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Jameson Anderson
2048 Belford Road
Holly,MI 48442


Mr Lamberti
6161 E Holly Road
Holly, MI 48442

Dear Mr Lamberti,

Hello I would like to get into web design department.

In the past I have taken a web design class and game design class and passed both classes. I
love writing html and building websites from scratch.

One of the biggest things to set me apart from others is that I am a Young Marine, Also second
in command in my unit, Have the highest rank ever achieved in my unit my rank is YM
Sargeant. Am good at leading others and helping those who don’t know what to do.Since a
young child I have been interested in computers and anything to do with them. Have recently
built my own computer for work or play.

Thank you for your time,If you are interested please email or call me have a nice day.

Sincerely Jameson Anderson


Mr. Jameson Anderson


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