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12. The evaluation follow up

Evaluation is done by QC (Quality control from Jakarta), the evaluation can be about the
administration, finance, academic and management. The result of the evaluation is sent to
the central office in Jakarta. From these result will be known:

a. From the administration, management and finance, it will be known about the

b. From the academic, it will be known which program will be continued or stopped and
which instructor has high, middle and low rating. From this rating, it will determine the
salary of the instructors.

13. The evaluation obstacles

The obstacles is that about the distance because LIA Jogjakarta is a branch of Jakarta head
office, so the evaluation is done annually.

14. How to overcome the obstacles

Because the distance is so far, the evaluation of quality control from Jakarta brings many
personals so that the evaluation can be done perfectly and accurately.

15. The benefits of evaluation:

a. Evaluation is done to take the decision and the next policy from the program that he has

b. Stop the program because it cannot be undergone as the purpose or as expected.

c. Revise the program because there is some part which cannot work properly or as expected.
d. Continue the program because the work is done as expected.
e. Broad the program because the program runs well so that it can be continued to another
place and another time.
f. To achieve the basic of final consideration and policy in a period of time, concerning what
the institution has achieved, what has not been achieved and what to be specific intention.
g. To guarantee how to work effectively and efficiently which brings the institution in using
human resources efficiently and economically.
h. To get the fact about the difficulties and obstacles from specific aspect.

16. The evaluation should has purposes such as, helping the development of the institution,
implementing the need of an institution , revising the program, responsible , selecting,
motivating and increasing the knowledge

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