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Essay José Olivero C.I: 27.961.


What would be for you. The type of alternative energy that could effectively replace
fossil energy in the future?

For me the type of alternative energy that could effectively replace fossil energy in
the future is very diverse, since it would not be a single one, but the combination of
several, among them we can achieve:

a) The so-called green energy, which includes:

• Solar energy through the accumulation, transformation and distribution of solar

rays, confirming the principle of the principle of conservation of energy.

• Wind energy, through the natural production of wind and the use of air as a source
of energy to generate electricity for example.

• Hydro and hydroelectric power, but with new mechanisms to replace obsolete
equipment and structures that have already reached their useful life.

b) The radiant, radioactive, atomic or nuclear energy, which although has different
names and are quite similar, because basically each has its specificity, function,
application and practical utility.

This energy includes two ways of doing it:

• The first would be nuclear fusion from the invention, creation, adaptation or
integration of the nuclei of different atoms to generate new chemical elements, which
could enrich the science through the expansion of the periodic table.

• The second one by means of nuclear fission, but understood in a positive way,
(non-negative), when it is possible and under secure conditions, to achieve the
division of a nucleus of an atom in a controlled manner, in order to discover aspects
that can be exploited, applying the scientific method, to produce new technology and
development according to the needs of society.

c) It is important to highlight that, in the end, these energies that are proposed in the
present essay will not completely replace fossil energy in the future, but
complementation based on the strengths and opportunities provided by science and
scientists, in addition to the advantages and benefits that they will bring for the
human being.

However, according to what experts and specialists say in their different jobs,
projects and research ideas, there will always be a level of threats and weaknesses
in the use of any type of energy, which will generate disadvantages and damages,
whether in the environment or the individual in general worldwide on the planet earth,
and the solar system as a whole.

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