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Final Reflection

Throughout this semester I have experienced many memories with the classes I have

observed. I have observed at Grinnell Newburg in the fifth-grade science class. I also observed

at Lynnville Sully in the kindergarten room. Many things that were significant to me while

observing were all the students. The students really made a huge impact on me, they really

showed me what it would be like to be a teacher. The joy that each of them brought to me was

amazing, especially in the kindergarten room. When I would go down there all of the students

would come give me a hug and each of them wanted me to help them with something.

At Grinnell, I was able to help one student in particular. He had a bit of trouble learning

and staying focused. Every class period when he would come in I would go and sit right by him

for the whole class period. I helped him take notes and complete various assignments. When I

wasn’t at Grinnell this student would ask the teacher, Mrs. James, where I was and when was I

coming back. Being able to help this student just made me want to become a teacher even


Being a teacher is not all fun and games, it comes with many struggles like teaching a

class that is loud. While doing my lesson I was able to keep the room at a pretty good volume. I

feel the students listened to me very well, considering I wasn’t much older than them. Through

all of this I learned some very important life lessons. One of them was to always put the

students first, even though they may frustrate you sometimes. You have to remember this is all

for them. Overall my experiences everywhere have been amazing. I confidently feel I have

found the profession I want to do in my life!

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