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Kyla Osadche


Rock Painting


60 easy rock painting ideas that will inspire you. (n.d.). Retrieved from

How to Paint Rocks: Rock Painting Ideas for Kids. (2019, April 09). Retrieved from

Frequently Asked Questions on Intellectual Disability. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Equipment Needed

 Rocks
 Paint
 Newspaper or something to put down on the surface being painted on

Activity Description

1. Therapist can bring rocks with them or take participants outside to find rocks.
2. Once everyone has a rock, they can paint it however they would like
3. Therapist can choose a theme for participants paintings (optional)

Primary interaction Pattern

This activity would be Aggregate because all participants will be painting rocks together but are
not required to interact with other participants to successfully complete the activity. This activity is a
nice way to express participant’s emotions and interests.


 For this activity, the therapist can adapt the activity to each participant’s individual preferences,
depending on what the participant is trying to get out of the activity. For example, if the
participant has been feeling angry lately, they can express this anger through the art on the
rock. This would also work with other emotions like happiness, sadness, or anything just as long
as they are expressing their emotions or interests through art.
 If participants get overwhelmed therapist can give them limited options of colors or ideas for
easier decisions.
 Individuals with intellectual disabilities can also struggle with directions so the therapist may
have to repeat directions multiple times and work 1:1 with some participants to help them
accomplish their artistic goals. Therefore, an assistant could be beneficial for this activity.

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