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Aseel Almufti


Acct 508

a. 1. Governmental activities are reported is separate columns from business type activities.
2. on the statement of new position liabilities and assets are reported on classified basis.
3. yes, it is presented on at least at function level of details.
4. yes, program revenue is segregated into charge of service, operating grants and contribution,
and the capital grants and contribution on the statements of activities.

b. 1. The item that are presented on the general funds are revenue, expenditure, changes in fund
balance. And balance sheet.
2. is to show balance, balance and change for each fund balance.
3. no there are no nonliquid or noncurrent assets in the general fund balance sheet
4. no noncurrent liabilities are not included in the general fund balance sheet.
5. yes, the revenue classification sufficiently detailed to be meaningful.
6. yes, the governmental has refine from reporting expenses rather than expenditure.

c. 1. The special revenue funds that are presented in the balance sheet, expenditure, change in
fund balance and statement of revenue.
2. these are only combining statement special revenue funds.
3. the expenditure have classified characters and yes current expenditure has at least one

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