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There are two network hardware lock configuration types: the setup in

the computer where the hardlock is placed (hardlock server) and the
setup on the computer where the hardlock is connected (client):

1.Hardware lock server. Execute file: 'Install network hardware lock

server.exe', as specified in the installation instructions, then
minimise (not close) the 'Hardware lock server' window. On-screen
information on the options can be found in this window.

2.Client. To access the client configuration, open a program and

click on the 'Help' menu, then, select 'About...'. The
'Permissions' window will appear. Within this window, select the
'Network hardware lock configuration' button. Information on the
options are displayed in this new dialogue box.

CASE 1. The hardware lock is not detected at the computer to which it

is connected. Check that:

1.A network card is available.

2.The TCP/IP protocol is installed.

3.The network hardware lock controller is activated.

CASE 2. The hardware lock is not detected at a client computer. Check


1.At the hardware lock server, the network hardlock controller or

driver is activated.

2.At the client computer:

�A network card is available.

�The TCP/IP protocol is installed.

�Check that the client computer can detect the hardware lock server.
For this:
-Execute an MS-DOS session.
-Type the command: 'ping', followed by the network name of the
server computer. A number will be displayed within brackets and
separated by full stops. Write this number down; it identifies the
computer where the hardware lock is installed. For example, if you
type: 'C:ping server', where 'server' refers to the network name
for the computer that has the hardlock installed, you will then
see a text similar to: 'Pinging the server [] with 32
bytes of data'.
-If the hardlock server cannot be detected, it could be because the
IP addresses of both computers are not compatible. In this case,
obtain your IP address from the hardlock server and configure this
IP address in the client computer so that it is compatible with
the server's. To do so, follow these instructions in the client
computer: Edit the TCP/IP protocol configuration from: My PC >
Control Panel > Network. It is possible that there may be more
than one TCP/IP protocol in the list of network elements, if the
machine has telephone access to networks, or has more than one
network card. Select the TCP/IP protocol corresponding to the
network card you wish to configure and click on: Properties. A
dialogue box with various tabs will open. Click on the 'IP
address' tab. Here select the option: Specify an IP address. Type
an IP address which is compatible with the hardlock server's IP
address. Two IP addresses are compatible when, having the same
sub-network masks, the numbers change only in a 0 sub-network
mask. For example, if the sub-network mask is:, then
IP addresses and will be compatible. In
more complex networks, there may be sub-network masks in which one
of the numbers is neither 255 nor 0, but this is not common.
-If the hardlock server is visible, there may be a problem with the
port. Make sure that the hardlock server and client programs are
using the same port. To do so, click on the 'Advanced
configuration' at the hardlock server, consult the 'Server port'
and 'Locating port' values, write them down and check that the
client computers have the same values in the 'Network hardware
lock configuration' window. If, having indicated the same values
for the ports, the hardlock is still not detected, there may be a
router or firewall inside the network preventing the connection.
To solve this, change the value of the ports at all the computers
in the network that are clients of the hardlock and in the server
(place the same value for all).
-Finally, if this also fails, the configuration of the router or
the firewall must be changed.

CASE 3. Novell Networks

�The network hardware lock does not operate with the Novell server.
This is because the hardlock server is a win32 application and it
must be executed in a Windows operating system. In any case, the
hardlock server can work for one of the Novell network clients as
long as this computer, as well as the other computers on which the
program is to be installed, operate with Windows and have the TCP/IP
protocol installed.


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