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Jack Sayan

English 10
White Tiger Essay

Balram lived in the dark for a long time but he find his way to the light. The darkness

and the light are huge symbols in the story.

In the village there is no help and that is the darkness because it is where the poorest of

the poor live. It is the darkness because Balram grew up in the village and experienced the

deprivation in the village. When Balram was younger his parents died and that was a huge sign

of darkness. Balram had his worst experience with handship when he had to take his father to

the hospital and he bled out on the floor. The doctors made Balram clean up the mess and left his

dad’s body on the floor. The darkness was also the river down near the village, It is dark

because it is dirty and there are dead animals, trash and sewage.

Balram talked about darkness when he was forced to marry a girl and he said no. After

that he and his brother had a rough relationship. He darkness is the saddest in the story and it is

hard to get to the light.

The light is the symbolises goals and dreams of Balram’s life and also represents the

rich. A light image is when Balram got a job as a taxi biker. He was a biker that took people

through the city and all over and was paid poorly, but started to work his way to the light. In

Balram's office he has a huge chandelier and that gives off light which symbolizes his growing


The light and the darkness are two different symbols in the story and it are seen through

the whole story.

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