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Portfolio 3

1. Compute the following addition problem 27+35 algorithm and illustrate using base 10


Since there are 12 ones we can create one ten and two ones and modify the picture above to :

Since there are 6 blocks = 60 and 2 blocks=2 when added together the answer would be 62.

2. Explain the standard algorithm for addition conceptually 47+95

47+95 is really forty and seven ones plus ninety and five ones. We can add the seven ones and

five ones which equals twelve ones, we must regroup one ten from twelve and add that to forty

plus ninety and the answer would be one hundred forty-two.

3. Explain the alternate methods for addition: Adding Up, Partial Sums, and Lattice using the

example 368+453

Adding Up:

Adding up seems to be easier when doing mental math because it gives a good understanding as

to how “big” the answer will be. To solve the problem 368+453 by adding up, we must add from

left to right. ​Step 1​. add 3+4=7, ​Step 2.​ add 6+5= 11. However, 6+5 can also be represented as
60 + 50 which equals 110, ​Step 3​. Because the sum of 6 and 5 is 11, we have to regroup 1 to the

7 in the hundreds place; therefore, it becomes an 8 ​Step 4​. add 8+3. Since the sum is 11, we

regroup and the 1 in the tens column becomes a 2. The final answer would be 821.

Partial Sums:

In Partial Sums we add from right to left, but add in each place first and then add all the sums

together. For instance, to solve 368+453 we add the ones first, then the tens, then the hundreds

and lastly add it all together.

Step 1. So, 8 ones plus 3 ones is equivalent to 11 ones.

Step 2. 60+50=110

Step 3. 300+400= 700

Step 4. Add 11+110+700= 821


For Lattice we must add from right to left. 1. Add 8+3=11 2. Add 6+5=11 3. Add 4+3=8


+ 453

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