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Being honest is one of the most important aspects of family.

During the 8th grade I

started to feel different from other people.There would be moments of happiness but
whenever I was left alone I would constantly have negative thoughts. Being bullied as a
child I never really thought that highly of myself. After I was dumped by a girl I was
neglected and pushed me out of social circles I thought I could trust. It was the first time
I truly felt alone in my life. Even my friends I had at the time I fell apart from. School
never really helped out that much being a very stressful and negative thing for me. I still
remember the day it happened. I came home on a particularly bad day. And my parents
had an intervention with me about grades. I was failing because I stopped caring about
what happened at school or my life in general. I started to cry. I was screaming about
how none of it mattered and how I didn't care anymore. That's when they realized
something. I had depression. After going through a couple therapists I found one to stick
with, while constantly changing up antidepressants. But it wasn't my lowest point. After
going through another girl situation and getting emotionally damaged, I considered
ending my life. Thankfully I was stopped from doing anything rash, but it was a big wake
up call. A year later, I still got to therapy and take medication. I try to have a happier
outlook on life and to be a positive person. I learned a lot from this experience like being
a positive person and to balance my life. I'm still learning a lot and have more to
improve on. That's what makes me who I am.

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