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Banana cake

100 g butter
3 dl sugar (= 1.5 cups or 150 - 200 g)
2 eggs
2 bananas
1 dl sour cream or yoghurt (= 0.5 cup)
4 dl wheat flour (= 2 cups or 250 g)
2 teaspoons soda powder (soda bicarbonate)
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar (or 1 bag)
2 teaspoons cinnamon

Mix the (melted) butter and the sugar. Add the eggs one by one.

Mash the bananas with a fork or a potato masher and add the mash to
the dough.

Mix the soda bicarbonate, vanilla sugar and cinnamon into the wheat
flour. Add the flour to the dough, together with the sour cream or

Bake at 175 degrees (gas mark 4) for 45 mins – 1 hour.

You can test whether the cake is baked throughout using a knife (it
should come out clean).

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