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Action Plan

As a practicing educator, the problem solving course put many things in

perspective for me. This class was very interesting in giving us many different ways to
apply our problem solving strategies. In teaching students to become problem solvers, it
requires a lot more than what meets the eye. Providing the proper questions, activities,
and spaces for students to grow and learn. In one class during this semester, watching
the movie “The 12 Angry men”, brought insight to thought process of the individuals in
the show and also it was relative to any group of people. I want to recognize all my
students strengths and weaknesses to put them in positions to be successful. As well
as the other students in the classroom, the truth is everyone in the community benefits
from greatness. IN the following I will show the process in which I intend to bring this
about with my students.

● Students will learn how to think about problem solving in a critical sense.
Moving away from procedural processes to view problems as a journey
rather than getting the answers.

● As a fan of Z. Hammonds, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, I believe in
being a warm demander. Having high expectations but building a
relationship that will sustain the ability to push on learning.
● Providing much more scaffold for students. Especially those who are on
IEPs or are ELLs.
● Constand check ins. Reminding them of the responsibility that they have
in doing thinking through problems, unlike before in their schooling they
may not be used to this. Im expecting this to be difficult the first time
around but I will stand firm in my beliefs.
● It is important that students see themselves in the books that we learn
from, the walls that they spend 6 hours of their day in, and even in the
problems that they have to work on. It all needs to be centered around
them. Being inclusive as possible for the sake of their curiosity.
● Heavily use of scaffolds. Manipulatives, guide sheets, pre written notes.
● Group students in to tiers. Top tier students are the students who usually
do well on test and assignments and then we do to the second level and
then the high need students will be in the tier 3 group where they will work
with me most of the class.

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