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On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, it was not yet born.

When Pablo Escobar died, I was born, I had

3. In the year they passed Law 100 that collapsed health in Colombia

4. When I was 9 years old and I was finishing primary school,

5. In the year 2000, the new millennium began, I started high school

6. The day of the September 11 attack, I remember that I went to the doctor, I was

7. In 2003, the war for oil against Iraq began, that year I had studied very hard.

8. In 2006 Saddam Hussein died.

9. In 2013, discover the particle of gods, year in which I thought I would begin to

10. In 2016, that same year, Donald Trump would be elected president of the
United States.

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