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1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She ……………………… (feel) better after she ……………………… (take) her medicine last night.
2. I ……………………… (think) that Brad ……………………… (travel) to Italy now.
3. I ……………………… (not hear) the phone last night because I ……………………… (sleep).
4. Yesterday, I ……………………… (run into) Jim. I ……………………… (not see) him in years.
5. They ……………………… (not know) what they ……………………… (want) to study this year.

2.Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Stunt people 1. ……………………… (perform) dangerous actions in films. They frequently 2. ………………………
(endanger) themselves in order to bring spectacular scenes to the screen. However, a lot is done to
protect them.
An early example was in a 1928 film when Buster Keaton 3. ……………………… (perform) one of the most
famous early stunts. The front of a house 4. ……………………… (fall) on him, but Keaton 5. ………………………
(escape) injury. Set designers carefully 6. ……………………… (measure) the dimensions of the house so that it
crashed down around Keaton, and not on him.
These days, technology 7. ……………………… (make) stunts much safer. Digital special effects are used to
make high-speed car chases and fiery explosions 8. ……………………… (look) dangerous without putting the
stunt person in harm’s way. However, not all stunt people appreciate the new, high-tech tools.
……………………… (take) the thrill out of the stunt. I 10. ……………………… (prefer) to do stunts without any
special effects.”

3. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
I A: 1. ……………………… you ……………………… (see) Sue lately?
B: She 2. ……………………… (go) on holiday to Turkey last week.
A: Really? Sue 3. ……………………… (not be) on holiday for ages.
B: I 4. ……………………… (hear) from her last week. She 5. ……………………… (have) a wonderful time!
II A: I 6. ……………………… (try) to phone you yesterday, but no one answered. What 7. ………………………
you ……………………… (do) at about 6 o’clock?
B: I 8. ……………………… (lift) weights.
A: Really? When 9. ……………………… you ……………………… (take up) weightlifting?
B: Not long ago. I 10. ……………………… (train) for a competition these days.

4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Although I 1. ……………………… (know) for years that exercise is important, I 2. ……………………… (not have) time
to go to a gym every day. Then a friend told me about a great new computer game, Wii Fit, that
……………………… (help) people get fit at home! He told me that after he4. ……………………… (try) this game,
he 5. ……………………… (stop) going to his gym! The next day, I 6. ……………………… (buy) Wii Fit. There are
about 40 activities and the game’s special graphics 7. ……………………… (help) you to do the exercises
correctly. Wii Fit8. ……………………… (combine) fitness with fun, so when I 9. ……………………… (read) that Wii
Fit10. ……………………… (sell) at a current rate of 90 copies per minute, I wasn’t surprised.

5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
When we 1. ……………………… (move) to our new house by the sea, I was eight years old. Even before that,
I 2. ……………………… (spend) every summer on a boat. My dad 3. ……………………… (teach) me to sail before I
……………………… (learn) to ride a bike so I 5. ……………………… (know) how I wanted to spend my time at our
new house – I 6. ……………………… (plan) to get my own boat and sail it every day, which is exactly what I did.
Now, when I 7. ……………………… (look back) on my childhood, I realise how lucky I was to grow up by the
sea. I still 8. ……………………… (love) sailing
6. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
Sardinia holds the world record for the highest percentage of people who 1. ……………………… (live) to be
over 100. Most of the locals 2. ……………………… (believe) that the reason lies in the place itself – the air and
the food. But now, scientists 3. ……………………… (investigate) another hypothesis. For centuries, the
islanders 4. ……………………… (not intermarry) with outsiders, so it is likely that Sardinians have got similar
genes. Therefore, it’s logical to assume that they 5. ……………………… (share) a gene for longevity. Recently, a
research team 6. ……………………… (succeed) in analysing the proteins found in the Y chromosome. They 7.
……………………… (not find) the key gene yet, but the research coordinator has predicted that the team 8.
……………………… (come up) with the answer. As he’s a Sardinian, it’s likely that he 9. ……………………… (reach)
the age of 100. Maybe, he 10. ……………………… (discover) the longevity gene by then.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ]
1. The storm ……………………… (appear) to be over now.
2. I think we should cancel the game. It looks like it ……………………… (snow).
3. Don’t phone Ann. She ……………………… (do) her homework.
4. The room looked fantastic after they ……………………… (paint) it.
5. The grass is wet. It ……………………… (must / rain).
6. I’m taking the dog to the vet. It ……………………… (not eat) anything for days.

8. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
Jane Spader1. ……………………… (not notice) the dark sky as yesterday’s storm was approaching. She
……………………… (not hear) the thunder or see the lightning. She was too busy talking on her mobile
phone as she was walking to her car. The next thing Jane remembered was that she 3. ……………………… (lie)
on the ground and her 12-year-old brother Tom was shaking her and calling her name. The lightning 4.
……………………… (strike) Jane. Luckily for her, Tom 5. ……………………… (see) what had happened and
immediately called an ambulance. Incredibly, Jane survived. A doctor at the hospital said, “Jane was very
lucky. The lightning 6. ……………………… (could / kill) her.” Metal objects 7. ……………………… (attract) lightning.
So when you’re outdoors in a thunderstorm, even holding a mobile phone can be dangerous. I’m sure Jane
……………………… (not make) that mistake again.

9. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Active or passive)
In 1913, Arthur Wynne 1.……………………… (create) the first crossword puzzle. It 2.……………………… (must
be) a success since the word game soon spread across the USA. At first, newspapers 3. ………………………
(carry) them as a weekly feature, but after Simon and Schuster 4.……………………… (publish) them in book
form, they 5. ……………………… (grow) in popularity. People 6.……………………… (can / not get) enough of
them. Puzzles began to appear everywhere. Railway companies 7.……………………… (print) them on the
back of menus in dining cars. Diners would solve the puzzles while they 8.……………………… (wait) for their
meal. Since 1997, computers 9. ……………………… (help) to advance the development of crossword
puzzles. With special software, people 10. ……………………… (be able to) construct their own puzzles.
Today, people 11.……………………… (consider) the crossword to be the most popular word puzzle. Over 40
million people in the USA 12.……………………… (solve) a crossword daily. If you 13.……………………… (open)
any newspaper, you 14.……………………… (probably find) a crossword. It 15.……………………… (seem) that
crossword puzzles are here to stay!
10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. When we reached the station, we discovered that the train ……………………… (leave).
2. Who do you think ……………………… (win) the game tomorrow?
3. Tom ……………………… (dream) of being an actor since childhood.
4. If it ……………………… (not be) for you, he wouldn’t have succeeded.
5. The grass is wet. It ……………………… (must / rain).

11. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Active or passive)
Doctors Without Borders 1.……………………… (found) in 1971. It’s an independent medical organisation that
……………………… (provide) emergency health care to people who 3.……………………… (affect) by war,
epidemics or natural disasters. Over the years, this humanitarian aid organisation 4.……………………… (help)
millions of people in more than 60 countries around the world.
So how 5.……………………… doctors ……………………… (convince) to get involved? As one volunteer explained,
“The first time I 6.……………………… (hear) about Doctors Without Borders was when a spokesperson
……………………… (invite) to the hospital where I 8.……………………… (work) at the time. She told us about
the year she 9.……………………… (spend) in Bosnia. She 10.……………………… (must / speak) for over two hours.
Her story inspired me. I realised that if I did something, perhaps many people 11.……………………… (can /
Well, this volunteer hasn’t stopped helping people. This time next month, he 12.……………………… (fly) to
Darfur on another project.

12. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (active or passive)
1. By the time the race is over, Mike ……………………… (run) for a total of three hours.
2. That’s not true! She ……………………… (lie)!
3. Yesterday the news ……………………… (not broadcast) on time.
4. He told me ……………………… (turn off) the light.
5. “Help me, please,” he said to the police officer. “I think I ……………………… (follow).”
6. Dolphins ……………………… (say) to be clever.
7. I ……………………… (not answer) the phone if it had rung during dinner.
8. She suggested ……………………… (go) to the new Chinese restaurant.

13. .Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (active or passive)
I 1.……………………… (dream) of being a screenwriter for years. I 2.……………………… (recently complete)
a screenwriter’s course. During the course I wrote several scripts, all of which 3.……………………… (reject).
Then one day my luck 4.……………………… (change). My work 5.……………………… (accept) by some producers
who claimed they 6.……………………… (look) for an original script for a TV series. I 7.……………………… (invite)
to Los Angeles to sign a contract. On the morning of my appointment, I 8.……………………… (show) into an
elegant office. For a moment, I panicked. 9.……………………… the series ……………………… (succeed)? Suddenly
the producer looked at me closely. He asked me if I 10.……………………… (ever act) before. He
……………………… (must / notice) my panic. He suggested that I 12. ……………………… (do) a screen test. I
protested, saying that I 13.……………………… (study) to be a screenwriter, not an actress. He promised me
that I 14.……………………… (become) a famous actress, and he was right.
14. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
One day, as Nathalie Hoyland of Yorkshire, England 1. …………………… (walk) home from work, she
…………………… (begin) to feel very tired. She 3. …………………… (know) she needed to get home
quickly and get into bed. Nathalie 4. …………………… (suffer) from a rare disease called
Kleine-Levin Syndrome since she was 17 years old. This disease, also called “Sleeping Beauty
Disease”, 5. …………………… (cause) people to sleep for days and, sometimes, even weeks at a
time. When this 6. …………………… (happen) to Nathalie, her family makes sure they wake her up
regularly so that she can eat and drink. Over the years, Nathalie 7. …………………… (miss) school
exams, her
birthday, Christmas and even week-long family holidays. Today, Nathalie 8. …………………… (work)
as a careers advisor with local youth. She hopes scientists 9. …………………… (discover) a cure for
the disease in the near future.
15. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. )

About 50 years ago, American president J. F. Kennedy 1. …………………… (realise) that unless he 2.
…………………… (help) young Americans to go and work abroad, many of them would never
experience other cultures. He also knew that the local people 3. …………………… (benefit) if
Americans volunteered in poorer areas. So in 1961, he 4. …………………… (start) the Peace Corps.
Today, about 7,000 Peace Corps volunteers work in 78 countries. Most 5. …………………… (live) in
the countryside and 6. …………………… (work) in healthcare or education. If they 7. ……………………
(prefer) to live in a city, they may teach computer skills. Most volunteers are young, but people
of all ages can join if they 8. …………………… (agree) to volunteer for two years. Over the years, the
Peace Corps 9. …………………… (improve) the lives of many people. Hopefully, it 10. ……………………
(continue) for many more years!
16. Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the passive form. (active or passive )
Hundreds of horror films 1. …………………… (award) prizes by the New York City Horror Film
Festival since it 2. …………………… (establish) in 2001. The festival 3. …………………… (hold) every year
in October. Prizes in several different categories 4. …………………… (give) each year.
In addition to new films, classic horror films which 5. …………………… (enjoy) by the public for many
years 6. …………………… (show) at the festival. Similar festivals exist around the United States and
elsewhere, although it 7. …………………… (believe) that the New York festival is the biggest, and the
one that 8. …………………… (give) the most recognition over the years. The programme for next
year’s festival 9. …………………… (decide) now, and it 10. …………………… (publish) soon.
17. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (active or passive)
Why would an 11-year-old boy walk from his home near Tampa, Florida to Washington DC,
a distance of almost 2,000 kilometres? Whenever he 1. .……………………. (ask) this question,
Zach Bonner 2. .……………………. (explain) that he wants to focus attention on the problems
of homeless children in the United States. In 2007, Zach, who claimed that he 3. .…………………….
(come up with) the idea after watching a TV documentary, 4. .……………………. (complete)
the walk in three stages. He 5. .……………………. (sponsor) by local businesses including a
restaurant group that said it was proud that it 6. .……………………. (donate) meals to Zach and his
family. Since then, Zach 7. .……………………. (walk) along other routes in the US, raising money for
homeless children and adults. Zach hopes that he 8. .……………………. (continue) working for
charity for many years to come.
1. My partner and I own a business. It specializes in computer science.
2. We drove to the restaurant. We were supposed to meet there.
3. My father and mother met twenty years ago. They were studying at university together at
that time.
4. I just spoke to a friend. I´m interested in renting his country house.
5. The criminal will soon be released. He was imprisoned for selling drugs.
6. Gina was at home yesterday. I got her the news then.
7. His Facebook page hasn´t been updated. I looked at it this morning.
8. My parents are in Paris for the weekend. It´s their anniversary today.
9. Our neighbours seem very nice. They moved in last week.
10. I´ve got a friend. His brother used to work for Google.
11. She finally visited the town. It has a special meaning for her.
12. Russel is usually a good cook. He served a boring meal last night.
13. Greenpeace is a movement. It´s trying to stop pollution.
14. Placido Domingo is an opera singer. I like his voice best.
15. In 1962, Mandela received military training. Mandela lived in Algeria in that year.
16. Her car was a gift from her parents. It was stolen.
17. Sue´s father is Japanese. Sue visits Japan every July,
18. Here is the brochure about the holiday resort. We might go to it.
19. Steve is always taking photographs. He wants to become a professional photographer one
20. We´re going to Chicago in December. It will be very cold then.
21. Her website raises money for people. They are homeless.
22. Ebay is a popular online auction site. It is used by people in more than 30 countries.
23. I remember the day. I forgot to log out of my Facebook page and my mother read it.
24. Is that the girl? We saw her photo on David´s Facebook wall
25. In 1995, Amazon sold only books. Amazon began operating in that year.

1. Drinking alcohol while you drive is prohibited by law.
2. Perhaps I´ll go to the cinema.
3. I´m not able to get up early in the morning.
4. You had better sleep at least seven hours the night before a big exam.
5. It´s a pity we didn´t spend our last holiday in the country.
6. I don´t think I told you all the news.
7. It was wrong of him to employ 13-year-old children.
8. He´s late for work again. He probably woke up late.
9. Before they built those tall buildings, it was possible for us to see the ocean from here.
10. My bag is not here. I´m certain somebody has taken it.
11. There´s no doubt he didn´t do it.
12. There is no need for you to bring a cake to the party.
13. We aren´t allowed to ride bicycles on the motorway.
14. Will you please let me borrow your MP4 player?
15. It would be a good idea for us to start our project today.
16. Have you got a pen for me to borrow?
17. The water in this river is too polluted for us to drink
18. It´s possible that Jeff didn´t receive the message
19. There´s no need for Julie to help me cook for the party.
20. I doubt that story is real.
21. Perhaps she didn´t see us.
22. I´m sure they were frightened
23. My brother doesn´t how to ride a bike
24. I advise you to save money
25. It´s impossible that it´s expensive.

1. She has already fed the cats.
2. The new Twilight film is being released next week.
3. You didn´t cook the soup long enough.
4. Lynne´s mum usually drives her to school.
5. They´ve already shown this film many times.
6. We´ll take care of your dog while you´re away.
7. He didn´t write these songs.
8. They had asked the children to leave the room.
9. When do you serve dinner?
10. They´re painting the house at the moment.
11. His parents have promised him a new mobile phone.
12. This global trade in food is damaging the environment.
13. People buy exotic fruits in supermarkets in Europe.
14. We transport food over huge distances.
15. They have to send you the book.
16. We haven´t invited Alice to our party.
17. Will they show the paintings at the gallery next week?
18. You mustn´t reveal our secret.
19. What time do they deliver the post r?
20. Soya farmers are cutting down the rainforest
21. My sister had organized the entire party
22. The workers could have finished the job yesterday
23. Did a famous journalist write this article?
24. Are they going to warn residents about the storm?
25. Have they sent the invitations yet?
26. Somebody was following us

1. Whenever we study together for an exam, we ___________ (always / deliver/ pizza)
2. She ___________________ (pierce / her ears) yesterday
3. The DVD player isn´t working properly. We __________________ (should/ repair / it)
4. I´m sorry I couldn´t talk to you when you rang me because I _________________ (paint/ my
5. Paul ___________________ (make/his guitar) by a Japanese expert.
6. My computer is broken, I _______________ (fix/ it) tomorrow.
7. We aren´t painting the house this year. We ______________ (paint/it) last year.
8. Tomorrow , she _________ (have/ a haircut)
9. We ____________ (repair / the phone) by the time mum got home so she could call dad
10. We _______________ (usually/ collect / the rubbish) every Friday.
11. I think they _____________________ (take/ lots of photographs) at the show now.
12. We didn´t plant those trees ourselves. We ____________ (plant/ them) by a gardener.
13. Olivia´s nose used to be bigger. She _____________ ( reconstruct/ it)
14. She seldom cooks. She _________________ (prepare/ her meals) by a chef.
15. Tomorrow a photographer is going to come. We ______________________ (take/ our
16. Our printer is working again. We __________________ (repair)
17. All our pictures are on the computer. We ___________________________ (never /develop)
18. “My tooth hurts” “You ____________________________ (should / check)
19. I´m not buying my wedding dress in a shop. I _______________________ (make)
20. “I don´t feel like going out to get the pizza.” “Ok. Let´s _______________________ (deliver)”
21. Dave _________________________ (repair/ his bike). Now he can ride to work
22. I can´t talk now. I ________________ (cut / my hair)
23. Where _____________ (you / make/ your dress)?
24. My parents _____________________________ (redo / the kitchen) tomorrow
25. _______________________ (you / check / the oil and water) at the garage last week?

1.I can´t eat this cake because I´m on a diet.
2. Sam won´t join us unless we go to a vegetarian restaurant
3. I haven´t got enough money for a new motorbike.
4. Grace wants to go to the beach but it´s too cold.
5. He hasn´t got many friends because he is very shy.
6. We were lucky we hadn´t forgotten our GPS
7. I didn´t save any money so I can´t buy this phone.
8. You should compare prices before buying a car.
9. I´ll help you but I´d like you to make me a sandwich.
10. They won´t let you enter the building without proper identification.
11. As long as he behaves himself, he can come with me.
12. She feels ill because she never eats fresh fruit
13. I´m overweight because I won´t cut out sugary foods.
14. They ate at a pizzeria because it wasn´t very expensive.
15. They did some karaoke because it was Ben´s birthday.
16. They were very noisy so a waiter asked them to leave.
17. If shops ____________________ (not use) plastic bags, there ___________________ (be) less waste.
18. we were late for the concert. We ___ (might be) on time if we _____ (not miss) the bus.
19. Joe sold his house, he _____ (never sell) it if he ______ (not need) the money.
20. it´s been snowing all night. I _____ (drive) slowly if the roads ____ ( be) still slippery.
21. I didn´t like the film because it ended sadly
22. Dave can´t repair the car because he doesn´t have the right tools.
23. You can´t use the pool if you aren´t a hotel guest. (unless)
24. we aren´t going to the beach because it´s raining.
25. I didn´t bring my wallet so I can´t buy this.
1.”Did you remember to charge your mobile?, he asked me.
2. “I ran into David in the library yesterday”, she mentioned
3. “I haven´t had any luck finding a job”, he complained
4. “When did you start smoking?”, the doctor wanted to know.
5. “What can we do to help him?”, they wondered.
6. “Let´s volunteer at the food centre tomorrow”, I suggested
7. “Please, donate books for the shelter´s library”, they asked us.
8. “Don´t be late for the exam”, the teacher warned us.
9. “Let´s go to the new Thai restaurant”, she suggested.
10. “You shouldn´t lie to the police”, his lawyer advised him
11. “Wait in the queue”, they told them
12. “Do you know that my mother once heard them sing in person?”
13. “How long does the flight take?”, he asked me.
14. “The concert took place two years ago”, she added.
15. “I must tell you something important”, Lisa admitted.
16. “Do you like this kind of film?”, his friend asked
17. “Where is she going to live next year?”, my parents asked
18. “Has Keira Knighley acted in any films lately?” I asked,
19. “Can you help me move these tables now?”, asked my teacher.
20. “Did you watch that new programme last night?”; John asked.
21. “Take this medicine”; my doctor said
22. “Don´t swim here”, my mother said
23. “ Please, don´t forget the exam tomorrow”, our teacher said.
24. “I sometimes cheat in the exams”, Nathan said
25. “Why don´t we help Dad with the shopping?”, my brother said

1.Helen donates money to charity every year. She also volunteers in a shelter. (in addition)
2.The camera wasn´t on sale. However, I decided to buy it . (although)
3. We stayed on a remote island so that we could have a peaceful holiday. (in order to)
4. I couldn´t use the laptop since I hadn´t charged it. (consequently)
5. Please ask Nigel if this is his mobile phone. (belongs)
6. We designed the machine carefully and made sure it was user-friendly because we wanted it to be
foolproof. ( so that)
7. It started to rain. Therefore, we decided to turn back. (because of)
8. The last time we saw them was at Christmas. (since)
9. We´re going to have dinner between seven and eight. ( at half past seven)
10. During our journey, we met several interesting people.
11. We plan to do a report on how celebreties use Twitter. (going)
12. They are going to release their new film before 1 st December. (have)
13. He made three unsuccessful films. Then, he finally made a box-office hit. (had)
14. They compared prices in several shops. Then, they bought a dishwasher. (after)
15. The Christmas sales begin at the end of November. (By December)
16. The last time I saw Edward was three days ago. (for)
17. I´m still trying to make friends in my new school. (haven´t)
18. I´m going to exercise from eight to nine. ( at 8.30)
19. Jeff and Louise broke up during their drive home. ( driving)
20. Do you think you will be married by the time you´re 35? (got)
1.felt; had taken
2. think; is travelling
3. didn’t hear; was sleeping
4. ran into; hadn’t seen
5. don’t know; want
2. 1.perform 7. makes / is making /
2. endanger has made
3. performed 8. look
4. fell 9. take / have taken
5. escaped 10. prefer
6. measured
3.. 1. A: Have … seen
B: went
A: hasn’t been
B: heard, is having
2. A: tried, were … doing
B: was lifting
A: did … take up
B: am training
4 1.have known 5. stopped 9. read
2. don’t have 6. bought 10. is selling
3. helps 7. help
4. (had) tried 8. combines
5. 1. moved 4. learnt / learned7. look back
2. had spent 5. knew 8. Love
3. had taught 6. Planned

6. 6. (has) succeeded

2. believe 7. haven’t found
3. are investigating 8. will come up
4. haven’t intermarried9. will reach
5. share 10. will have discovered

7. 1. appears 4. had painted

2. is going to snow 5. must have rained
3. is doing 6. hasn’t eaten
8. 1. hadn’t noticed / 5. had seen / saw
didn’t notice 6. could have killed
2. didn’t hear 7. attract
3. was lying 8. won’t make
4. had struck
9. 1.created 9. have helped
2. must have been 10. are able to
3. carried 11. consider
4. published 12. solve
5. grew 13. Open
6. couldn’t get 14. will probably find
7. printed 15. seems
8. were waiting
10. 1. had left 4. weren’t
2. will win 5. must have rained
3. has dreamt / has dreamed
11. 1. was founded 7. was invited
2. provides 8. was working
3. are / have been affected 9. had spent
4. has helped 10. must have spoken
5. are … convinced 11. could be helped
6. heard 12. will be flying
12 1.will have run 6. are said
2. is lying 7. wouldn’t have
3. wasn’t broadcast answered
4. to turn off 8. going
5. am being followed
13. 1. have dreamt / 7. was invited
have dreamed 8. was shown
2. have recently 9. Would … succeed
completed 10. had ever acted
3. were rejected 11. must have noticed
4. changed 12. (should) do
5. was accepted 13. had studied
6. were looking 14. would become

14. 1. was walking 6. happens

2. began 7. has missed
3. knew 8. works / is working
4. has suffered 9. will discover
5. causes
1. realised 6. work
2. helped 7. prefer
3. would benefit 8. agree
4. started 9. has improved
5. live 10. will continue

16. 1. have been awarded 6. are shown

2. was established 7. is believed
3. is held 8. has been given
4. are given 9. is being decided
5. have been enjoyed 10. will be published
17. 1. is asked 5. was sponsored
2. explains 6. had donated
3. had come up with 7. has walked
4. completed 8. will continue
26. My partner and I own a business which specializes in computer science.
27. We drove to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet
28. My father and mother met twenty years ago when they were studying at university together
29. I just spoke to a friend whose country house I´m interested in renting.
30. The criminal who was imprisoned for selling drugs will soon be released.
31. Gina was at home yesterday when I got her the news
32. His Facebook page which I looked at this morning hasn´t been updated.
33. My parents whose anniversary is today are in Paris for the weekend.
34. Our neighbours who moved in last week seem very nice.
35. I´ve got a friend whose brother used to work for Google.
36. She finally visited the town which has a special meaning for her.
37. Russel who served a boring meal last night is usually a good cook.
38. Greenpeace is a movement which is trying to stop pollution.
39. Placido Domingo whose voice I like best is an opera singer.
40. Mandela received military training in 1962 when he lived in Algeria.
41. Her car, which was stolen, was a gift from her parents
42. Sue, whose father is Japanese, visits Japan every July
43. Here is the brochure about the holiday resort where we might go to.
44. Steve, who wants to become a professional photographer one day, is always …
45. We´re going to Chicago in December, when it´s very cold.
46. Her website raises money for people who are homeless.
47. Ebay, which is used by people in more than 30 countries, is a popular online auction site.
48. I remember the day when I forgot to log out of my Facebook page and my mother read it.
49. Is that the girl whose photo we saw photo on David´s Facebook wall?
50. In 1995 , when Amazon began operating, it sold only books

26. You mustn´t drink alcohol while you drive
27. I might go to the cinema.
28. I can´t get up early in the morning.
29. You should sleep at least seven hours the night before a big exam.
30. We should have spent our last holiday in the country.
31. I may / might not have told you all the news.
32. He shouldn´t have employed 13-year-old children.
33. He´s late for work again. He may have woken up late.
34. Before they built those tall buildings, we could see the ocean from here.
35. My bag is not here. Somebody must have taken it.
36. He can´t have done it.
37. You don´t have to bring a cake to the party.
38. We can´t / mustn´t ride bicycles on the motorway.
39. Can you lend me your MP4 player?
40. We should start our project today.
41. Can you lend me a pen?
42. We mustn´t drink water
43. Jeff may / might not have received the message.
44. Julie doesn´t have to help me cook
45. That story may not be real
46. She may / might not have seen us .
47. They must have been frightened
48. My brother can´t ride a bike
49. You should save money
50. It can´t be expensive.

27. The cats have already been fed by her .
28. They are releasing the new Twilight film next week.
29. The soup wasn´t cooked long enough by you .
30. Lynne is usually driven to school by her mother.
31. This film has already been shown many times by them .
32. Your dog will be taken care of while you´re away.
33. These songs weren´t written by him .
34. The children had been asked to leave room by them .
35. When is dinner served by you ?
36. They house is being painted at the moment by them .
37. He has been promised a new mobile phone by his parents.
38. The environment is being damaged by this global trade in food
39. Exotic fruits are bought in supermarkets in Europe.
40. Food is transported over huge distances by us
41. The book has to be sent to you// You have to be sent the book .
42. Alice hasn´t been invited to our party.
43. Will the paintings be shown at the art gallery next week?
44. Our secret mustn´t be revealed.
45. What time is dinner delivered?
46. The rainforest is being cut down by soya farmers
47. The entire party had been organised by my sister
48. The job could have been finished by the workers yesterday
49. Was this article written by a famous journalist ?
50. Are residents going to be warned about the storm?
51. Have the invitations been sent yet?
52. We were being followed

26. Whenever we study together for an exam, we always have pizza delivered
27. She had her ears pierced yesterday
28. The DVD player isn´t working properly. We should have it repaired
29. I´m sorry I couldn´t talk to you when you rang me because I was having my nails painted
30. Paul has his guitar made by a Japanese expert.
31. My computer is broken, I will have it fixed tomorrow.
32. We aren´t painting the house this year. We got it painted last year.
33. Tomorrow , she is going to have her hair cut
34. We had had the phone repaired by the time mum got home so she could call dad
35. We usually have the rubbish collected every Friday.
36. I think they are having lots of photographs taken at the show now.
37. We didn´t plant those trees ourselves. We had them planted by a gardener.
38. Olivia´s nose used to be bigger. She had it reconstructed
39. She seldom cooks. She has her meals prepared by a chef.
40. Tomorrow a photographer is going to come. We are going to have our pictures taken
41. We had it repaired
42. We never have them developed
43. You should have it checked.
44. I¨m having it made
45. Let´s have it delivered
46. Dave has had his bike repaired
47. I can´t talk now. I am having my hair cut )
48. Where have you had your dress made ?
49. My parents are going to have the kitchen redone tomorrow
50. Did you have the oil and water checked at the garage last week?

1 If I weren´t on a diet, I could eat this cake
2. Sam won´t join us if we don´t go to a vegetarian restaurant
3. If I had enough money, I would buy a new motorbike.
4. If it weren´t so cold, Grace would go to the beach.
5. He would have more friends if he weren´t so shy
6. If we had forgotten our GPS, we wouldn´t have been lucky.
7. If I had saved some money, I could have bought this phone .
8. If I were you, I´d compare prices before buying a car.
9. I´ll help you if you prepare me a sandwich.
10. They won´t let you enter the building if you don´t have the proper identification.
11. If he behaves himself, he can come with me.
12. If she ate more fresh fruit, she wouldn´t feel ill.
13. I wouldn´t be overweight if I cut out sugary foods.
14. They wouldn´t have eaten at a pizzeria if it had been very expensive.
15. If it hadn´t been his birthday, they wouldn´t have done some karaoke.
16. If they hadn´t been so noisy, the waiter wouldn´t have asked them to leave.
17. didn´t use // would be
18. might have been // hadn´t missed
19. would never have sold it // hadn´t needed.
20. drive / are
21. If the film hadn´t ended sadly, I would have liked it
22. If Dave had the right tools, he could repair the car.
23. Unless you are a hotel guest, you can´t use the pool.
24. If it weren´t raining, we would go to the beach.
25. If I had brought my wallet, I could have bought this.
1 He asked me if I had remembered to charged my mobile phone.
2. She mentioned that she had run into David in the library the day before.
3. He complained that he hadn´t had any luck…
4. The doctor wanted to know when I had started smoking.
5. They wondered what they could do to help him .
6. I suggested volunteering at the food centre the following day
7. They asked us to donate books …
8. The teacher warned us not to be late for the exam
9. She suggested going to …
10. His lawyer advised him not to lie to the police
11. THey told them to wait in the queue
12. He asked me if I knew that his mother had once heard them sing in person
13. He asked me how long the flight took .
14. She added that the concert had taken place 2 years before.
15. Lisa admitted that she had to tell me something
16. His friend wanted to know if I liked that kind of film
17. My parents didn´t know where she was going to live the next year
18. I wondered if .KK. Had acted in some films lately
19. My teacher asked if I / we could help him move those tables .
20. John inquired if I had watched that new programme the previous night .
21. My doctor told me to take that medicine
22. My mother ordered me not to swim there
23.Our teacher asked us not to forget the exam the next day .
24. Nathan admitted that he sometimes cheated in the exams
25. My brother suggested helping Dad with the shopping

1.Helen donates money to charity every year.In addition, she volunteers in a shelter.
2 Although the camera wasn´t on sale, I decided to buy it .
3. We stayed on a remote island in order to have a peaceful holiday.
4. I hadn´t charged the laptop. Consequently, I couldn´t use it.
5. Please ask Nigel if this mobile phone belongs to him .
6. We designed the machine carefully and made sure it was user-friendly so that it would be foolproof.
7. We decided to turn back because of the rain
8. We haven´t seen them since last Christmas .
9. At half past eight we´ll have finished dinner .
10. During our journey, we met several interesting people.
11. We are going to do a report on how celebreties use Twitter.
12. By 1st December they will have released their new film
13. After he had made three unsuccessful films , he finally made a box-office hit.
14. After they had compared prices in several shops, they bought a dishwasher.
15. By Decdember, the Christmas sales will have begun.
16. I haven´t seen Edward for three days.
17. I haven´t made any new friends in my new school yet.
18. At 8.30 I´ll be exercising
19. Jeff and Louise broke up while they were driving home.
20. Do you think you will have got married by the time you´re 35?

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