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Philosophy of Accessing Learning and Grading Student Learning

When it comes to being a teacher, it is important to always be aware of the

learning status of your students. As a teacher, these tests and assessments will be a

good way of knowing if your students are on track with all of the lessons and will prove if

they actually understand it or not. Often times, teachers who have students doing poorly

on tests, can often be a reflection on how they were teaching the lessons and if they

had the assessments in mind throughout their teaching. I know the importance of

learning and preparing for assessments being a student who was either doing well on

tests or not.

As a teacher, I will prepare the curriculum and prep for the assessments with the

test outcomes in mind. I think when teaching students it is hard to know if every single

student is on the same page and on track with you as a teacher. When I become a

teacher, I would love to incorporate class participation and to hear from each individual

students to get an idea of where my class is as a whole and even to lend a helping hand

to the students each lesson.

Every teacher has a different way of assessment approach for their class and

some work and some don’t. I think it's smart for teachers to choose their type of

assessment in their classroom and constantly work with it. When I become a teacher, I

will want to incorporate a formative assessment. I would like to have homework

assignments, group work, teacher and student conversation, and pretests to access my

students. I would love my students to take home work from class and be able to see

personally if they understand it or not. I also want to incorporate group work, often times
growing up, I personally found I learned a lot from other students in my group and they

could teach me things the teacher couldn't get through to me. As a teacher I want to

incorporate pretests the students will take before actual tests to see if they are grasping

the concept and be able to access their tests for better teaching later on.

As a teacher I believe there will be times where a way of teaching wont work with

your students and you will have to access the students knowledge and try something

new. I know I will make a great teacher one day because I genuinely care about the

students learning and will work hard to teach them in a way they will understand and


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