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Body Image and the Media

Grace T, Amber Z, Maya S, Lydia B, Megan K, Josie J

2 Corners
Your body image is affected by what is
portrayed by the media today. The number of
likes you get on instagram or twitter defines
you as a person.
Women are significantly more affected than
men by what is shown in the media.
Your culture and environment have an impact
on how you view the media.
Photoshop is a great tool and should be used
by not only magazine editors but anyone who
has access.
As a person who participates in social media
I feel pressured to look a certain way.
Companies that have been including a more
diverse group of men/women in their campaigns
are benefitting society as a whole.
Celebrities are the most influential people
in media.
Wanting to be skinnier is the same thing as
wanting to be healthy.
Parents should be limiting the amount of time
their children spend on social media.
The average model weighs 23% less than the
average woman. Therefore, there should be
stricter regulations for models in order to
account for underweight/unhealthy models.
Beauty pageants like the Victoria Secret
Fashion show are good for advertising and
should be promoted without criticism.
Social media has a direct correlation to body
image and the way people view themselves.
The popularity of unprofessional “health
coaches” and “fitness icons” that make
unofficial websites is dangerous.
Feeling insecure about body image should be
normalized and talked about more frequently.
Free Write (5-8 minutes)
● Something learned from the discussion today
● A personal experience or story about the
impact of media on body image

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