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5.4 Sports Participation of Women in India

5.5 Special Consideration
5.6 Three issues of girl players (Female Athlete Triad - Osteoporosis ,Amenorrhea and
Eating Disorders (Menarche and Menstrual Disfunction)

5.4 Sports Participation of Women in India

From ancient times, participation in sports by women in India was not considered
proper. The involvement of women in Indian male-dominated society was limited to only
giving birth to, care for them and other household work. Physically, women were
thought to be soft and weaker than men, due to which they were not allowed to
participate in sports. It was the mentality of Indian society that sports activities are tough
and hard and if women are participating in sports, their body will have adverse effects.
This is why men's dominance in the field of sports has been dominated from the
beginning. But in ancient times, women were content to play games that were played
inside the house wall, such as chess, ludo, snakes and ladder etc. Apart from this, she
also expressed her personality through dance and also had many surprises like
Shakuntala taught her boy archery. Women played chess and who belonged to Rajput
and Maharashtrian caste done horse riding. In Mahabharata period Kunti also played in
her spare time. From the time of the Mughal period painting it seems that women used
to play polo. In games like chess, women used to test their intelligence. Indian women
also had competence in sports, arts, dance etc. | Then, in the 19th century, women
were brought out as Club Life by the British rulers. However, most Indian women were
still unaware of the exercise. An interest in women's parents was created for this. So
that they could be motivated to get their daughters to enter the curriculum of physical
culture in a new school. After independence, the constitution of India gave equality of
rights to women and men. Then, along with changing times, gradually women also
started taking part in various sports. Today, many Indian female players such as
Karnam Malleswari (Lifting), P. T. Usha (athletics), Saina Nehwal (badminton), Maricom
(boxing) and Saina Mirza (tennis) etc. have not only made many medals at the national
level but also internationally and established the name of India by winning competitions.
All these women players have worked hard facing all the social and personal problems
in their life.

For the last few years, for the purpose to increase the participation
Indian women's in sports, the Government of India has also announced a number of
schemes and awards. Because of that 72 years after independence women’s are
largely attracted towards sports and participating in sports with enthusiasm. Yet their
number is not as much as it should be.

Today also there are many factors that directly or indirectly stops women to participate
in sports, such as: the mentality of our male dominated Indian society, the customs and
traditions of different communities and religions etc. are the main reasons for low
participation of Indian women in sports.

Causes for least participation of women in sports

There are three reasons for low participation:

Physical factor Mental factor Social factors

Low physical Lack of education Gender inequality
fitness and

Women athlete Lack of confidence Financial

triad help
Lack of Media and Lack of time
Less availability of lack of appropriate
women coaches facilities
Lack of
from parents
Social aptitudes

1.Physical factors

• Lack physical fitness and efficiency - due to lower physical fitness and
efficiencies than men the participation of women's in sports is less. Many women in
India are not conscious about their fitness.

• Female athlete triad is a syndrome in which eating disorders, osteoporosis and

amenorrhea, eating disorders effect adversely on the body. Due to these three
conditions also women participation in sports is less.
2 . Mental factors

• Lack of proper education – due to lack of education women are surrounded by

baseless, imaginary wrong perceptions of our society. due to which they remain in
mental stress. They do not understand the importance of sports in absence of proper
. Lack of self-confidence : women have less confidence than men so because of this
the sports participation of women is low.

• Media and audience's indifference – women sports cannot be uplifted with media‘s
indifference towards women sports cricket (men) is so much popular in the media, but
do we know the names of any one woman (cricketer)? Most students will not answer
this because media do not give importance to women's sports The audience too does
not like to see the women sports.

• The question of personal safety of women - This is also a major issue in our
society that women will go out. The question of their personal safety issue this is also
becoming a major reason for lack of women's participation.

Lack of female trainers - Women are hesitate to take training from men and this also
is the main reason for lack of women participation in sports.

3. Social Reason

• Do not treat women and men equal - Women are considered less in every way than
men, which is not fair. Our society is called a male-dominated society and in sports, it is
considered as a men's inheritance. For this reason, there is less participation of women
in sports.

• Financial Assistance - Lack of financial support in women's sports. Sponsorship of

women and scholarship is also very small, and money is required for international level

Lack of proper access to facilities - Access to facilities provided in the field of sports to
women is not appropriate. Facilities like sports equipment, training and coaching are not
generally provided to women compared to men. Therefore, women have less
participation in sports.

Do not get encouragement by parents – Girls do not get encouragement from parents to
Participate in the games There is no incentive for them also ,hence less participation
from women.

The aptitude of society - Indian society have negative thinking about women
participation in sports because our society is still considered to be a male dominating
society. In such a society's the thoughts towards women's players are disappointing.
Many times it is said that why women do not go to the kitchen where she has to be.
Therefore, women participation in sports is less.

Lack of time: As compare to men women has more family and children responsibilities
so she gets less free time. This is also one of the reasons for their lower sports

Suggestion to increase women participation in sports.

1. To make women aware about education - women should be educated so that they
can understand physical, mental and social characteristics and qualities.

2 . By encouraging towards sports - women should be given as much information

about sports as possible so that women can participate in sports. Parents and other
family members should also cooperate in it.

3. Appointment of women coaches - Women coaches should be appointed as much

as possible so that they will not hesitate to play and ask about their problems .women
will get information about their mistakes so there will be less errors in performance and
performance will be good.

4. Giving financial assistance - women should be given financial assistance to

participate in sports, which will lead to more participation in sports.

5. Family and society's cooperation - To increase participation in women's sports, the

cooperation of family and society is very important. If the support and cooperation of
family and society women get then definitely their participation will increase.

6. Managing balanced and healthy food - By managing and providing balanced food
for women, we can also increase participation in women's sports.

7. Providing opportunities for competition in sports - by organizing competitions for

women. Participation in women's games can also be increased.

8. Eliminating cultural and social negativity – the negative thoughts of those who
think that women has role in kitchen only should be discouraged. This will increase
women participation in sports.

9 . Broadcasting of women's sports - Sports of women's players should be broadcast

on T.V. Their performances and achievements should be published in newspapers and
magazines in special and specific manner with pictures of them. This will further
encourage them to take part in sports.
10. Providing proper facilities - In the field of sports, women should be given proper
facilities such as sports grounds, equipment etc. which will encourage sports.

Practice question 5.4

1. Very Short Qualitative Question (1 point)

Question 1: What do you think of women participation in sports?
Answer: In the field of sports the contribution and involvement of women itself is a
participation of woman in sports.

Question 2: what are the reasons for women to have less participation in sports?
Answer: the physical, mental, and social are the main reasons for having less
participation of women in sports.

II. Short Answer Question (3marks words - 100)

1. Describe the social factors of women participation in sports.

2. Describe the three suggestions to promote women participation in sports. . .

III Long Answer Question (5 marks words- 200)

1. Comment on the involvement or participation of women in sports.

2. Explain the reasons for the less participation of women players in sports.

2. Write the suggestions to promote participation of women in sports.

5.5 Special circumstances [menarche, Menstrual Disfunction]

We all know that there many types of sexual differences are found in men and
women. Due to these differences, women have to face some natural situations in her
life which the male player does not have to.

1 First menstruation [menarche]

Menarche is a woman’s first menstruation, an event that indicates sexual maturation

and the beginning of reproductive life. Age at menarche is determined by multiple
factors such as nutritional status, ethnic or racial background, birth weight, exercise,
stress and mother’s age at menarche etc. The medical word for the age or date of
someone’s first period (menstruation) is menarche.
Menarche usually begins between the ages of 9–15, about two years after the onset of
puberty. The average age of menarche is 12–13, but it can be normal for it to happen
earlier or later. Women usually have periods until about ages 45 to 55.
It is a unique period of age characterized by significant physical, cognitive, emotional
and social changes . It is a time when development sets the course for either a healthy
or unhealthy adulthood. On average, a menstrual period lasts somewhere between 3
and 7 days. This varies from person to person.

The time between the first day of a menstrual period and the beginning of the next one
is referred to as a menstrual cycle. Usually a typical cycle lasts for 28 days. However,
this differs from person to person and can last anywhere between 22 and 45 days.

Menstrual influences on Female player

(A) If a female player participates in intense sports activity, then there is a negative
impact on their reproductive system. Women's reproductive system is sensitive to
intense physical activity due to which there are fertility irregularities in female
players associated with sports.

(B) There is a slight decrease in performance levels of female players during


(C) Female players often experience panic, anxiety and stress in the state of

(D) In the early days of this stage, the female players may complain of stomach
and vomiting.


1. It is natural activity to have this because if there is no menstruation,

then women can not become mother.

2. The menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones. Luteinizing hormone and

follicle-stimulating hormone, which are produced by the pituitary gland, promote
ovulation and stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen and progesterone stimulate the uterus and breasts to prepare possible
• Teenagers should be educated about menstruation that it is natural and not to panic
at this.
• Teens should told about teens napkins.
• At this stage, ask the teen to calm down.
• Do not carry out very hard work.

2 . Menstrual irregularities [ Menstrual disfunction]

A menstrual disorder is a physical or emotional problem that interferes with the normal
menstrual cycle, causing pain,unusually heavy or light bleeding, delayed menarche, or miss
ed periods.
Typically, a woman of childbearing age should menstruate every 28 days or so unless she
is pregnant or moving intomenopause. But numerous things can go wrong with the normal
menstrual cycle, some the result of physicalcausesothers emotional. These include amenorr
hea,or the cessation of menstruation, menorrhagia, or heavy bleeding, anddysmenorrhea, or
severe menstrual cramps. Nearly every woman will experience one or more of these menstr
ual irregularities at some time in her life. severe menstrual dysfunction occurs in a specific
predisposed subset of women athletes who have a particular personality type or body build
and are attracted to a lifestyle including regular vigorous exercise.

In regular and irregular menstrual there are various types of menstrual disorders :

1. Primary amenorrhea : The medical name for periods that haven't started by
the expected age is "primary amenorrhea"
2. Painful periods: Pain during periods is common. It's usually caused by the
womb contracting to push out the blood.
3. Heavy periods: Some women naturally have heavier periods than others, but
if your periods are so heavy that they impact your life
4. Irregular periods: A period normally lasts 2 to 7 days, with the average period
being 5 days long.
5. Stopped or missed periods: There are many reasons why a woman may miss her
usual monthly period, or why periods may stop altogether. Some common
reasons are:

 Pregnancy, stress, sudden weight loss ,being overweight or obese ,extreme over
 reaching the menopause
Causes of irregular menstrual cycle:
high anxiety
mental stress
Consumption of more medicines
High-level training

Effects of Menstrual Disfunction on women athlete

1. due to irregular menstruation causes deficiency of blood in the body which

decreases physical
capacity of the athlete and feel trembling in the body.
2. Due to irregularity periods female players start feeling tired.
3. In addition, the symptoms of irritability and anxiety are clearly visible in the
4. There is a lack of nutrients in the body.
5. Blood loss in the body.


• All nutritional food should be consumed.

• Yoga should be done.
• Regular light activities should be done in the morning and evening.
• Get the doctor's advice and keep checking from time to time.

Practice question 5.5

Very Short Qualitative Question (1 mark)

Question 1 What is menstruation?

Answer: Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a
woman's monthly cycle. .

Question 2 . What does the irregularity in menstruation mean?

Answer: women have irregular menstrual cycles, meaning the cycles are shorter or
longer than normal; are heavier or lighter than normal; or are experienced with other

II. Short Answer Question (3marks - 100 words)

1. What are the reasons for irregularity in menstruation.

2. What is the consequence of irregularity in menstrual women?
3. How does menstruation affect women?

III. Long Answer Questions (5 marks 200 - words)

1. What do you mean first menstruation? Describe the effects and causes of first
2, What do you mean by procrastination in menstruation? Describe the effects and
causes of procrastination in menstruation

5.6 Female athlete triad – Eating disorders, amenorrhea and osteoporosis

The "female athlete triad" refers to a situation that is often seen among women who
perform high performance sports.The Female Athlete Triad is a syndrome that exists as
the result of three interrelated conditions. These conditions are:

Eating disorders (Low Energy Availability)

Amenorrhea (Disruption of Menstrual and Endocrine Function)

Osteoporosis (Loss of Bone Mineral Density)

These three aspects of The Female Athlete Triad are seen as interrelated as each one
can affect the others. For example, disordered eating can play a role in menstrual
disturbances, and both energy deficiency and a low estrogen environment can lead to
bone density loss. Additionally, these three aspects can also exist at varying levels of
severity. Therefore, athletes may have symptoms that exist somewhere in between the
healthy and extreme conditions of The Female Athlete Triad. Although this triad was
described more than a decade ago, the society and the athletes are not aware of the
serious long-term consequences.

It is important to understand that a good diet and regular exercise are beneficial for
female athletes, but when diet and exercise get out of balance, the result can be
harmful. Take, for instance, the first component of the triad, which is disordered eating.
This can mean an overall decrease in the amount of food, or calories, being eaten, but it
can also be described as avoiding certain nutrients that the athlete mistakenly thinks are
'bad,' such avoiding carbs or fats.
When energy intake from food is restricted or combined with increased exercise, the
body changes the hormonal levels that regulate the reproductive menstrual cycle. It's
almost as if the body realizes that it does not have enough of the calories or nutrients it
needs to support a baby, so it removes the possibility of pregnancy by stopping the
menstrual period; in other words, it brings about the second component of disorder,
known as amenorrhea.
Estrogen is one of the hormones needed to support the regular menstrual cycle, but we
see levels of estrogen drop with drop in calories. Low estrogen, along with poor nutrient
diet can lead to a third leg of the female athlete triad, which is osteoporosis.

Eating disorders

Female athletes with disordered eating may engage in a range of harmful eating
behaviors, including restricting overall food intake, cutting out complete food groups,
bingeing and purging, fasting and more.
While some athletes may not meet the diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder, such as
anorexia or bulimia nervosa, disordered eating behaviors will be part of the female
athlete triad syndrome.

This condition is commonly seen in female athletes participating in sports that stress low
body weight or leanness. prevalence of amenorrhea varies just as widely, and is highest
in aesthetic sports like cheerleading, diving, and gymnastic, endurance sports, and
weight-class sports such as rowing, judo, karate, boxing, wrestling, and body building.

Additionally, female athletes may be more susceptible to developing the athlete triad
syndrome with increased pressures to perform at a certain standard or who are subject
to over-emphasis on weight, such as with regular weigh-ins. It is also seen that women
players who fail in maintaining a balance between sports and health, have to face many
health-related problems. The possibility of these problems is more in those women who
participate in more intense exercises and sports, they are more likely to have health
Dietary disorders are mainly of two types:

1. Anorexia nervosa
a. Restricting type
b. Binge eating/purging type
2. Bulimia nervosa
a. Purging
b. Non-purging

1. Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is one type of eating disorder in which a person severely limits the
amount of food he or she eats to prevent weight gain or lose weight. Many people with
anorexia have a fear of gaining weight or believe they are obese (overweight) even
when they are not. Though anorexia is more common in teenage girls and women in
their early 20s, all young people are at risk – even young children.

Anorexia causes serious health problems and has the highest mortality rate of any other
mental health illness and a high suicide rate. Therefore, it is important to take any
warning signs or symptoms of the disorder seriously.

The following are common anorexia symptoms:

1. Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for height,
body type, age, and activity level
2. Intense fear of weight gain or being "fat"
3. Feeling "fat" or overweight despite dramatic weight loss
4. Loss of menstrual periods
5. Extreme concern with body weight and shape

Anorexia can be categorized into two types;

1. Restricting type: weight loss achieved by restricting caloric intake (following

diets, fasting, and over exercising)

2. Binge-eating/Purging type: weight loss achieved by vomiting or using

Causes of Anorexia

1 Social Factors - Many times parents, relatives, or friends and neighborhoods make
joke about the physical size of the person which leading them to anorexia nervosa.
There are many occupations in which there is a requirement of thin body, such as -
modeling and gymnastics or ballet dance etc. Due to the strong desire to take such a
business, the person also wants to reduce their weight fast.

2 .Biological Factors - If a pregnant woman suffering from this problem gives birth to a
baby then the possibility of that baby being affected with this problem increases by 20%.

3.Individual factor - Sometimes a person who try to prove himself superior in his group
suffers from this problem due to strict adherence to his timeliness, rules and habits.

4.Performance Pressure in Sports - Many times coach encourage the players to reduce
the weight because it is advisable to keep body weight low for performing well in some
games, so the player suffers from this problem.


People with anorexia nerve deny that they have a problem. They keep on starving to
hide their habits. This is the reason that it is difficult to know the signs of warning by
friends and family members, but if you study the affected person carefully then the
following symptoms can be seen :

1. Weigh much less than is healthy or normal.

2. Are very afraid of gaining weight.
3. Refuse to stay at a normal weight.
4. Think they are overweight even when they are very thin.
5. Deny the seriousness of their low body weight.
6. Base their self-esteem on how they view their body weight and shape.

Their lives become focused on controlling their weight. They may be :

1. Obsess about food, weight, and dieting.
2. Strictly limit how much they eat.
3. Exercise a lot, even when they are sick.
4. Vomit or use laxatives or water pills (diuretics) to avoid weight gain.
Prevention of Anorexia Nervosa
1. A positive self-esteem and spirit of of good feeling for own body should be
2. Children should understand that they can remain agile and attractive even after
having a body weight
3. Stay away from people, places, and activities that trigger your obsession with
being thin.
4. For the control of weight, consult a specialist instead of talking to others or
reading books.
5. Children should be told about genetics and body size.

Prevention of Anorexia Nervosa

6. A positive self-esteem and spirit of of good feeling for own body should be encouraged
7. Children should understand that they can remain agile and attractive even after having a
body weight
8. stay away from the sufferers.
9. For the control of weight, consult a specialist instead of talking to others or reading books.
10. Children should be told about genetics and body size.

Management and treatment of anorexia

All persons with Anorexia nervosa need management and treatment. Immediate treatment and
management provides the most opportunities to control anorexia. For proper management and
treatment, it is necessary to take help from a dietician, consultant and doctor
The following points should be taken care of for proper management and treatment.:

1. Increase recreational / physical activities-You may involve yourself in physical

activities such as morning walk, swimming, sports (badminton, table tennis) etc.
according to your own strength you can also divert your mind by participating in
recreational activities such as listening to music, camping, cycling, gardening etc.,
by promoting recreational activities you can keep away from thinking
negative about yourself.

2. Individual Remedies - For adults, cognitive behavioral therapy — specifically

enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy — has been shown to help. The main
goal is to normalize eating patterns and behaviors to support weight gain. The
second goal is to help change distorted beliefs and thoughts that maintain
restrictive eating.
3. Restoring Healthy Weight - person suffering from anorexia should get back first
to healthy body weight. Should discuss about specific balanced diet.
Proper weight will give you confidence both physically and mentally.

4. Face the Reality - First of all, it is necessary to accept the fact that you have a
disorder of anorexia nervosa and also accept that your idea of being lean is
wrong. Think that you are a healthy person; you do not need a starve.

2. Amenorrhea

Having no menstrual periods is called amenorrhea. It is the state of a woman, where

there is no monthly cycle despite reproductive age, or absence of menstrual cycle for three or
more months. There may be many physiological and psychological reasons for this problem
in women, but the main reason for this problem in female players is taking low-calorie food
according to high intensity exercise and physical needs. Taking low calorie intake as per
physical requirements reduces the number of hormones that control menstrual cycles. Due to
this shortage, the menstrual cycle of women's players is either irregular and sometimes
periods just stop. Apart from this, any chronic disease can also cause this problem.

Types of amenorrhea

There are two main types of amenorrhea:

1. Primary amenorrhea. This is when the first menstrual bleeding at puberty
doesn’t occur by age 15. This problem may be lifelong.
2. Secondary amenorrhea. This is when normal menstrual bleeding stops
occurring for 3 months or more. This may be because of a physical cause, and
usually happens later in life.

Usually if periods never start, girls do not go through puberty, and thus
secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts and pubic hair, do not develop
normally. If women have been having menstrual periods, which then stop, they may
have secondary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea is much more common than

Reasons for Amenorrhea

1. Physical and mental problems

2. Due to prolonged illness

3. Due to improper food habits

4. Acute hemorrhage

5. Menstrual cycle without blood

6. With the change in hormones

7. Due to deficiency of blood during giving birth to the child

8. Due to high level training and competition

9. Continual consumption of medicines

10. Irritability

11. Intense exercising

12. Less consumption of calories

Effects of Amenorrhea on Women

1. Female players with this problem are often tense.

2. Game Performance Declines and due to this many times they does not take part
in the competition.
3. Cannot conceive.

Tips for preventing Amenorrhea [ Help & suggestion for Athlete]

(a) Women should regularly do light exercises.

(b) Stop dieting, even if you have weight you want to lose.
(c) Eat a calcium-rich food at each meal to help maintain bone density.
(d) Get adequate vitamin D, to help with calcium absorption and bone health.
(e) Undergo medical examination from time to time

3. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals, such as calcium, more quickly than the
body can replace them, leading to a loss of bone thickness (bone density). Any bone
can be affected by osteoporosis, but the most common sites are the hip, spine, wrist,
upper arm, forearm or ribs. Fractures in the spine due to osteoporosis can result in
changes in posture and height loss.
As bones become thinner and less dense, even a minor bump or fall can cause a
serious fracture. Falls are a common cause of fractures for people with
osteoporosis. Osteoporosis usually has no symptoms until a fracture occurs – this is
why it is often called the ‘silent disease’. Aging is associated with the development of
osteoporosis. This kind of bone loss is called primary osteoporosis, and it is more
common in women after menopause. Secondary osteoporosis, due to an
underlying disease or medication, can occur in men and women equally at any age.

Young athletes with low energy availability, where the amount of energy used during
exercise is more than the amount of energy ingested through food, may also be at risk
for osteoporosis. Females with abnormalities in their menstrual cycle, which may lead to
low estrogen levels, are at risk for osteoporosis.

Causes of Osteoporosis
1. Deficiency of Calcium - We all know that calcium is essential for healthy and
strong bones. For the players, its importance also increases, but if the player
especially the female player does not take enough amount of calcium (100mg
daily) in her diet then the probability of osteoporosis is greatly increased.

2. Amenorrhea - Problems of osteoporosis on women suffering from anemia

problem and increases even more. Due to dysmenorrhea, the secretion of
hormones called estrogen is reduced in the body due to which calcium is not
absorbed properly by the body. Due to lack of calcium absorption in the body, the
chances of osteoporosis increase.

3. Eating disorders - Due to food disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, the body
also lacks calcium.

4. Addiction—Smoking, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco etc. reduces the density of the

bones. If a female player is addictive, then she is likely to have osteoporosis.

5. Fast track Exercise - Even when exercising at fast pace, there is a weakness in
the bones.
6. Hormonal changes - When changes occur in hormone the fear of weakening
of bones remains intact.
Symptoms of Osteoporosis

1. Repeated bone fracture or crack due to weak bones.

2. unbearable pain in bones and joints.
3. The fear of falling remains.
4. Irritating behavior
5. Reduction in self-esteem
6. Tiredness
7. Stopping of menstruation.
8. Reduced tolerance

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis

1. Healthy lifestyle: Regular exercises and physical activity can avoid this problem
to a great extent.
2. Calcium and Protein rich diet should be consumed.
3. Medicines should be taken after consultation from doctor.
4. There should be enough rest after exercise
5. Sufficient amount of calcium and calcium rich food should be taken.
6. Calories and carbohydrate rich food should be taken in sufficient amount.

5.6 Practice question

I. Very Short Qualitative Question (1 mark)

Question 1 what does osteoporosis mean?

Answer: Osteoporosis is a type of bone disease in which due to low bone mineral
content in the bones, it becomes so weak that there is a possibility of broken bone even
after a slight shock.

Question 2. What is anorexia nervosa?

Answer: It is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an
intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight.

Question 3 . What is bulimia?

Answer: Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder, commonly referred to simply as bulimia.
It’s a serious condition that can be life-threatening.

Question 4 What is food disorders?

Answer: When a person starts eating foods in very high quantities or in very small
quantities, it is called food disorders. This is a type of mental illness that causes a
person to suffer from regular dietary disorders.

Question 5 What do you mean by amenorrhea?

Answer: "Due to Hormonal imbalance, irregularity in menstrual cycle in women" or
absence of menstrual cycle in women for three months or more.
II. Short answer question (3 marks – 100 words)

1) Describe the prevention and treatment of anorexia.

2 . What causes bulimia?
3. Describe the symptoms of anorexia nervosa .
4. Describe the causes of bulimia.
5. write the symptoms of bulimia

III. Vigorous Quantitative Question (5 marks 200-words)

1. Mention any three problems of female players.

2 . Explain briefly about female athlete triad.

3. What do you think of anorexia nervosa?

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