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IELTS Advice: the week before your exam

What are the best things to do in the last week before your exam? Here are some

1. Nothing new
It's often best not to study anything new just before an exam. "Revision" means
studying what you have already studied to make sure that you know it well. The aim
is to be confident about what you do know, rather than worrying about what you
don't know.

2. Common topics
It's always a good idea to look again at the most common topics for IELTS writing
and speaking. Make sure you have some ideas, opinions and vocabulary for topics
like 'education', 'environment' etc.

3. Test practice
If you have never done a full test (e.g. a full one-hour reading test) before, you
might get a shock in the real exam! Timing is a big problem, so practise a full
test in strict exam conditions. Don't worry about your score; just focus on
finishing everything within the time limit

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