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Natalie Jatulis

Review Board Questions

1. Why did you choose your research topic?
a. I chose this topic as I have always been interested in OT and I want to learn as
much about it as I can.
2. What interested you in this topic?
a. My brother received OT from a very young age for SPD and since then I have
wanted to learn more about how it works and why.
3. What was the most interesting aspect of your research?
a. The most interesting part of my research was all the different activities I found
that are very effective during children's OT sessions.
4. What insight/ experience did you gain from working with your mentor?
a. I gained lots of information on what actually goes on during therapy sessions,
how kids react to things with SPD, and how much work goes into being an OT.
5. How does your chosen issue relate to your future goals?
a. This topic relates to my future goals as I want to become a pediatric occupational
6. What did you learn about yourself through completing this project?
a. I learned how passionate I truly am about occupational therapy and how I excited
I am to pursue it.
7. How has what you learned in school prepared you for completing this project?
a. In school I learned how to effectively research correctly which helped a ton in this
project. I was able to find reliable and accurate information very easily.
8. How have you grown through completing the Graduation Project?
a. I feel as if I have learned much more about my topic and I have grown
professionally. I learned how to professionally communicate with individuals in an
effective manner.
9. If you could change something about your service learning experience, what would it
a. I really loved my service learning experience. The only thing I would change
would be to have gone to other therapy offices in order to observe different gyms
and therapists.

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