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Blaine Mock Note


Bethany reported Brian’s mom, who watches Blaine, stated she has heard new words from
Blaine including: ‘Jackson,’ ‘Ollie,’ and ‘ah-ah-ah.’ Additionally, Bethany shared she has tried
the language sequence not only in play, but during other routines as well; she shared an example
during meal time when Blaine wanted a drink. Bethany had a realization that she simplified
words for BT (Blaine’s older brother) when he was younger and needs to do the same for Blaine.

Blaine’s beginning to verbalize more. Words heard during today’s session include: ‘yeah,’ ‘go,’
‘one,’ ‘two,’ ‘three,’ ‘ta-da,’ and ‘oh no.’

Coaching included the following:

1. Encouraged the family to use the language sequence in other routines other than play
such as bath time and meal time. Other suggestions for arranging the environment were
made: alternate toys to increase child motivation and turn off toys with sounds to allow
the child the opportunity to communicate. Different types of models (environmental
sounds, action, item) were explained.
2. Keep a word list to assist the family in their ability to identify Blaine’s words
3. Give Blaine a replacement behavior/expected behavior when he exhibits head banging.
4. Use ‘first/then’ in an effort to avoid the head banging/unwanted behaviors

The family chose to continue use of the sequence in other daily routines in addition to keeping a
word list.

Next visit scheduled for 04/02 at 11:30. ST to bring Functions of Behavior handout.

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