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Kayla Roze


Uno Rules - The Original Uno Card Game Rules. (n.d.). Retrieved from

W​hat is Macular Degeneration? - AMDF. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Uno card game with braille available from the Blind Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Equipment Needed
- Uno Cards

Activity Description
The object of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards in each round
and score points for the cards your opponents are left holding.
1. Each player draws a card, the player that draws the highest number deals (count
the cards with symbols as zero).
2. The dealer shuffles and deals each player 7 cards.
3. Place the remainder of the deck facedown and form a draw pile.
4. The top card of the draw pile is turned over to begin a discard pile
5. The person to the left will start the game.
6. You may play according to colors or numbers
7. If someone puts down a green 5, you may put down any green card, or a
different color card as long it’s a 5 as well.
8. Skip, reverse, and wild cards may be used at any time.
9. The first person with no cards left is the winner.

Primary Interaction Pattern

The primary interaction for Uno is multilateral interaction. Everyone is competing against
one another but there is no antagonist. I chose this interaction pattern because it is a
good way to promote friendly competition between the group.
One adaptation for individuals with Macular Degeneration is jumbo, braille Uno cards.
Macular Degeneration ​occurs when the small central portion of the retina, known as the
macula, deteriorates, making it difficult to see. Jumbo braille cards will allow them to feel
the numbers and cleary see any symbols and colors, as opposed to the smaller ones.

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