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Tyra Parker

A. Sensory Book
a. Educatall. (2016). ​Create your own sensory book​. Retrieved from
b. Huntsman, M. (2014, October 6). ​6 Best Ways to Stimulate Memories through
Photos​. Retrieved from
c. LinearaHandMade. (2019, March 18). ​Alzheimer Activity book Awareness
Support Fidget gift Busy Dementia aid Disease Insanity Love Stroke Patients
Hospital Memory Elderly Game​. Retrieved from
C. Photos (provided from family/friends), glue, fabric, ​plastic rings, button, lacing, fabric,
ribbons, polyester, zipper, buckles, ​Feathers, Sandpaper, Sand, Pebbles, Gravel, cotton
balls, Pasta, Rice
D. First, we will begin by using adhesive paper/ or fabric (up to client) to create the cover of
the book and bind those two pieces together. Next, we will use a hole-punch to make 3
holes on each page to bind to the cover & and the pages together. Next, we will decorate
each paper as the client desires, gluing their favorite sensory objects on each page. After
gluing is complete we’ll let them air dry for later use.
E. Aggregate- Participants actions will be directed at creating their own sensory books, and
not directed toward one another
F. Photos: photos are a great way to help alzheimer’s patients activate their memory and
help refamiliarize with family members & friends. Would be a great way to incorporate
memory triggering into activity.

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