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615 N.

Stillwater, OK

April 23, 2019

Mrs. Watkins
615 N. Monroe
Stillwater, Ok

Dear Mrs. Watkins,

The first essay that I chose to be in my portfolio is probably one of the most relatable essays I
have wrote, it was just one that I could speak from the heart and not have to really “work” on it, I
actually enjoyed working on it when I had too. The second letter I chose for a writing sample in
to be in my Portfolio was one that I am actually feel we should do and I am in full support of the
subject matter this was one that I feel on a personal level being in college like I am.
The third essay in the portfolio is one that I feel everyone should relate too, because I feel that
people should be neighborly in the ways that I described in the essay since, to me it is just a
general rule of thumb. The fourth essay in my Portfolio is probably the hardest and longest essay
I have ever wrote, being that I had to do a lot of research to inform myself more upon the
subjects of smart devices, and through doing research and writing the paper I feel better educated
and I hope that if someone is to read it that they would learn something from the essay itself.
This collection of essays as a whole to me, is something that I am proud of, I feel that these are
the best essays I have wrote in my college career and I feel that there is better ones to come but
at this point in time these are the best I have and are some of the most relatable. By writing these
essays in my first year as a college level student I feel that I have bettered myself as a writer and
I have expanded my abilities. I feel that these essays have made me a better writer simply
because of the fact that I have made myself not write the bare minimum and I have wrote
stronger essays and made myself write more than that. I feel that after being in these comp
classes and bettering myself as a writer that in having to write future papers I will make them
stronger and full of more information.

Hayden Dalluge

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