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चित्रकऱा (सैध्दान्तिक)
(भारिीय कऱा का इचिहास)
(History of Indian Art)
Sample Question Paper-2018-19

ननधधाररत समय : 2 घण्टे अनधकतम अंक :

Time allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 40

सामातय चिदे श:

(i) सभी आठ प्रश्न अननवया है , जिनके अंक समधन हैं ।

(ii) प्रश्न संख्यध 1 व 2 कध प्रत्येक उत्तर ऱगभग 200 शब्दों में तथध प्रश्न सधंख्य 3, 4 व 5 कध प्रत्येक
उत्तर ऱगभग 100 शब्दों में नऱजिए। प्रश्न संख्यध 6, 7 व 8 वस्तुननष्ठ प्रकधर के हैं ।

General Instruction:

(i) All the eight questions are compulsory which carry equal marks.
(ii) Answers to be written for question nos. 1 and 2 about 200 words each and for question
nos. 3, 4 and 5 in about 100 words each. Question nos. 6, 7 and 8 are objective type.

1. अऩने ऩधठ्यक्रम में सजममनऱत ककसी एक रधिस्थधनी अथवध ऩहधड़ी ऱघु- नित्र कध 5
सौंददा - वववेिन मुख्यत ननमननऱजित व द
ं ओ
ु ं के आधधर ऩर कीजिए:
(अ) शीषाक तथध नित्रकधर / उऩ - शैऱी कध नधम
( ) मधध्यम एव तकनीक
(स) ववषय - वस्तु
(द) संयोिन
Appreciate any Rajasthani or Pahari miniature Painting including your course
of study duly basedon the following points:
(a) Title and name of the painter / sub – school
(b) Medium & Technique ‘
(c) Subject – matter
(d) Composition
2. आऩ अऩने ऩधठ्यक्रम में सजममनऱत मुग़ऱ अथवध दजखिनी ऱघु - नित्र शैऱी के नित्रों 5
को खयों ऩंसद अथवध नधऩसंद करते है ? अऩने उत्तर थध आनित्य उऩयुक्त उदधहरणों
सकहत ववस्तधऩूवक
ा नसध्द कीजिए।
Why do you like or dislike the painting of the Mughal or Deccan school of

Miniature Painting included in your course of study? Justify your answer in
detail with suitable examples.

3. . भधरतीय रधष्डीय ध्वि में कौन से उच्ि मधनवीय िीवन - मूल्य संस्थधवऩत हैं , जिनकी 5
अनभव्यनत इसमें प्रयुक्त आकधरों एवं रं गों के द्वधरध होती है ? हमधरे रधष्डीय ध्वि को
दे िकर आऩको खयध प्रेरणध नमऱती है ।
Which high values of human life are incorporated in the forms and colours
used in it? What inspiration do you get from seeing our National Flag ?

4. ननमननऱजित समकधऱीन (आधुननक) भधरतीय कऱधकृ नतयो में से ककसी एक की 5

संयोिन - व्यवस्थध ऩर एक समीऺधत्मक कटप्ऩणी यथधनतनथ सोंददा मधऩदण्डों के
आधधर ऩर नऱजिए :
(1) श्रम की वविय अथवध (एक मूनता - नशल्ऩ)
(2) िधदग
ू र अथवध (एक नित्र)
(3) िऱधव्रत (भंवर) (एक छधऩध - नित्र)
Write a critical – note on the compositional – arrangement of any of the
following contemporary (Modern) Indian art. Words duly bsed on the aesthetic
– Parameters:
(1) Triumph of harbor (a- scupture)
(2) Magician (a- Painting)
(3) Whirl-boal (a- graphic – Print )

5. अऩने ऩधठ्यक्रम में सजममनऱत रधिस्थधनी अथवध ऩहधड़ी ऱघु - नित्र शैऱी के एक 5
सं ध्द नित्र की ऩहिधन कीजिए, जिसमे नऱमननऱजित ववशेषतधए समधववत हों और
उन्हें उस नित्र में तदनुदधन समझधइए :
(अ) रधिस्थधनी ऱघु - नित्र में सरऱ एवं सीधे - सधधे संयोिन करे की ऩरमऩरध ,
जिसमे गहरे अथवध िमकीऱे रं गो की स्ऩष्ट ऩृष्ठ भूनम के सधमने मुख्य आकृ नतयध स्ऩष्ट
उभर कर आती है ।
( ) ऩहधड़ी ऱघु- नित्रों में कृ ष्ण - ऱीऱध प्रसंगो कध अंकन।
Indentify any relevant painting including in your course of study comprising of
the following features and explain them in that painting according>
(a) The tradition of simple and straight forward compositions in the
Rajasthani miniature painting, in which main figure stand out against a
flat background in dark or bright colours.
(b) Depiction of the Krishna – hila themes in the Pahari miniature

6. अऩने ऩधठ्यक्रम में सजममनऱत मुग़ऱ तथध दजखिन शैनऱयों के ककन्ही ऩ ि

ॉँ ऱघु - 5
नित्र के शीषाक तधइए।
Mention the titles of any five miniature- Paintings of the Mughal and Deccan

Schools included in your course of study.

7. अऩने ऩठ्यक्रम में सजममनऱत ि

ं धऱ शैऱी के नऱमननऱजित नित्रकधरों में से प्रत्येक के 5
द्वधरध नननमात नित्र कध शीषाक तधइए:
(अ) रववंद्रनधथ टै गोर
( ) नन्दऱधऱ ोझ
(द) शधरदधिरण उकीऱ
(थ) रधम गोऩधऱ ववियवगीय
Mention the title of the Painting done by each of the following Painters of the
Bengal School included in your course of study:
(a) Abanindranath Tagore
(b) Nandlal Bose
(c) Kshitindranath Majumar
(d) Sardacharan Ukil
(e) Ramgopal Vijaivargiya

8. अऩने ऩधठ्यक्रम में सजममनऱत (समकधऱीन) भधरतीय कऱध के ककन्ही तीन नित्रकरो, 5
एक छधऩध - निकतरकर तथध एक मूनताकधर के नधम तधइय, िो आऩकी दृष्टी में
महत्वऩूणा है ।
Mention the names of any there Painters, a graphic – artist and a sculptor of
the contemporary (Modern) Indian Art included in your course of study, who
are important in your view.

Sample Marking Scheme-2018-19

Time allowed: 2 hrs Maximum Marks: 40

All the instructions mentioned with question paper must be adhered by all the

1. 1. This is a question of understanding and long answer type. A candidate id 5 Marks

expected to appreciate any miniature painting of the Rajasthani or Pahari
School unclouded in the course of study duly based on the given
parameters as mentioned in the question :
Division of Marks
A Title and name of the painting / sub – school 1 marks
B Medium & technique 1 marks
C Subject – matter 1.5 marks 5 marks
D Composition 1.5 marks
2. 5 Marks
This is a question of application skill and long answer type. A candidate is
expected to choose any of the Mughal or Decani miniature painting included in
the course of study, choice he/ she may likes or dislikes most. A candidate is
expected to justify his / her answer in dated with suitable examples, duly based
are the parameters of appreciation.

3. This is a value based, understanding and short answer type question. A candidate 5 Marks
is expected to recall and visualize the high values of human life incorporated in
the Indian National Flag which expressed through the form and colours used in it.
It is also expected to state that what inspiration he/she gets from the national

4. This is an evaluation based and short answer type question. A candidate is

expected to write a critical – note on the compositional arrangement of any of the
following contemporary (modern) Indian Art – works duly based on the aesthetic
parameters. Fundamentals of visual Art (Elements and Principles) :
(i) Triumph of Labour ( a sculpture) :
(ii) Magician (a painting)
(iii) Whirlpool (a graphic – print ) 2.5 Marks
Division of Marks : 2.5 Marks
(i) The Elements
(ii) The principles
5. This is a question of higher order thinking shill and short answer type. A candidate 5 Marks
is exacted to ‘ identify any relevant painting of the Rajasthani or Pahrai Schol of
Miniature Painting included in the course of study comprising of any of the
following features’ and explain them in that particular painting according. He/she
is expected to identify any of following paintings :
(a) Rajasthani School:

(i) Raja Aniruddha Singh Hara
(ii) Radha
(b) Pahari School:
(i) Krishna with Gopis
(ii) Nand , Yashoda and Krishna with kinsmen going to Vrindavana
Radha and Krishna looking into the Mirror
6. This is a ‘ remembering based (knowledge)’ and objective type question. A 5 Marks
candidate is expected to mention the titles of any five out of the following 6
Mughak miniatures and 5 Deccani miniatures , which are included in the course of

7. This is a ‘remembering based (knowledge)’ and objective type question. The 5 Marks
correct answer are as following :

8. This is ‘remembering based (knowledge)’ and objet type question. A candidate is 5 Marks
free to mention the names of any three out of the 9 paintings, any of the 5 graphic
– artists and any of the 6 sculptors of the contemporary (modern) Indian Art,
which are included in the course of study.

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