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Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan

Strategic Communications Plan

Hadley Case, Ness Doughty, McKensie Swensen, Travis Aiono

(Team B)

Salt Lake Community College

Business Communication 2200


Lon Schiffbauer
Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan
Strategic Communications Plan

The purpose of our campaign is to bring awareness of how important working and acting

with ethics and power in the workplace is. We want to be able to show our audience examples and

ideas on how to improve these skills in everything that they do. We will, of course, focus our

campaign in the workplace, but these skills that will be taught will not limit its use to the

workplace. We hope our audience can use this to further these skills and learn their importance.

For this campaign, we would also like to add the aspect of teamwork to this campaign as well

because we have a lot more of a platform because we are able to use three mediums, which will

be later described.

Objective of The Communications Campaign

The campaign will include many objectives, including giving examples to show our

audience how to implement these skills, give them the necessary steps to work on improving these

skills, as well as giving information to teach about what it means to work well with these skills.

We hope that by adding teamwork into the mix with ethics and power, that it will create a sturdy

bridge between them, which will allow our audience to understand our goal a lot easier. Without

the skill of teamwork, it’s very easy for ethics and power to get mixed up and separate from the

common goal of teamwork and being able to work great together.

We did well giving adequate examples on all platforms. We gave adequate examples of

each skill, teamwork, power and ethics in the workplace.

A great example given from the article “Work Ethics And Productivity Go Hand-In-Hand”

written by Rajguru Tandon, states that “If the leader sets himself up as an example, the team will

follow suit. And if the leader doesn’t stand up, the team will fall down. The team looks up to the

leaders for following a certain set of ethics practiced in the company. Leaders must conduct
Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan
themselves ethically and professionally, for the teams to follow suit.” This is a great example of

how all three of our most focused skills for this campaign go and work very effectively together.

This quote will be further expanded upon in our campaign so our audience can understand that

objective. We each were able to use our own skill we are trying to present in our own project while

working together. All of our skills worked together cohesively and were able to flow together very


Audience Analysis

The target demographics we hope to reach out to are:

● Specifically in a managerial position

● Works in Customer Service or Support

● 19 - 35 years old

The target psychographics we hope to reach out to those who:

● Value positive change

● Optimistic

● Prefer leadership

● Practice good ethics

● Are willing to grow

● Caring

We’ll relay an effective message about power and the benefits of appropriately using that

power and authority for anyone wanting more out of themselves and those they’re steward over.
Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan
A person who is actively engaged in bettering themselves will find our campaign profitable to

themselves, their coworkers and their company as a whole.

Messaging Goals

Based on the information given throughout this paper, we want our messages to be clear

for our audience. We want our audience to think about what they see, feel a change, and apply it

to their lives. Our team has decided they want the audience to take the following messaging goals.


● Understand all the skills and techniques given for using power and ethics in the


● Understand the value of teamwork and leadership in the workplace and how to be

either a leader or a part of a team.

● Understand that they have a lot to bring to the table and that they are important in

the workplace.


● Being a part of a team can help me get my message across to whoever I work with

and will help me feel included and important.

● Using the power and ethic skills given, I will feel more comfortable entering the


● If I want something more out of myself, I need to understand the importance of my

power in the workplace always.

Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan
● Start applying the skills given in the campaign to the workplace.

● Working in a team now will help when you one day join the workplace and in

knowing how to be a leader as well.

● Practicing power and ethics now. Using power and ethics respectively to boost

confidence and feel more comfortable entering the workplace.

Key Messages

It is important that our team's target audience learns and thinks about our information and

advice and can apply it one day. Of course, the audience can’t remember every single thing we say

about our projects, but they can remember a few key messages. The messages we hope our

audience can learn are:

● Teamwork is important when power and ethics are present in the workplace.

● If I follow these steps given when I join the workplace, I can be an effective worker who

makes the most change.

● I feel ready to step into the workplace with confidence and in using my best knowledge of

ethics and power.

● I now know the necessary skills to practice good ethics in the workplace.

Channels/Messages for The Communications Campaign

The channels that will be used for the Communications Campaign were chosen so that all

different audience member needs could be met. The channels include a newsletter, pamphlet, and
Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan
powerpoint. The three channels are all different and provided varying levels of depth to the content,

so different kinds of information could be more tailored. The newsletter provides a more personal,

in-depth look at the information, and due to space it would provide, there is a lot of room to make

the information look graphically appealing as well. The pamphlet would be more of an elevator

pitch of our project, available to people who just want the quick details. Lastly, with the powerpoint

presentation, there is an opportunity to target a more professional audience and make the point

easier to understand, since it would be like a lecture. With all of the channels chosen, the same

information will be relayed, just in varying depths and lengths, thus, hopefully making it more


● 1st Channel: Newsletter--Appropriate for targeting those in managerial positions in their

respective fields. The newsletter provides a more personal, in-depth look at the

information, due to the space it provides, so, it would be relevant to those with a special

interest in learning more about their field.

● 2nd Channel: Pamphlet--more of an elevator pitch of the project, but equally as

important. It could help managers in being able to present the information learned in a

variety of accessible ways to the workers since not everyone has an interest in something

as in-depth as a newsletter.

● 3rd Channel: Powerpoint--makes the point easier to understand since it would resemble

a lecture. There is more than just one learning style with not just our audience, but in

general, so it is important to address them. The powerpoint would be able to provide a

visually appealing way to relay the information of the project.

Tactical Plan

● Newsletter: Hadley
Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan
● Powerpoint: Travis

● Brochure: Ness & McKensie


In understanding the skills of ethics and power, our target audience will have an advantage

when entering the workplace. We hope that we can also get through to our audience of the

importance of teamwork and leadership in the workplace and in knowing how effective it can be.

Our team is confident that our audience will learn a lot from our campaign and that they will feel

comfortable entering the workplace knowing skills and the importance of power and ethics.

Debrief: Final Project

Overall, Team B’s project was completed successfully and all members made meaningful

contributions. Our team had the ability this semester to work around really tight and hectic

schedules and still manage to delegate fairly and get the assignments in. All team members had

something to contribute to each meeting about the final project and brought their personal

strengths to the project itself as well. There were, of course, some of the usual struggles that

came with scheduling as well, sometimes needing to push things out or forward. Overall, though,

our team worked through it and still produced a final project.

We learned the importance of working together, teamwork, which is the idea our final

project surrounded. The topics that were covered were practiced through our projects, not only

this final project but all projects throughout this course. We were able to work together ethically

by completing our portions of the assignments fully and on time so we didn’t let anyone else

down in the team. We had ethics while speaking to each other and respected each other's ideas.
Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan
This allowed our projects to reach their most potential and allowed our group to grow together

with new ideas and the capability to work through any problems that arose. We learned to have

power when communicating with each other by letting each other know when we were free and

were honest with what work we could actually complete with each of our schedules. This helped

each of us to take charge and work out what we each needed to be successful.

We practiced what we preached for sure. We were able to learn from the others in the

group and lean on others for help and support, which is the true definition of teamwork. We

learned that assignments can be difficult and confusing but working with others can allow you to

have a deeper understanding and knowledge about what is expected of you. Without these

lessons of ethics, power, and teamwork, it is very likely that our group would have disagreed

more and wouldn’t have been able to get the actual projects done on time or with quality. It

would have been a fend-for-yourself type course. Working with others with these skills allows

this class to teach us a lot more about working and communicating with others.
Running Head: Strategic Communications Plan

Samuel, Alexandra. (2016, March 11) “Psychographics Are Just as Important for Marketers as

Demographics” Retrieved from:


Tandon, R. (2017, November 6). What can be done to improve work-ethics in an organisation?

Retrieved April 3, 2019, from


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