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In order to start writing it is important to fully understand the requirement of the assignment and it

takes time for idea to come and once I got a starting point I can develop the rest of my writing mainly

from my own knowledge and sometimes from sources online. The only thing that I’m still struggling with

is finding appropriate source in order to provide citations and references as the assignment required.

I’m pretty solid when it comes to construct a well-order writing with sufficient proof and facts to back

up my writing.

The assignment that I enjoyed the most is the evaluation one because I could write my idea in a solid

structure in short time. It felt good to read through my work and see how well structured it was and the

assignment didn’t even take me that long. Other word I did a nice work within short amount of time

with little hardship which makes me feel like I’m good at that area of writing. Nothing feels better than

the feel that I just barely start something new and I’m so already masterful at it.

Probably backing up my ideas with proof and logic because to me that is the most important elements in

any kind of communication including writing. The principle is simple but hard to comply at the same

time because it’s simple in a way that the goal is achieving people’s agreement, but the hard part is how

to find sufficient evidence, facts that can earn their agreement. It’s like understanding the basic goal of

the job but it takes great knowledge to perform the job well. What I mean is finding the right facts or

proof that can support my work because sometimes it’s really easy to use weak or wrong facts or proof

for my paper.

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