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Voice for the Planet

Dan Stewart/ London

Time Magazine

April 8, 2019

Pg. 42, 44, 45

Peyton Jackson

Mr. O’Grady

Contemporary World Issues

April 11, 2019

A New Day a New Planet

It is amazing to know that David Attenborough has been so influential, and actually for a

while now. Even when he was younger he worked with animals at the zoo, and with that job I’m

sure he became more in touch with nature, thus leading him to take on the role of filmmaking.

I’m surprised that as of today he is 92 years old and still working, and to hear how inspiring he is

is phenomenal. Especially when Frans de Waal says “He has shaped the views of millions of

people about nature… Always respectful, always knowledgeable.” I totally agree with the idea

that this movie should not just be another landmark movie. This movie is about stating the facts

and being frank with people, which is something I think our world needs to embrace. Many of us

get caught up and are really sensitive, but in truth our environment needs our help, and though it

may be tough to talk about we all have to “man up” and take part in saving the Earth.

Interestingly enough the audience was mostly directed towards those like Katowice,

Poland and Switzerland because they help take charge in acting upon the climate change.

Although the article talks about Our Planet, I would not have known that there are two other

movies called Blue Planet and Frozen Planet. All three movies raise concerns about the

environment, but like I said before bluntness and facts are what people need to hear. Our Planet

“is more explicit in its message” and I think that is what makes it stand out from other

environmental movies. Soon enough there will be a new movie, a sequel, in 2026, which could

further depict how far we’ve come and how far we need to go. Attenborough’s question: “Are

we going to be in time, and are we going to do enough?” is a tough but fair question that

everyone should think about. The world has to be honest with themselves and really deliver if

they want to make a change. After reading this article it makes me want to watch the movie

because of how impactful it can be on people around the world.

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