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Directions: Study the following information carefully and an-
swer the questions given below.
Nine boxes B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, and B9 are kept
over one another and numbered from 1 to 9 but not neces-
sarily in the same order. There are at least three boxes be-
tween B4 and B7. B9 is always at the top. B2 is not an im-
mediate neighbor of B1 or B5. Box numbered as 6 is kept
just above the B5 and just below B6 and is at position 6
from top. There is only one box between the boxes numbered
4 and 5. Box B8 is marked as number 6. Either box B2 or
Box B5 is marked as number 2. The box which is marked as
number 3 is at 2nd position from bottom and the box which
is marked as number 8 is at 5th position from top. The box
which is marked as 1 and is always at the bottom. B1 is kept
at 3rd position from the top. Box B3 is numbered with an odd
prime number. There is one box between the boxes B3 and
B4. Box B4 is not numbered 4.

Question 1:-
Which of the following box is just kept below B2?
1) B7
2) B5
3) B8
4) B9
5) None of the above.

Question 2:-
Which box lies between B3 and B4?
1) B5
2) B3
3) B4
4) B1
5) B2

Question 3:-
Which boxes are between B4 and B7?
1) B1, B6, B8
2) B6, B8, B5
3) B2, B8, B5
4) B1, B2, B3
5) B9, B2, B5

Question 4:-
B3 is numbered with which number?
1) 5
2) 9
3) 6
4) 7
5) 1

Question 5:-
Which of the box is at bottom?
1) B1
2) B2

3) B3
4) B4
5) B5

End of English Notes

िनद� श: िन�िल�खत जानकारी का �ानपू व�क अ�यन कीिजए और नीचे िदए
गए प्र�ों के उ�र दीिजए।
नौ ब�े - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, और B9 एक-दू सरे के ऊपर
रखे गए ह� और 1 से 9 तक की सं �ा से अं िकत ह� ले िकन ज�री नहीं है
िक क्रम समान हो। B4 और B7 के बीच कम से कम तीन ब�े ह� । B9
हमे शा शीष� पर रहता है । B2, B1 या B5 का िनकटतम पड़ोसी नहीं है । 6
से अं िकत ब�े को B5 के ठीक ऊपर और B6 के ठीक नीचे रखा गया है
और यह शीष� से छठे �थान पर है । 4 और 5 से अं िकत ब�ों के बीच
केवल एक ब�ा है । ब�ा B8 को सं �ा 6 से िच��त िकया गया है । या
तो ब�ा B2 या ब�ा B5 सं �ा 2 से िच��त है । वह ब�ा जो सं �ा 3
से िच��त है नीचे से दू सरे �थान पर है और वह ब�ा जो सं �ा 8 से
िच��त है शीष� से पां चवे �थान पर है । वह ब�ा जो 1 से िच��त है और
वह सबसे सदै व नीचे रहता है । B1 को शीष� से तीसरे �थान पर रखा गया
है । ब�ा B3 को एक िवषम अभा� सं�ा से अं िकत िकया गया है ।
ब�ा B3 और B4 के बीच एक ब�ा है । ब�ा B4 को 4 से अं िकत नहीं
िकया गया है ।

Question1 :-
िन�िल�खत म� से कौन-से ब�े को B2 के ठीक नीचे रखा गया है ?
1) B7
2) B5
3) B8
4) B9
5) None of the above.

Question 2:-
B3 और B4 के बीच कौन-से बक्शे आते ह�?
1) B5

2) B3
3) B4
4) B1
5) B2

Question 3:-
B4 और B7 के बीच कौन-से बक्शे ह�?
1) B1, B6, B8
2) B6, B8, B5
3) B2, B8, B5
4) B1, B2, B3
5) B9, B2, B5

Question 4:-
B3 कौन-से संख्या से अं�कत है ?
1) 5
2) 9
3) 6
4) 7
5) 1

Question 5:-
कौन-सा बक्शा सबसे नीचे है ?
1) B1
2) B2
3) B3
4) B4
5) B5


Solution and Explanation:

Boxes – B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8 and B9

Number order – 1 to 9
1) B9 is always at the top.
2) Box numbered as 6 is kept just above the B5 and just be-
low B6 and is at position 6 from top.
3) The box which is marked as number 3 is at 2nd position
from bottom and the box which is marked as number 8 is at
5th position from top.

Number Boxes


8 B6



4) Box B8 is marked as number 6.

5) B1 is kept at 3rd position from the top.
6) The box which is marked as 1 and is always at the bot-

Number Boxes



8 B6

6 B8


7) B2 is not an immediate neighbour of B1 or B5.

The only place left for B2 is at the bottom of the stack.


Number Boxes



8 B6

6 B8


1 B2

8) There are at least three boxes between B4 and B7.

9) There is one box between the boxes B3 and B4.
10) Either box B2 or Box B5 is marked as number 2.
As box B2 is numbered 1, Box B5 is marked number2.


Number Boxes





8 B6

6 B8

2 B5

3 B7

1 B2

11) There is only one box between the boxes numbered 4

and 5.
12) Box B3 is numbered with an odd prime number.

Case 1 Case 2

Number Boxes Number Boxes

4/5 B9 7/9 B9


7 B3 5 B3

4/5 B1 7/9 B1

9 B4 4 B4

8 B6 8 B6

6 B8 6 B8

2 B5 2 B5

3 B7 3 B7

1 B2 1 B2

12) Box B4 is not numbered 4.

This condition eliminates Case 2.
Hence, Case 1 is the final arrangement.

Case 1

Number Boxes

4/5 B9

7 B3

4/5 B1

9 B4


8 B6

6 B8

2 B5

3 B7

1 B2

Since, B2 is at the bottom, no boxes can be kept below it.

Hence, correct answer is none of the above.


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