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Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

Group 3: Maria Deleon, Dhalilah Jaime, and Abby Sutton

EDT180D T and TH 3:00

Gary Lewallen

April 25, 2019

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

The topic that we chose for this research project deals with the differences between in

and out of state students at Arizona State University (ASU). The question that we proposed was

does being an out of state student change your experience at ASU. As a group we came up with

this question due to our curiosity and better understand the struggles of out of state students. To

gather our information we utilized Google Docs Form in order to collect mass experiences from

ASU students. At the end of our survey trail we collected 89 amount of responses across all


How old are you?

When asking the respondents their age the oldest (max) age that was provided was 45.

While the youngest (min) age was 18 that responded to the survey. The mode was age 19, which

means that age 19 was

the age most reported.

While the average was

slightly higher than the

mode being 20.1,

taking into

consideration all the

ages. This was not

shocking for our group noting that we expected everyone to be an undergraduate to receive

younger ages.

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

What year are you?

This question was asked to see what grade level the respondents were in. From the 89

total surveys we got back over half of the students said that they were in the Freshman class,

with 52 respondents.

The graph shows a


decreation of each

grade level. The

Sophomore class

then follows with 20

people in this grade,

Juniors with 12, and

then Seniors had 5. This shows that most of the people responding, the majority of them this is

their first year in college. Which as a group we can assume that this is their first year away from

home whether you are in state or out of state.

What college are you enrolled in?

Our group asked each respondent to answer which college they are apart of to see if it

changed their current GPA. From the 17 colleges that you can be apart of at ASU. Out of the 17

colleges 6 of those colleges contained no students that took the survey. This was no surprise due

to how we believed the majority would be from the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Which

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

our assumption was right with 36 students being within the teacher college. It was shocking to

see that the second highest number was 28 with The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

Current GPA

According to the survey conducted, the

89 respondents had a mean Grade Point Average

of 3.35. The lowest GPA was 1.38, and the

highest was 4.25. This indicates that the average

student, whether in-state or out-of-state,

maintains a B+ average. Looking at the data as a whole only 2 students that were out-of-state had

less than a 2.9 GPA. This was shocking to us due to the fact that we believed that due to being

out of state the stress and homesickness would cause your GPA to drop, which the data showed

the opposite.

Are you an in or out of state students?

According to the survey, of the

89 students, 28% identified themselves

as out-of-state, while 72% were in-state.

Approximately 25 students being

out-of-state, and 64 being in-state.

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

Is Student Debt a Big Stress?

Our respondents were asked to

rate their level of stress

regarding the cost of tuition on

a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the

highest level of stress. Of the

approximately 25 students that

were out of state, 8 of them

stated that they felt stressed about tuition by responding with a stress level of 7 or higher. We

had expected this number to be more reflective of the stress of paying higher, out-of-state tuition,

but we were mistaken.

Do You Ever Miss your Family?

On a scale of one to ten, one being never missing and ten being missing all the time, the

average was 5.5. This means that while there are some people on both ends of the scale, a

majority of participants were in the middle between not missing, and longing for their families.

From this, we can conclude that most students have a healthy relationship and balance between

independence and dependence on their families. It is interesting that a total of sixteen people do

not miss their families at all- which is the highest stand-alone number on the graph. It was mostly

in-state students who did not miss their families.

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

Do You Feel Supported in Your Experiences at ASU?

Thankfully, out of the 89 people surveyed, 87% said that they felt supported at ASU.

13% of surveyors said they did not feel supported. It is interesting that only one out of state

student said that they did not feel supported at ASU. In conclusion, being in/out of state does not

really relate to feeling supported.

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

Does Being an In/Out of State Student Affect Your GPA

We wondered if being in/out of state had an affect on GPAs. It is notable that only one

in-state student said yes and zero students said only if you are in state. It was a mix, but the

majority of the people said no. Mostly out of state students said “only if you are out of state”.

From this graph, we can conclude that being in or out of state is not the sole factor that

contributes to a GPA of a student.

After reviewing all this data we concluded that being an out of state student does not

negatively affect your GPA, supportness, and stress about tuition. This was surprising to us due

to how we believed that since students are farther away from home and their support system they

would have a harder transition. Other questions that we now have are quite the opposite, why do

in state students feel the way they do, due to the information we got from our survey. I think if

Group 3- Does Being an Out of State Student Change Your Experience at ASU

we were to do this again we would keep the questions the same, maybe change the question to if

you are an in state student to be able to dig deeper into their side.

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