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Read BEFORE performing Each “One Eye Of God” envelope have been hand made with special care and attention and are held together with double sided tape as opposed to glue. This way of holding the envelopes together was decided upon on purpose to allow owners to easily repair and maintain their envelopes to get the maximum wear and usage out of these. Before each performance ensure all of the flaps of the envelopes are securely sealed replacing the double sided tape with fresh tape if required. You may also find that applying further pressure along the creases of the envelopes will help the envelopes stay in tact and stop them from unfolding during performance. I decided not to use glue to ensure the envelopes could easily be repaired and re-used and would remain neat and this trade of in production means you will need to check your envelopes are correctly held together before each performance and take responsibility for their upkeep. With proper care these envelopes should last many performances. If you find your envelope is unresponsive after following all of the tips outlined in these instructions then you may need to place your envelopes in a cold place such as the fridge for a minute and then heat the peek window with a hair dryer for 30 seconds, to fully activate the special thermochromic material. One Eye of God One Eye of God is a peek envelope like no other. It is an entirely self-contained, normal and pretty- looking gift-card style envelope which can be shown to be completely opaque on both sides. Yet, you are able to always see clearly through it whenever you wish for the envelope to reveal the secrets of its contents to you. There are no slits or moving parts. No use of alcohol to make the envelope transparent or any chemicals which need to be applied. In fact, nothing is added or taken away. The ingenious envelope does everything for you. It is self-working and resets on its own. No magnets. No thread. No elastics. No electronics. No holding it up to the light or placing it inside another envelope. The participant writes their thought on a business card. This can be a name, word, number or a small drawing.

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