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Draft 2 of Commercial

Person (Phil): Hi there my name is Phil Hartman. Are you thinking about running for office? Do
you want to reach a group of white racists voters but don’t want to piss of the liberal snowflakes?
Well do I have a product for you. Try Dog Whistling. Dog Whistling will take whatever racists
or terrible thought you have and careful manipulate into a phrase that will reach your targeted
group without offending those “snowflakes”.
[Blows whistles]
 State’s rights
 Tough on crime
 welfare cheats
 secure the boarder

But don’t just take my word for it. Here are some famous politicians who have used it and won!!
Pictures of:
 Nixon
 Reagan
 Bill Clinton
 George H.W Bush

Person: Isn’t that great. The list goes on. Or if you don’t want to “hide” your racist ideas.
Then for the low low price of zero dollars, just throw away the whistle and be like President
Donald Trump. That’s right folks. Just say whatever terrible thing that comes to your mind
and say it on the campaign trail. Don’t believe me!! Well here are some things Trump has
said that still got him elected.

 Trump mocking a reporter and saying: “Written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy,
you ought to see this guy, I don’t know what I said. I don’t remember. He’s going like
I don’t remember. Maybe that’s what I said... “
 Trump saying: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best.
They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and
their bring those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. The y’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people…”
 Saying John McCain not a war hero because he was captured: “I supported him for
president. I raised a million dollars for him that’s a lot of money. I supported him. He
lost. He let us down. But you know he lost so I’d never liked him as much after that,
because I don’t like the losers. He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was
captured. I like people that weren’t captured okay.”
Person: (laugh) Fantastic. That’s right folks, you can throw away the whistle and still win. So
buy the dog whistle today or don’t, nothing seems to matter anymore.

Total Word Count:337

Artist statement about this pieces

Purpose: To inform people about dog whistling but also tell them that its changed.

Audiences: I would say anyone but maybe more specifically, people who are interested in


Pathos, Ethos, Logos:

Mode and media:


Draft 2 of debate Nixon vs. Trump.

Person: Hi there I’m your host (name) come at you live from the debate of the century. Today is
the day that the current President Trump will debate against former president Nixon, about dog
whistling. Should be an interesting debate. Would the debaters like to introduce themselves?

Nixon: uh…hello I’m former republican President Nixon. I was the # president during (enter
years). I’m also the one who perfected the strategy known as dog whistling. (Also was known for
the Watergate scandal, but let’s not talk about that. That’s ancient history.)

Trump: What’s up losers. I’m president Trump the current president. I’m the best president. I
don’t use dog whistle because I don’t need it. I always win, I’m mean just look at me. In reality
I won the popular vote, but thousands of illegal aliens voted and rigged the popular vote. So, in
reality I’m a winner.

Person: Well okay then. Nixon, since you are the one started dog whistling we will let you go
first. Why don’t you talk about your opinion of Trump lack using the tactic dog whistling.

Nixon: Thank you (name). I would just like to say President Trump. I have no (bleeping) clue
how you won. That’s right!! I perfected this beautiful tactic which is a great way to win, by
talking to the silent majority and you came in and ruined it!! What the (beep) man. You can’t just
say whatever comes to your mind like that. Your drawing attention to yourself and the silent

Trump: First off, your wrong. I’m the best. I have made running for president great again. The
silent majority agrees with me and I agree with them. So your wrong. Unlike you and the rest of
those losers. I’m not afraid of political correctness. Okay. I’m great at this and I’m great at

Nixon: In my day, you had to respect political correctness. You have to be subtle, other why’s
you’ll loss. And you don’t want to draw negative attention to you and your voters.

Trump: Look old man. You dead. You wrong. So, shut up. I know what’s best. I tell it how it is.
I’m all about free speech, alright. I don’t negotiate with terrorists. I don’t it my way. The voters
they love me. I love them. Alright about what’s best. I only do the best.

Nixon: Listen you orange blob. I had enough of your insults and stupid opinions.
Trump: Hold on—I’m not done—
Nixon: No enough, I created this beautiful tactic. You can be racists, all you want without
consequence. But then you came around with your big ugly sprayed tan face and ruined it. But
know the our voters are getting called out for the racism. Your drawing attentions, and the whole
point to be their silent hero for the issue that they care most about.

Trump: Wrong. They love me. I tell it how it is what can I say. You know nothing about what they
want. How can you. You got a big nose. And you dead.
Person: Okay. I think we are going to cut to commercial. Thank you so much and stayed tune.

Word count:

Artist statement about this pieces



Pathos, Ethos, Logos:

Mode and media:


Artist statement about this pieces



Pathos, Ethos, Logos:

Mode and media:



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