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Chapter1: When Ayah takes Lenny out in her pram, "an English gnome" confronts them,

enjoining Ayah to make Lenny get up and walk, for the child is too old to be pushed about in a
baby carriage. Ayah and Lenny ignore the interfering Englishman. Lenny is afflicted with polio
in her right foot, and is treated by Colonel Bharucha, the Parsee family doctor, resident at Mayo
Hospital Lenny describes him as "awesome, bald, as pink-skinned as an Englishman" . Colonel
Barucha removes the cast on Lenny's leg, and - Lenny says she is "relieved to see that my newly
released foot and its valuable deformity [remain] intact . Later, Lenny makes clear that she likes
her deformed foot because of the attention it gets her.

Lenny and her "slow, intense, observant" older Cousin demonstrate their "telepathic
conspiracy" when they lie to the teacher, indicating that it is Cousin, rather than Lenny, who is
"'sick and is not supposed to run'. Cousin acts the part of an invalid, while energetic Lenny
cavorts before the teacher. "The interlude is happy" The next day, Lenny awakes to
"maddening pain," a new plaster cast on her deformed leg, and her mother crying at bedside.
Trying to distract Lenny, Mother tells "the story of the little mouse with seven tails," but it only
adds to Lenny's misery. To appease Lenny, Mother asks Father to call Colonel Bharucha, but
later "The bitter truth sinks in" that Father never called the doctor . News of Lenny's operation
spreads, and Lenny cries for Godmother, who finally comes Bharucha and consoles Lenny .
That evening, amid a crowd of Lenny's relatives and neighborhood visitors, Colonel finally
makes his house call to check on Lenny. Mother blames herself for leaving Lenny to the ayahs

A month later, Ayah takes Lenny, now free of pain, in her stroller for an outing to the nearby
zoo. Invalid Lenny enjoys the attention she gets, momentarily eclipsing even beautiful Ayah's
attractions: "I am the star attraction on the street" (18). Internal narration of Lenny's thoughts
on her crippled leg reveals that she doesn't want it to be fixed, for then she would have to
"behave like other children," who must act out and compete to get adult attention (18-19).
Lenny is "jolted" from her "troublesome reverie" to discover Ayah talking to Sher Singh, “the
slender Sikh zoo attendant" [and one of Ayah's many admirers], in front of the lion's cage--the
same lion who will frequent Lenny's nightmares.

Chapter2: middle of the night: Father stirs in the bed next to her mother and lenny Lenny's
Mother and Father have been married about 6 years when the novel opens in 1942. Mother
calls her husband "Jana" from "Jan: life," and feels happy because Father sounds affectionate .
A precocious child, narrator Lenny discusses the advantages of having polio in infancy, including
permitting "me access to my mother's bed in the middle of the night" .
The next morning: Urgent Ayah wakes Mother - "Baijee" - because "'Something is happened
to Papoo. Lenny immediately guesses that Muccho(her mother) has beaten Papoo again.
Mother hoists Lenny, heavy with her cast, and runs to the children's nursery, where lies an
unconscious Papoo, normally lively but now frighteningly still, looking "unbearably ill:
shrunken. Lenny's Mother has Papoo taken to the Ganga Ram hospital, where Papoo is kept for
two weeks . Two weeks later, When Papoo returns home from the hospital, Lenny is reassured
to see that Papoo is “sprightly, defiant, devilish and as delightful as ever”
Papoo is the daughter of the Sethi's sweeper [Moti] and his wife Muccho, who repeatedly
beats Papoo unmercifully at the slightest provocation. Papoo is described as "three years
older" but weighing less than Lenny, indicating that ill-nourished Papoo is about 8 years old at
the beginning of the novel.

More than 2 weeks later - Colonel Bharacha's consulting room: Her parents have
brought Lenny to have her cast removed. Col. Bharacha berates Muslim couple (wife no more
than 12 years old), but especially father for letting his infant get so sick
moreover he says "And you all want Pakistan? How will you govern a country when you don't
know what goes on in your own house?" (22). Yet his patients have trust in the doctor's touch,
believing the more Col. Bharacha roars, the more likely he will effect a cure. Lenny's view of
her disability, so far saving her from usual fate of Adult Females: Surprised to learn her cast is to
be removed, Lenny screams, "unable to bear the thought of an able-bodied future," which
Lenny interprets to mean [for adult women of her society?] "an altered, laborious and loveless
The cast removed, Lenny is pleased that her leg, though straighter and more functional, is still
"gratifyingly abnormal" (24). Colonel Barucha exuberantly consoles the Sethi family about
Lenny's disability, which keeps her from school: he points out that girl Lenny’s destiny is to
“’marry—have children—lead a carefree, happy life. No need to strain her with studies and
exams’” (25). When guilt-ridden Mother blames herself for Lenny's polio, Col. Bharucha
reassures her.
Colonel Bharucha, president of the Parsee community of some 200 people in Lahore blames
the British for Lenny's polio: “ the British! There was no polio in India before they brought it
here! Lenny is shocked to hear of this connection between British colonizers and her polio: ".
my first personal involvement with Indian politics: the Quit India sentiment that has fired the
imagination of a subject people and will soon sweep away the Raj!” (26).the Parsees have been
careful to adopt a discreet politically naive profile," and Col. Bharucha advises "'We must hunt
with the hounds and run with the hare!'

Chapter 3

This chapter start with the blast of bugles and drums when lenny with ayah observed the ayah
visits her god mother’s house she observed the marchers coming from the leafy gloomy neem
trees. Then she saw a caterpillar a vehicle use for farming bursts into the sounds of bugles and
drums she wants to stand there and observe the situation but ayah drags her away. Now the
people on the cater pillar separate to take away the English men and women.

Now in the chapter when ayah and lenny were in the garden and the statue of queen Victoria in
the park imposes the English raj of that time .the other members including cook, massage wala
and ice candy man join them here lenny describe the relation between ayah and masseur. And
lenny said that ayah takes me to the fairs,resturants and parks and that’s why she learnt to
much about the sufferings of people.

Then she describe the description of her electric aunt her electric aunt liked the navy blue
colour as her bedroom has navy blue curtains. Navy blue bedspread and navy blue linen dollies
on her dressing table and it was depending her aunt’s room that either a restful or a gloomy

She claimed that she really felt the pain of others when she has a first nightmare in her aunt
house in which she heard the voices of siren tee- too, tee-too and saw a centipede moving
towards her aunt house. In another nightmare from the past that children were playing in the
warehouse and god mother was sitting by the bed and smiling suddenly a men in uniform

Chapter 4

This chapter start with the description of the lenny’s brother Adi .He was beautiful boy. He was
too much curious about things just like lenny. He was very vital and alert character. lenny
describe that one day when Ayah took us for a walk in Shimla Pahari people asked her that is he
an English boy then ayah took us to Lawrence garden and forced him to run across the space
and separating the native babies and English babies.

Then she describe the character of ice candy man that he keeps on changing his character and
at that time due to cold he became the bird seller and At the strategic moments he plants the
cages on the grounds and rages ‘I break your neck, you naughty birds! You do too much chii
chii! What will the good memsahibs think?They’ll think I no teach you .you like jungli lions in
zoo. I cut you throats.Then she describe that when she and her brother were in resturant she
observed the relation between ayah and ice candy man .when ayah and lenny were in the park
ice candy man reading urdu news paper and inform them that German have developed the
bomb which is v.bomb that destroyed the whole British in to powders ash. He says that if we
want India back we must take pride in our customs, languages, and clothes.

Colonel Barucha is a leader of the Parsi community in Lahore, which becomes clear in Ch. 5 (40-
49). The Sethi family's 1944 retreat to the Murree Hills [in the Himalayan foothills, where
temperatures are much cooler than 116+ degree heat of Lahore], is "cut short because the
Parsees of Lahore are holding a Jashan prayer to celebrate the British victory" in World War II,
predicted over the radio (41).
Speaking at the Fire Temple in Lahore, Colonel Barucha urges Parsis to “stay out of trouble”--in
particular, to stay out of Gandhi’s Salt March [Gandhi is also called Gandhijee], to remain
neutral and uninvolved in political and sectarian fighting that the Colonel is sure will follow the
end of World War II in India (43-45).
Dr. Manek Mody, Godmother’s brother-in-law who lives in Rawalpindi, is introduced.

Chapter6: (pp. 50-56)

Introduction to the other members of the Sethi household:
Shankars are a couple “newly married, fat and loving” (51), who live in the back portion of
the Sethi home. “Because theirs is an arranged marriage, they are now steamily in love”
(51). Gita is the wife.
Hari is the Sethi family's gardener (53).
Yousaf is the Sethi family's odd job man (53)
Imam Din is the Sethi family's cook (53).
Moti, Untouchable sweeper (53) for the Sethi household, is husband of Muccho and father
of Papoo (54).
Lenny hates Muccho because of her cruelty to her daughter Papoo (55).

Capter7: Imam Din, whom Ayah calls “the Catcher-in-the-kitchen” because he sits in wait and
“grabs anything soft that enters” is 65-years old, described as “tall, big-bellied, barrel-chested,
robust: he bicycles twenty miles to and from his village [Pir Pindoo] once a month to
impregnate his fourth wife,” being “three times widowed and four times wed" (58).
Imam Din takes Lenny along on one of his trips home to Pir Pindo, and there young Lenny learns
that the Sethi family cook is also "the most respected elder in his village,” with a reputation
for “his benign temperament and wisdom”. , Imam Din's home, is a Muslim village some 40
miles from Lahore. Here Lenny meets Ranna, Imam Din's great-grandson as well as the rest of
Imam Din's family.
Dos Mohammad, a leader of the Muslim village of Pir Pindoo, is Imam Din's grandson and
Ranna's father. Chidda is Dos Mohammad's wife and they have three children:
daughters Khatija and Parveen grandson Ranna, the youngest of the three children.
Jagjeet Singh is one of the Sikh granthi [priests] who visit Pir Pindoo, Dos Mohammad’s Muslim
village, during Lenny's visit (63). Muslims and Sikhs have long coexisted in peace, but there are
rumors of coming conflicts.

Chapter8: Lenny and Imam Din return from their visit to Pir Dindoo.
Dinner Party at the Sethi Home:
Rosy & Peter’s parents (68): Mr. Singh, their father, is a “turbaned and bearded Sikh”;
their mother is an American (68-69).

During the Sethis' dinner party, Mr. Singh and Inspector General Rogers [British] get into a fight
( 70-74).
Chapter nine opens up with a scene in the kitchen where Adi and Lenny are listening to Rosy
talk about where babies come from. Rosy and Adi get into a little bit of a fight after Rosy calls’
Adi too young to understand these things, in which Adi beats up Rosy and she begins to cry and
not act so grown-uppish. Scene two in chapter nine continues in Rosy’s room where she has
these miniature glass jars that Lenny loves to fill with sugar and spices. Lenny has this idea to
steal the glass jars and hide them in the fireplace until she can come back and get them later.
Scene three opens up with the Chinamen coming up the old worn out driveway of Lenny’s
parents, and he is trying to sell his shinny mantel pieces and silk. Ayah at first does not want to
buy anything from this Chinaman but in the end she cannot resist the touch of the silk or the
Chinaman’s cunning selling. After the Chinaman a Pathan shows up who sharpens knives for
the most part but also dabs into some selling of fruit and nuts tell Ayah that there is trouble in
Calcutta and Delhi; giving the first hint that something terrible is going to happen. He says that
there are people being killed from privileged households and he says that they are from all
religions not just one. Ayah buys some pistachios and almonds from the Pathan and he is on his
way. Scene four begins with Lenny hearing her dads bike come home for lunch she rushes out
to meet him. He has lunch and does seem to be in a good mood. End of chapter.


Part one, pages 89-90. Lenny goes to school at Mrs. Pen's. She observes that Mr. Pen is
lounging and snoring on the veranda. From the Pen house, she notices the trees, leaves, new
buds, pigeons, and crows. She notes that Mrs. Pen smells of cheap talcum powder [1]Ã --
"spent cells and aging bodies," (p 89) while Ayah's body smells of "the dark purity of creation"
(p 90). Lenny has learned much from school today. After school, Lenny goes to Godmother's
house. Slavesister serves Godmother strong steaming tea. Taking an occasional sip of tea,
Lenny feels guilty as she is told that tea makes one darker.

Lenny has heard others say that Adi is fair, and Lenny is so dark. Part two, pages 90-94. Lenny
obsesses about the jars, which she has hidden in an old pair of slippers amongst Adi's toys.
When Adi goes through the toys, Lenny realizes that she needs another hiding place for the
jars. The next morning she transports the jars to school with her. Then, she takes them to
Godmothers and hides them in toilet paper. Much is going on at Godmothers. Godmother is
scolding Slavesister. Lenny comfortably curls around Godmother on the bed. Godmother
demands that Slavesister look for her Japanese kimono. In Slavesister's search for the kimono,
she comes upon Lenny's stolen jars. Lenny tells Slavesister and Godmother that Rosy gave the
jars to her. Immediately, Godmother accuses Lenny of stealing the jars. Lenny becomes upset,
as Godmother explains to her that she is not suited to a life of crime, but is condemned to
honesty. Lenny learns another lesson. If she tells the truth, all will be forgiven. Part three,
pages 94-96, Mother takes Lenny to visit Gandhi. Gandhi is thin, dark, shriveled and old and
wears only a loincloth. Gandhi reprimands the Punjabi women for being fat. When Mother
passes gas, Gandhi blesses her and commands her to, flush her system with an enema. The
lean women next to Gandhi have been g Ìiven enemas by him. When Gandhi touches Lenny,
she suddenly feels shy and "lowered my eyes before man" (p 96). Lenny notes that "it wasn't
until some years later (p 96)...when she raised her head again, that men lowered their eyes.

Chapter 11:

Lenny,Ice-Candy-Man,Masseur,Ayah,Falletti's Hotel Cook,Government House Gardener

Butcher- Ramzana,Zoo Attendant- Sher Singh They are all sitting under a tree talking about the
destruction of India, and how it is going to be broken.


Mamma ,Lenny,Cousin and friends,Mrs. Bank Walla,Mrs. Singh,Maggie,Phailbus- School

Teacher all have found a black box in the bathroom, they fast, and the army comes to their
town and takes people back to Pakistan

Chapter 13, 14
It is a winter season. Mr.Roger is dead. His mutilated body discovered in the
mutilated? I ask, shocked. I have seen goat slaughter at the end of the the Muslim fast on eid.
When little girls ask too many questions their tongues drop off. 'The dead body is put inside the
Dangerwadi ,' explains Godmother. ' The vultures pick it clean and the sun dries out the bones.'
Let's go through the Lawrence Gardens. I urge and Yousaf unable to deny anyone makes
departure through the garden. I am struck by the cold. Ayah and I meet with massesur. He sings
it in a rumbling soulful baritone and he sings often. We go into shalimar and zoo. We enjoy a
lot. Ayah warns ice-candy man because of his movements and talk about tailor. First time ice-
candy man feels jealousy with masseurs. Ice-candy man wants to live in the village.

Chapter 15:

Ice Candy man,Masseur,Government House Gardner,Butcher,Sher Singh,Sepoy from the

barracks,Wrestler,Yousaf and Hari,Faletti’s hotel cook,Adi,Lenny,Ayah,Mother The people
mentioned above are all in the restaurant sitting around two large tables talking about if Lahore
will stay in India because of the Muslim majority. Pg. 137

The gardener and Massuer argue about money being the important factor not the people
because the Muslims own most of the property and businesses. Pg. 137
Sher Singh argues that there are more Sikhs than Muslims and Hindus and that they hold more
farm land than both of them put together in Punjab. Pg 139

The wrestler restaurant owner says that once the line is drawn across Punjab the Muslims to
the east of it will have their balls cut off. Pg. 139

The Sikhs prepare to drive the Muslims out of East Punjab. Pg. 139

Lenny has a horrifying dream about children being crucified. Pg. 142


Mostly everyone in Lenny’s household went to see the appearance made by Master Tara Singh,
who gave a speech about who will leave Lahore and fighting till the last person stands. Pg. 143

A naked child, on a spear struck between her shoulders is waved around like a flag. Pg. 144

A man is tied to two different trucks and the driven in two different directions pulling his body
apart. Pg. 145

Shalmi starts to burn. Pg. 146

A fire truck comes in an sprays buildings and shops with petrol instead of water, blowing the
buildings and shops even more. Pg 146

Ice Candy Man assumes that the fire is caused by the Hindus of the Shalmi that they are trying
to drive the Muslims out from the Mochi Gate. Pg. 146

Lenny arrives at home and begins to take out all of her dolls, she and Adi try to pull one apart
and end up splitting it in half. Pg. 148

When the fire breaks out in Lahore many families leave their homes, including the Shankars,
which leaves part of Lenny’s home abandoned. Pg. 148-9

Mozang Chawk burns for months and months in Lenny’s memory but in reality it could not
have. Pg. 149

Chapter 17:
A new nation is born, India has been divided after all. Although it is my birthday no one has
time for me. Mother makes a disappointing for three minutes and then whishes me happy
birthday and kisses me and instructs Imam Din to make sweets.
1. Ayah a cup of milk afloat with rose petals over my dead before bath. Father hugs me
and asks how old I am. Good good father says absent mindedly but he doesn’t say
you are big girl now as he did last year. I hang around him feeling board.
2. I go to kitchen and announce my birthday ‘So what?’ says Adi it’s the same at
Godmother. I get hugged and kissed. Godmother is busy in kitchen. She directs a
non-stop stream of instruction and criticism at slavesister.
3. Godmother is head taller than slave sister. Standing on tip toy she reaches for the
semolina. Where is the rose water? She ask, peering into the top shelf. And where is
the sugar? can’t anything ever be in place? Everything is in place…..if you’d bother to
4. I go to old husband and says it’s my birthday, he gives me a small packet, I open it
it’s an autograph book. He takes the book from hand and reads aloud:
“To My dear Lenny,
The of the great men all remind us
How to make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us
Footsteps on the stands of time”

Only my cousin properly countenances my birthday. He comes galloping to the gate

shouting, happy birthday happy birthday and he cautiously holds me by my shoulders and
kissed me. I am supposed to feel a thrill.Ayah suddenly slaps cousin and says ‘ Oye what is this
badmashi ? Shame on you!

Chapter 18:It is dusk on warris road in Lahore. Mister singh is carrying a hockey stick and
walking up the drive way. Mother greets them mister singh tells us that the Mehtas have gone!
The Malothras have gone. There are only two sick families left. He and Mr. singh are talking
about the separations of India. Mr. singh tells to father we are leave to Lahore forever. Father is

I will take our buffaloes……and whatever essentials we can pile into a truck. Father asked if
there is anything that they could to help? They ask to store belongs at their house in Lahore.
Mother says yes of course bring anything we will keep it. Mr. singh starts to cry, mother asked
Lenny to go outside and play with Ayah.

We decide to go into the kitchen to get the chapatties with sugar and butter. It is night time
Masseur, Hari, Sher sing and Ayah all around the radio listening to the broadcast Gurdaspur.
They say everything is under control but everyone in the house thinks that mass murder is
happening there. Moti and Muccho are now there too. They are talking to leave the town.
A train from Gurdaspur has just came in and everyone is dead. They are all Muslims, ice-candy
man is very upset. Ice-candy man explains that the he waited for many days to his relatives to
come on the train

Chapter 19 :The chapter starts out with Adi running over to Lenny and telling her to follow him. He
leads her to the forbidding black box which they open an discover a double-barrow gun. Adi and lenny
take the gun out to the front yard and pretend to shoot and their father catches them and gives them a
good smack (163-164). Later on that night as the sun cools off they are all sitting in the yard of a
deserted next door house and all of Ayahs admirers are visiting including Ice-Candy-Man, Ramzana, and
Masseur. They are just sitting around talking about people that have left town or fleeing and Ayah
discovers that she will need to leave too before they come looking for her. Masseur jumps in and will
not let anyone hurt Ayah and that he cares deeply for her and Ayah declares her love for him too. Lenny
then starts crying thinking Ayah will flee or marry Masseur and leave her behind. Lenny is going through
an emotional battle! She keeps seeing her neighbors and friends fleeing for their lives and she is afraid
that Ayah will desert her too

Chapter20: In this chapter "wave upon scruffy wave of Muslim refugees flood Lahore - and the
Punjab west of Lahore. Within three months seven million Muslims and 5 million Hindus and Sikhs are
uprooted in a terrible exchange of population known to history" (169) "Now that its objective to divide
India is achieved, the British favor Nehru over Jinnah" (169). Nehru is "Suave, Cambridge-polished[;] he
carries about him an aura of power . . . . He doles out promises, smiles, kisses-on-cheeks. He is the
prime of his Brahmin manhood" (169). Whereas Jinnah is almost the exact opposite, "past the prime of
his elegant manhood" (170). "The fading [British] Empire sacrifices his cause to their shifting
allegiances" (170).

Jinnah lost his beautiful wife when she was only 29 years old. In the forty years since the Partition,
Jinnah--once known as as "Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity"--is "caricatured and portrayed as a
monster" in films and books by British and Hindus. The chapter ends with a poem written by Naidu
Sarojini in tribute to Jinnah

Chapter21:-Hari become Muslim and shaved his bodhi. Hari circumcised his penis by
Barbar.lenny thinking about Hari. (Description of lenny& his cosine ‘vulgar activity) Hari change
his dhoti for substantial gathers of the drawstring shalwar. He want to call him Himat Ali.Lenny
spent night at Godmother ‘s room after the historical day (lenny’s birthday ) Oldhusband has
slept and snoring. Room was looking like an apartment and there was hardly space for walk .
Dr.Manek Mode says ,go to sleep lenny because I want to eat your Roda Aunt. DR.Mody teasing
her many times than Slavesisterintervesethat someone has nightmares so don’t do this. Lenny
like her Godmother because she fight for her and she know that DR.Mody is just teasing her at
least she is eight years old now. Lenny don’t like that everyone call her lenny baby lenny baby
,lenny baby. Next morning light come in room when Slavesister appear with tea. Dr.Mody again
teasing her when he asked for his breakfast. Dr.Mody is Brother in law of Godmother. (Queen
Cleopatra of jal road) When Slavesister making food for all there were conflict between
Dr.Mody,Mini Aunty and Godmother. God has invited four students from King Edward Medical
Collage dorms to tea. When ever her brother in law visit LAHORE she invites them. Only two
students come (Yakoob from Pashawar , Charles )two has left with their family. Dr.Mody
admires eyes of sikh girls when Ayah appear with tea.

Chapter 22: Mother become more busy and Lenny ,Adi’ face become pale in the absence of
mother. Lenny is worried that why they can’t take them. Ayah them about car’s dicky. Car’s
dicky is full with petrol.Lenny adi and her cosine want to know about petrol and they were
suspicious. “you can trust me” . If your mother get to know I told u this .....Hare
Karishana......they will kill me. Quarters full of gallons and gallons of petrol. When everyone go
to sleep Ayah helps lenny ‘s mother . “close your mouth ...Ayah. lenny pray to God “banish evil
from our mother and aunt ‘ mind.Lenny is going to school with Himat Ali Waris road to Mr. Pens
.. (Description of rush because of some attacks ) there Himat Ali meat with Phehalwan.

Summary 23:

1: .. In the start of the chapter, in Lahore lives many people but they follow different religions.
Muslims, Christians, and Parsee etc.

2: Hassan (Muslim) and Ayah (Hindu) loves each other. So due to this love, they both becomes
physical relation with each other.

3: Ice – Candy Man kills the Masseur (Hassan).

4: Some group of people comes in parsee home and says Allah-o-Akbar. They ask about Hari,
Moti, and Ayah. But Hari and Moti already changed their religion.

5: People ask where is Ayah? Imam Din says that she is gone. But those people are not believed
him. Then he say, Allah-ki-qasam,” she is gone to Amritsar!”

(Through this statement Imam Din interrupt the religion.)

6: Ice – Candy Man comes and asks Lenny that where is Ayah. Ice – Candy Man says that I will
help Ayah. Lenny tells him that Ayah is inside the home.

7: people drag Ayah outside the home. They drag by her arms stretched taut and her bare

Chapter: 24
 In this chapter, Bapsi Sidwa describes all about the customs and traditions of marriage in
sub-continent through Papoo’s wedding ceremony. At one point she describes; “I ran
out with the rest of the immediate kin to science the “Baraat” just as the bridegroom’s
party enters our gates”
 Then she describes the appearance of Baraat with bands and groom was hardly seen
because of his height, then she describes about groom’s dress that was lungi and shirt,
turban and then curtains of flowers hanging from his face, as what we called Sehra.
Then tells about Papoo’s childish behaviour that even after the arrival of groom she was
sleeping. She tells about her glowing skin that was because of Multani Mud, Tumeric
Ubtan and mustard oil. At the end she describes how women holding his gilt-edge Bible
and rosary differentially he makes the sign of cross and square before the couple, then
padri recite the Christian marriage literary in Punjabi.

Chapter25:In this chapter Bapsi sidhwa firstly describes about the appearance of a woman as
ayyah,named Hamida and his working ability. Her duty was to take care of child.With reference
to her duty she gives a statement through Sharbat khan, " Childrens are Devil.......They only
know the truth ".Hamida always covers her head but she was unfamiliar of many works like the
use of iron,cooking etc but she always terrified of electricity.

Then Bapsi tells about Ranna's story.The village was so quite, it could be the middle of the
night.They arranged a meeting and chaudhary joined mullah on his charpoy.Then they talk
about Sikh's attack on different villages of Muslims.They killed Muslim men and women in
harsh manner and rapped their ladies, this created great horror among masses.Chaudhary
sahab urge the people to drew their weapons to protect themselves then keeps women in
chaudhary's hawali.

Ranna observes people's killing, blood,crying of women's,then saves himself in very difficult
manner from the dark room, where all childrens were kept ,then he moves toward his uncle
and aunt but hides himself in cane's field. Then he finds his uncle's village was not in under
attack after sometime he finds bloodshed also there and finds there nobody but animals.In this
time of difficulty he ate hard chapatti, raw potatoes etc.Then he comes in grip of Sikh and he is
told by Sikh that his chachi has married with him.

Chapter26:The chapter no:26 of ice-candyman starts when Lenny cousin informed her that he
saw Ayah in Lahore.
 In the beginning of the chapter Lenny holds Himat Ali's hand.and visits fairs and meals in
search of Ayah but failed in her attempt to find her.
 The second section of the chapter dealed with the Godmother.
 Lenny went with Godmother to the hospital for donating yhe blood.
 Over the years Godmother has established a network of espionage ahich ahe is not
 People bring hed to their joys and sorrows.
 Lenny once listened Godmother and Slavesistwe talked about Ayah and pretend that
they are not hiding any thing from her.As Lenny has more faith in Godmother than her
mother's and electric Aunt's stories.
 The mystery of the women in the courtyard deepens. Somtimes the cries came but ww
do not guess where it coming from.
 Lenny observed her mother and father used to quarrel mostly over the matter of
money.But there are other things she was not aware of those things.
 Lenny could not sleep during nights she got froghtened when she thought about the
mobs who brought Ayah with them.
 Lenny asked her new Ayah Hamida.I saw you in woman's camp.She told that how she
was kidnapped by the Sikhs and her and since then she lived there.
 Lenny told.this matter to Godmother.
 She also told that My cousin wants to marry me but I particularly do not want to marry

Chapter 27
 The chapter 27th stars where Lenny went to servant quarter’s roof and looking down on
the fallen women.
 In order to find Ayah that may be she would live there.
 Sometime, Hamida sat with Lenny and looked at the sad faces of fallen women, Lenny
said “I wonder about the women’s children don’t they miss their mother? Then Lenny
asked Hamida that why did not you visit your children, she said, she can’t if she tries to
meet her children, they will suffer.
 Then Hamida told her the story of a king who has no children and once in the night he
saw a dream he bestowed by a son but his son would died at the age of sixteen year as
he has a curse upon him
 Imam din caught the Billa and we run toward the kitchen , Neighbours and servants
already form a small crowd around his play with Billa .
 At the same time mother came and grabs hold of Imam din’s shirt and said “Shame on
you, tormenting a small cat! Mother beat him with a whip when he was ignoring
 At night father returned and Imam Din told him that Baijee stuck me with a fly swat I
 Father said to mother , if you used a stick then he do no mind so much and all laughed .
 But the Lenny continued her search for “Ayah”.

Chapter 28:
Lenny, having sensed that the grown ups have quit searching for Ayah, is depressed and seeks
consolation through talking to Cousin, but he is aloof. This intrigues Lenny as much as it
infuriates her, and she finds herself following Cousin around obsessively, even daydreaming
about him. The more she tries, the farther he distances himself until he finally surprises Lenny
in her room one day with news: he has seen Ayah! Cousin's intention to woo Lenny instantly
becomes apparent with his persistent attempts to touch her, but the news had refocused
Lenny's life and she threatens him. The love conflict is finally settled at Godmother's house
where they reach an agreement: Lenny will keep an open mind towards Cousin and Cousin will
not touch her for a few more years. The chapter concludes with Cousin trying to win Lenny's
heart by diligently searching for the whereabouts of Ayah.

Chapter 29:

The chapter starts out with Lenny catching a glimpse of a made-over Ayah in a taxi. There is a
long, light-hearted account of the doctor entertaining Lenny and Adi by passing wind when his
finger is pulled, claiming he is exorcising demons. A brief visit to the now queen-less garden
leaves Lenny and Hamida feeling uncomfortable and out of place among Muslim men who now
fill the garden. Lenny then tells Godmother that she has seen Ayah but Godmother is either
unsure or wants to convince Lenny otherwise and this results in shattering Lenny's confidence.
Lenny spends the next part of the chapter with Cousin as he unveils more details he has learned
about Ayah: her whereabouts (the diamond market) and her new profession (a dancer),
educating Lenny on these adult terms and happenings. Again though Cousin uses the occasion
to engage Lenny sexually, she resists. Lenny then confronts her mother with the accusation of
arson. Mother is shocked by Lenny's accusation and Lenny falls apart upon the realization that
she thought her mother was capable of such deeds. Back at Godmother's house, Lenny learns
that Ayah is now a wife and that her husband is coming to see Godmother that night. After an
impatient few hours of waiting, Ice-Candy-Man arrives. He presents himself with elegant
formality as a poet, having changed so much that Lenny hardly recognizes him. He launches
into an extravagant display of knowledge and recounts how he is, in fact, related to them. After
concluding his act with such amazing play of emotion that he hypnotizes Lenny, Godmother
engages him ruthlessly. Godmother tears apart Ice-Candy-Man's action, accusing him and
insulting him to a point where he is reduced to a broken man, weeping earnestly in the dust at
their feet. Lenny takes in everything and she too goes into hysterics. The chapter concludes
with Godmother returning to her tongue-in-cheek self and Ice-Candy-Man walking into the
distance, muddied white cloths fluttering in the wind. Lenny's eyes are opened that night "To
the pitiless face of love." She is growing up.

Chapter 30:

opens at Godmother’s house as Lenny discovers she is preparing to see Ayah. Lenny
knows that Godmother “…is impelled by an urge to pop up at the right place in the hour of a
person’s need.” Despite this she is surprised and desperate to come along. Lenny questions why
Ayah will not come to see them and is told that Ayah is ashamed. A wise Lenny is aware
that “They have shamed her…not the strangers, but …the other men she counted among her
friends and admirers.” “I want to tell her I am her friend,” sobs Lenny.

Mini Aunty returns to Godmother’s with groceries and is alarmed that Godmother plans
on taking Lenny to see Ayah in the Hira Mandi. “’How can you even dream of taking the child
there!’ says Mini Aunty, her eyes brimming with reproach…her cheeks lengthening in solemn
consternation.” Even slave sister blinks away tears at the thought. In Godmother’s firm and
decisive manner the two leave, hand in hand.

Upon arrival in the Hira Mandi Lenny is greeted by empty streets and disheveled,
snickering women. “Even [Lenny] can tell they were not well brought up.” Godmother marches
regally down the street with her sari pinched austerely beneath her chin. A nervous Ice-Candy-
man ushers them into his home and brings out Ayah, whom he has named Mumtaz. Ayah is
painted, bejeweled and teetering on too high heels while trying to keep hold of her piles of
skirts and ornaments. Lenny is frightfully shy towards the new Ayah and wonders; “Can the soul
be extracted from its living body?” Ayahs vacant eyes are…colder than the ice that lurks behind
the hazel in Ice-Candy-Man’s beguiling eyes.” “Godmother composes herself and asks
Ayah, ‘Isn’t he looking after you?’” “…I can not forget what happened, ”are Ayah’s words, “I am
not alive.”
Returning to the room Ice-Candy-man’s eyes are red and desperate. In a slow coiling
movement, betraying the snake that he is, he squats in front of Godmother pleading his
case. “…While Ayah is haunted by her past, Ice-candy-man is haunted by his future…”

Cousin is disapprovingly shocked that Lenny was taken to the Hira Mandi. Lenny still
doesn’t understand why and as it is explained to her she conjures up the idea of a “cross
between a Swiss finishing school…and a School for the Fine and Performing Arts.”


finds Mother entertaining some willing and not so willing guests on her patio. We are introduced to Dr.
Seltzer, a new neighbor and a sign of life moving on for the Sethi family. Mother bubbles over about
each one’s accomplishments and yanks Lenny over as a sort of “show and tell” on her recovery. In the
midst of Mother’s performance a sudden commotion catches their ear. Watching the fight from the
rooftop, the onlookers are aghast to see the Sikh guard has been fighting Ice-candy-man. A group of
men snag him into the cart and drive off as the guard yells, “ Let anyone touch the women…See what I’ll
do to their cocks and balls! They are my sisters and mothers!” An exhausted Ayah is in the safe house
and doesn’t wish to see anyone. Exuberantly Lenny starts to chant:

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