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What happens to our society?

Currently, we can see that large number of cases of theft, traffic, deaths,
loneliness, etc. Large number of Young people between 15 years and up to 18
years, or up to 20 years have been envolved, so wonder why this happens?
My name is Jonathan Topp and i want to show my ideas to solve the problems
in society caused by Young people
In my opinión, young people need more attention than they already have, they
need someone to help them, i think oen way to solve this problema in a not very
complex way is to demand that school and even college have 1 or2
psychologists, this depends on the financial resources available in the
institution, so that Young people in cases of leneliness, severe depression,
among others, can Access this service with a special pass delivered by the
On the other hand, aslo to solve the problema of the crime that they cause in
society is to implement a system of retention in homes in a way that is a prison
but not as devastating as it is normal, making them adaptable for Young people
and not seeing it as something bad, it should be seen a support
Finally in my opinion, the cases of behavior that young people give are a big
problem in society, because for me and for many, young people are the future
of everything in general and having these behaviors some do not give much to
say. and answering the previous question of "why is this happening?" The truth
is that, for me, I believe that an average young person has many freedoms and
believes that they are people who are not, think they are older than they really

Name: Jonathan topp

Grade: 3ºc
Date: 29/05/2018

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