuvenating.
You may prefer to relax inside your home either by yourself or with
or you may prefer going out for relaxation. Holidays are an important
way of
getting rest and relaxation. Relaxation can, of course, overlap with
exercise, and
those who do qi exercises are often pleased to find they are doing a
activity that they also enjoy. Whatever you decide to do, it must be
or it won’t be relaxing. Relaxation inevitably has positive
repercussions on our

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