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f K I W t t n - i ,

7ol. VI, No. 21 TOPAZ, UTAH Tuesday, February 22, 1944'


BEING STUDIED) a "suicide mission" of Jaoanese American volun
Possibilities for teers secured
es- a vital road junction for United nations
tablishing a vocational forces on the Fifth Army front is revealed through a
training program in all news photo from Italy which was publi she'd on Feb. 13
centers patterned after by the Des Lloines Register. The Register printed the
the program now being used photo of 11 battle-wea- ry

in Topaz are being studied Men May Apply, nisei soldiers, noting --

this week by Winston Ste- "only these returned from

vens of the civil sorvice tor a rendezvous with death".
commission in TJashington Hon of draft age in- The caption to the pic-
and Harold James of the terested in volunteering ture reported that these
VtRA personnel office.. They for Camp Savage may do 11 soldiers, members of
arrived here Sunday. so by applying with the the fighting 100th Infan-
James stated that the Director of Personnel, try Battalion, "were all
experiments being carried Camp Savage, Hinneapolis, who came back out of a pla-
out here in using state ilinn.,- -
according to a toon ('normally about 50
and other vocational train- wire received here. men) hat accomplished its
ing facilities wore more Those in the Enlisted mission and secured for
advanced than similar pro- Reserve Corps may also-apply- , United Nations' armies a
grams in other centers. it was indicated. road junction in Italy
Stevens is now with the-YIR-
Vio Vinrt Vipn heavilv de- -
on special detail to CURTiSS CANDY CO. fended bv a German machine
it assist in planning a per-
sonnel training program. RECRUITERS SEEK published the photo as a
The two will confer method of calling to the
WORKERS HERE attention of persons writ-
with division heads
evacuee supervisors on the"
H. P. Scott, personnel ing letters condemning Ja-
problems and advantages of director, and Harry Hayeda panese Americans-- that
men ,

the vocational and staff of the employment division, of Japanese ancestry were
training programs offered both of Curtiss Candy Go. fighting for democracy.
here. They are also study- in Chicago, arrived here KIRrSTIMONATREC
ing a plan for training last night. They will be
appointed personnel. in the relocation office AFTERNOONS
recruiting workers until 33 IN

Farm Chiefs Hold Thursday. William mr-Stimo- n,"

addition to the fac- In- -
location from
Conclave At Gila
tory, the company operates Grand Rapids, Michigan,
Wendell ;Palmer, agri-- - several farms. 15 man to will be available at the
I"". block managers headqua-
cultural section chief, do general farming especial-
ila-ron- go

and George HcColm, asso- are needed, rters at rec 33 from 2:30
abovo draft ago
ciate agronomist, left Sun- ly thoseineligible to 5 PM until March 1. Ho
day night for Gila to at- or those for the will be in the .relocation
tend a conference of farm drft. Housing, including office in the mornings.
section heads from the va- heat, light and products will hold
Kir-Stim- on

rious centers. from the farm, will be fur- personal interviews with
They, accompanied 2 Mini- nished each worker. all those who wish informa-
doka officials, Robert Da- Women to wrap and box tion on the midwest, parti-
vidson and William Raw-lin- gs. cularly Ohio and Uichigan.
candy bars are also needed.
Wages are on a piece work
During the meeti basis and workers nay aver-
3-d- ay

i "
ing which opens Wednesday, wee- JOBS
age from $30 to 35 FOR-NISE- 1

the delego!te3 will discuss Scott stated,

kly, Approximately 100 gov-
production problems and ernment positions are open
3 BYU EDUCATORS for stenographers and typ-
the agricultural program ATTEND LOCAL MEET from relocation cen-
c.- -
for the current, year. ists
Palmar and HcColla are To aid local teachers ters in Washington, DC, ac-
expected back Monday .. on different problems of cording to Robert Dolins,
education, 3 faculty me- relocation officer in that
Miri. mbers area." Young women accept-
from Brigham Young
University. Provo-- spoke ing these jobs will re- -
..35- -
Saturday. 4 -
Sunday... ..43 14 n. .hft nrhjeational confer caive grade 3A civil ser-
Monday. . . ..43 29 ence last Friday and Satur-- vice ratings with base pay
day at the high school. at $1620, plus overtime.

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