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Raegan Walker

Mrs. Scharf

APEL, Per.1


Satirical Gender Inequality

Men have to proved to be the dominant sex in modern society; excelling in all aspects

that make the United States superior, and maybe even “Make America Great Again.” Men are

responsible for our advanced technology, mass-production industries, entertainment excellence,

and providing the “roof over your head” for their families. Gender equality is defined by radical

feminists as “a state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender,” which is

absurd, for a variety of reasons. Many female activists are even agitated by the wage gap,

asserting that as of “the year 2015, full-time women workers made 80 cents for every dollar

earned by men.” They have taken this so called “issue” to the highlights and covers of

newspapers, invading our once relevant televised news topics. But why do they care? Women are

whiny, delirious human beings, complaining about how men are willing to support them in

anyway to live and fulfill a prosperous life. Honey, if a man is eager to provide for you, then stop

complaining. Why flounder in pity over just 20 cents less? Be appreciative. Women are just

better off caring and nurturing their babies and maintaining the household.

We all see it; beginning in elementary school, boys are the fastest, toughest, and most

physically capable on the field. Sports are expressions of masculinity and manhood, which

women obviously lack. Athletes like Usain Bolt and and LeBron James have proven through

their gifted talents that they can do the impossible.

Yet again, we see women’s incapabilities featured in the presidential election. Our 45th

president Donald Trump shockingly won against Hillary Clinton from the democratic party. The

votes by the American citizens showed that we are not confident in our females, much less

making the decisions for our country..

The American society does not need the input of women’s “intelligence” in research

studies or job occupations. In fact, a research study has discovered that a male's brain is

considerably larger than a women’s. This country is in no need for little-minded (literally)

females, who don't even deserve a higher paycheck.

Girls, just focus on reproducing and fertilization, and leave the innovative success to our

proud men.

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